His Nigerian father reported the young man to the US Consulate and conferenced with the CIA regarding his concerns for his son's intentions.
Umar was then put on a watch list but never put on a no-fly list, in spite of the fact that the father had reportedly told the CIA that his son had been radicalized and was in Yemen training with Al-Qaeda. That terrorist organization had its birth in Yemen and has, apparently, moved back to that country, using it as a base for training and political protection. It is such a threat that Senator Diane Feinstein (D-Ca), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, has asked Hussein Obama to NOT send any more GITMO prisoners to that country, as planned. One would think this to be a no brainer but when "no brainer" rules the day, no telling what will happen in this regard. John Boehner, minority leader in the House has been asking for information as to the specific plans of the Administration in its fight against Muslim terror without having received a single word in reply. Represtnative Frank Wolf (R-Va) has sent 5 letters to Mr. Obama about the his concerns, requesting information currently being withheld by Obama. Again, no response. Information is also being withheld concerning the Fort Hood Muslim killings of soldiers in that facility - Obama's first public response was to comfort and reassure the world's Muslim population. His Attorney General recently released 3 Black Muslims for further penalities after they had been convicted of crimes related to thier violent activities on election day, '08. No transparency. No conference with Congress. Favoritism shown to convicted Muslims and over-concern for the feelings of the Muslim world. Sounds like a sound basis from which to craft an aggressive response to terror ??
Umar had explosive powder known as PETN sown into the hem of his underwear. 100 grams of this powder will destroy a car and Umar had 80 grams on his person. He spent 20 minutes in the plane's restroom apparently making ready for his death plans. Had he stayed in the bathroom, perhaps he would have succeeded in his efforts but, instead, he came back to his seat, covered his legs with a blanket and set that blanket on fire. Passengers on the plane attacked the young man and ended the attempt.
The Homeland Security department head is Janet Napolitano. She was named as head of this agency in spite of the fact that she had absolutely no specific background in security training and remains grossly unqualified. On Sunday, she proclaimed the effectiveness of Homeland Security measures with regard to this incidence and Monday, had to back off that embarrassing comment. The fact is that security measures failed at all stages of this incident. Here are the facts: the man's father actually met with CIA members with his warning; an identical attempt was prevented in Somali last month (November of '09) with the man in that case being arrested in the airport; Umar purchased a $3000 plane ticket without a passport. The ticket was for a one-way flight. He had no luggage and no carry-ons . . . . and he looked like a Muslim terrorist (racial profiling? Oh, you betcha !!) and was a foreigner flying to America. Where in all this does Napolitano see success for Homeland protection? Sure, she corrected herself but what could she have been thinking in the first place !!? And if the Administration's first response is to create statements that protects itself from criticism - well, what kind of confidence does that instill?
Perhaps the most troubling of all facts related to this issue is the story reported in the TimesOnLine:
Hundreds of al-Qaeda militants are planning terror attacks from Yemen, the country’s Foreign Minister said today. Abu Bakr al-Qirbi appealed for more help from the international community to help to train and equip counter-terrorist forces. His plea came after an al-Qaeda group based in Yemen claimed responsibility for the failed Christmas Day airliner bomb plot. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, alleged to be behind the attempt to blow up an American-bound aircraft, spent time in Yemen with al-Qaeda and was in the country only days before the failed attack.
The article goes on to quote Yemen's Prime Minister as numbering the terrorists-in-training at between 200 and 300. They have security equipment on which they practice passing through. One technique is to place the explosives in a condom along with an ignitor of some sort and swallowing the "bomb." They have money (some financing coming from Iran) and an increasing expertise.
Senator Lieberman told the pundits on the Sunday news shows that Yemen is tomorrow's war. While the Lefties hate talk of war (and who is "for" war?) , the Right hates stupidity. Maybe sending GITMO prisoners back to Yemen is not the place to start with our new policy on fighting the terror wars . . you think?
article by editor.
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