This picture was taken Wednesday morning, the day after the Massachusetts Massacre. We have no idea what this poor woman was trying to prove but just moments later, she announced that health care would be pushed through by "hook or crook."
That was then, this is now.
"I don't think it's possible to pass the Senate bill in the House," Pelosi told reporters at her weekly press conference this morning. "I don't see the votes for it at this time."
And there you have it; after 10 months of One Party rule and the Promise of a new and better time, the Lefties currently in power have succeeded in doing little more than "tipping their hand" as to their real intentions. The Pointie Head in the White House abandoned the Leftist tactic of incrementalism and proceeded to bring the Progressive agenda into its full reality during his first term in office. THAT was the change he was talking about. We thought he had in mind bipartisanship and civility and transparency. Silly Americano's.
Marxism is the philosophy that drives Progessive thought and tactics. It is the very opposite to an open and free society as defined by the United States Constitution. Midknight Review believes that Obama's only contact with the founding document is one of a critical nature. His study and teaching of the Constitution and the related historicity of this nation is one of a disenfranchised black man -- although he, himself, is neither "disenfranchised" or wholly black. He was raised a privileged white boy, given a secular/existential conscience, sent to the best schools and when it was all said and done, Barack Hussein Obama had grown up an empty suit. He knew early on that he was born with a golden spoon, that he came across as both intellectual and trustworthy, that he looked more black than white. How could politics not be in his future. So, between puffs of the Happy Weed and the youthful misuse of crack, Obama decided to take advantage of the hand life dealt him. He cultivated the notion of an "intellectual" in college (Columbia). He learned to be a black man in the heart of Chicago. And he found purpose as a community organizer working with ACORN and SEIU. That is his life and his qualification for President. While threats to local CEO's, demonstrations in front of their homes and inflammatory news releases to the press worked well in the dark shadow's of Chicago, such tactics were destined for failure as president of the United States.
And today, Nancy Pelosi announced this failure into existence. The Marxist Spend-Happy Democrat leadership needed all that tax money coming from the first four years of the health care reform bill. Now, the debt caused by their unbridled spending is about to become more problematic than "they" had ever intended (in the short term).
Hopefully, Scott Brown's victory has initiated the beginning of the demise of Obama's army. On Christmas Eve, Obama secured unfettered funding for ACORN [surprised ??]. That is a bad thing. But he cannot accomplish anything of substance without a legislative body that will put into law the Progressive agenda as defined by the current leadership. The Brown Victory may have marked the beginning of the end for the liberal influence in Congress. Understand that they are never going away but their influence can be set back 50 years, depending on how effective the Conservative Advantage becomes over the course of 2010.
Our work is just beginning. We must prosecute our objectives and remain vigilant as a free people. More than this, we - as a people - must be informed as to the nature and scope of this thing called "Constitutional governance" and the societal influences that have been borne of its command. Important questions need to be asked and answered such as:
1. How do we continue the tension between federalism and nationalism as defined in the US Constitution?
2. What is "free market capitalism" ?
3. What are the problematic issues associated with a elected legislature?
4. To what degree is the US Constitution a "living document."
5. Conversely, t0 what degree are Constitutional principles "written in stone?"
While many are celebrating the death of the most recent take-over attempt of our national economy, we must learn what that actually means. Ignorance of such matters is much more our real enemy than anything coming from the Left. Understand that the game is played between the Left and the Right, that this will never change. In a free society, this war of political wills cannot be eliminated. What is critical, then. is the prosecution of the "game." The mediation of political freedom is at stake and the course of our national will hangs in the balance. --- jds
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