Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality.
Arizona Republicans say the state is legitimately in play after midterm elections that saw Kyrsten Sinema become the first Democrat to win a Senate seat in three decades by capitalizing on the president’s vulnerability in the vote-rich Phoenix suburbs. They say the Trump campaign and RNC share their ominous assessment and expect money and manpower to pour in.
Democrats dismiss Biden as front-runner in name only — In another election, at another time, the late entrance of a well-funded candidate leading in the polls might send convulsions through the primary field. — But Joe Biden's arrival into the 2020 race has not had that effect.
Campaign Manager Brad Parscale, in an interview on Sunday, said most of the funds came from small-dollar donations. Parscale also discussed how initiatives like the “send a brick” campaign allow the President Trump’s supporters to be a part of the movement. He adds “it’s a way for them {supporters} somewhere in the middle of Nebraska, who’s so far from the system, who wants to be involved, this is a way for them to put $25, $45 and say ‘look, I want to make a difference.'”
NYT: Pres. Obama pressed Joe Biden not to run for president in 2016
OAN Newsroom UPDATED 2:12 PM PT – Sunday April 28, 2019
Former-President Barack Obama reportedly pressured 2020 presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden not to pursue a 2016 run for the White House.
Bolton confirms U.S. signed document to pay North Korea for Otto Warmbier
National security adviser John Bolton confirmed on "Fox News Sunday" that a Trump administration official signed a document pledging to pay North Korea a $2 million hospital bill to release Otto Warmbier, though he said no money was ultimately transferred.
Trump has rescued 21 hostages from enemy hands - more in two years than any other president. And all without paying a ransom. Barack, on the other hand, paid 5 million dollars to free nine hostages taken by the Muslim Brotherhood back in the day sehn Egypt was unsettled . . . . . 5 million. And the American press coverred it up.
In what has become commonplace after every mass shooting, a parade of
leftists denigrated the concept of “thoughts and prayers” as they
pushed for gun control after Saturday’s shooting at San Diego’s Chabad of Poway Synagogue. While President Donald Trump
and others used the age-old phrase to express sympathy for the victims
and appeal to a higher power, leftists mocked the term in favor of gun
control. (RELATED: Trump Praises Off-Duty Border Patrol Agent Who Engaged Synagogue Shooter) “Spare
us your thoughts and prayers,” Rep. Eric Swalwell tweeted. “It’s an
alibi for inaction. You told the NRA yesterday you’d keep dangerous guns
in the hands of dangerous people. We will take it from here with
Around 12,000 filled the stadium to the rafters with another 12,000 to 15,000 outside and . . . . get this . . . . . . 62,000 had written in for tickets. The rally three weeks ago saw 130,000 request tickets with 17,000 fillings that stadium to the rafters.
30 million raised in the 1st quarter of this year; 40 million in cash on hand and bigger crowds than in 2016.
Editor: He can't send them to the jail if they are protected by Executive Privilege. Certainly, if they are forced to testify, they can either 'take the fifth," simply refuse to answer, or, referring to previous testimony before there investigative commissions, say "Asked and answered." Trump and his Administration has left us with 400 pages of notes and testimony. That's enough.
Joe Biden said his proudest moment of Obama’s Presidency was that there was not “one whisper of scandal”.
What a crock! Nearly six dozen federal inspector generals approached Congress to ask lawmakers to step in and stop Obama’s crackdown on their efforts to audit and investigate the corrupt Obama Administration. And, Hillary’s department didn’t even have an inspector general!
Joe Biden, former Obama VP and Democrat candidate for President stated that his proudest moment of the Obama administration was that it had not “one whisper of scandal.”
This Wall Street Journal report from 2015 gives more details and worth the read. Understand that an Inspector General is an overseer looking for misconduct, among other issues. There is an I.G. for every department in the federal government.
The wife of former Chief of Staff to Mike Pence Joshua Pitcock was working for Peter Strzok and investigating into Hillary Clinton’s crimes. This comes after it was reported on Thursday that lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were “cultivating sources” to spy and inform them on President Trump. It is not clear at this point Pitcock’s involvement in this development.
“I’m incredibly proud to have served with him,” Biden said. “The thing I’m proudest of is we were each in a different part of the country and we were each talking to groups of people that were being televised. Purely coincidentally we said the same thing. We were asked what are you proudest of from your administration? You know what I said — he said the same thing as I did. No one single whisper of scandal. That’s because of Barack Obama.” ~ Joe the Blow Biden. Editor: Barack was the first to tell this outrageous lie. It ignores or pretends these events never happened:
Attorney General Holder cited on a criminal complaint for ignoring a congressional subpoena.
Barack's Administration sold 2200 guns and rifles to the various members of the Mexican Cartel in an effort to frame the NRA for illegal gun sales, guns used to kill more than 300 Mexicans and two Federal border agents. The reader knows this event as "Fast and Furious."
Then there was the as Benghazi cover-up and the event that saw four Americans murdered in Benghazi. Our Ambassador to Libya was one of the victims. Before his murder, he was raped a number of times. Two of our Embassy guards fought the enemy for nearly seven hours, not know that Obama had given them up , gone to bed five hours before they were killed and went to Nevada on a campaign swing.
Joe Biden announced that Seal Team Six was responsible for killing Osama bin Laden 12 weeks before the Taliban shot down a helicopter carrying 30 members of the Seal Team. To make matters worse, Barack would not allow an air-defense of the chopter as it came under fire. I don't call this a "scandal," I call it murder.
Then, there was the IRS scandal that shut down more than 300 conservative groups seeking status to receive donations for the 2012 election cycle.
Wesley Morgan / Politico: Trump leaves Pentagon power vacuum — A quarter of the Pentagon's most senior civilian posts remain filled by temporary personnel who are unconfirmed by the Senate - a high number that has slowed decisions, handicapped the department in policy disputes and shifted more power to the White House
Editor: "Yes," I am saying "Its all the fault of the Resistance. Has it slowed the President? Not exactly. The man is a one horse army. He outworked Hillary, the GOP Administrative cabal (the Anti-Trumpers), the Democrat opposition and Mueller . . . . . just another reason for believing in a Trump Second Term.
The family of the late Republican Arizona Sen. John McCain is
reportedly planning to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden’s 2020
presidential campaign. McCain’s widow, Cindy, and daughter, Meghan
— a co-host on ABC’s “The View”— will endorse Biden’s campaign at some
point after the former vice president officially announces, according to a Wednesday report from the Washington Examiner, citing sources close to Biden’s campaign and the McCain family.
The court hearing in the case against Daleiden and Merritt – which was to have begun Monday in San Francisco Superior Court – has been suspended until further notice.
California Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye stopped preliminary hearings against the journalists until the court can review the contents of a motion filed by Liberty Counsel, which is representing Merritt against 15-count felony criminal charges. The motion seeks to recuse California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and his office from prosecuting the criminal complaint.
In January, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals discredited the smear by Planned Parenthood and its allies in the abortion industry that the videos produced by CMP were “heavily edited” or “doctored.”
In December 2017, based on documents and referral from the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Department of Justice reportedly launched a federal investigation into the allegations that Planned Parenthood and its allies in the biomedical procurement industry profited from the sale of the body parts of aborted babies.
Breitbart News reached out to the Justice Department Monday to confirm the existence of the investigation. Peter Carr, spokesman for the department, responded, “As a matter of policy, the department generally neither confirms nor denies whether a matter is under investigation.”
The case is California v. Daleiden, No. 250250517006621, in Superior Court of California, San Francisco County. .
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Trump wins over big donors who snubbed him in 2016
— Deep-pocketed Republicans who snubbed Donald Trump in 2016 are going
all in for him in 2020, throwing their weight behind a newly created
fundraising drive that's expected to dump tens of millions into his
reelection coffers.
Carter Page was used by the Dems to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump administration via a pretense at prosecuting Carter Page. I write "pretense" because, after the warrant and three renewals, Page was not indicted for a single offense. Why? Because there was NOTHING for Mueller to prosecute.
And what does this mean? The frustrating truth is this: the very basis for the Mueller investigation was totally bogus.
It is a fact that Trump had good reasons for firing Comay, reasons outlined by the Assistant Attorney General. Mueller was rejected from being head of the FBI and the following day, was appointed as the Special Prosecutor . . . . so "yes" there was a conflict of interest rooted in possible bias. The President had the right to fire Mueller. Had Mueller been fired, the Russian Hoax would have continued unimpeded. Guilty people use bleashbit on their hard-drives, hide their emails by the tens of thousands, destroy the Sim Cards in their collection of Blackberry phones, and use hammers to destroy their phones. Trump did none of that, even refusing to hide behind "executive privilege. In fact, he complied with all the demands of Mueller. "What about his refusal to be physically interviewed?" And the answer to this is rather simple. After a year of negotiations, Mueller decided he did not need to question the President and allowed the President to continue without an interview . . . . . hence, "no obstruction."
“And the best precedent for that is George H.W. Bush, who pardoned Casper Weinberger and five other people on the eve of the trial,” Dershowitz said. “The special prosecutor said he obstructed justice, but he couldn’t be charged with it. And they never mentioned the Bush case in the Mueller report. Mueller was in the Bush administration. Barr was in the Bush administration. And they deliberately omit as the leading precedent, which would preclude a president from being charged with obstruction for simply exercising his constitutional authority.” ~ Allen Dershowitz
Bernie is a secular Jew which means, he is an atheist. Hillary and Obama claim "Christianity" but will not stand up for the Christian faith on this day, the day Christ rose from the dead.
When Trump fired Comey, that did not impede the Muller investigation because Comey was replaced. If Mueller had been fired, Someone in Justice would have taken his place . . . . no actually obstruction would have occurred. By contrast, when Hillary stole her own emails, that ended the opportunity to investigate those emails . . .. OBSTRUCTION. When Hillary ran "bleach bit" on her server, that ended an investigation of her server . . . . OBSTRUCTION. When Hillary smashed her Blackberry phones and destroyed the Sem Cards, that ended any possibility of investigation those items . . . . OBSTRUCTION. NOTHING Trump did or wanted to do after the Mueller Investigation began, obstructed or could have obstructed the investigation. Let's not forget that Mueller FINISHED his investigation and cited his conclusions as to collusion.
Jeffery Toobin of CNN fame, their resident lawyer, admitted on Saturday, in a group discussion on CNN, that for every one of the 10 events outlined by Mueller in his Part II report there are viable explanations having nothing to do with "obstruction."
Can you imagine a trial for impeachment, a trail for the purpose of proving high crimes and misdemeanors, in which the Dems showed evidence that Trump wanted to fire Mueller while the GOP proved that when all the talk was done, Mueller wasn't fired. Or, the Twin Towers meeting Donnie attended, a meeting promising "dirt" on Hillary (as if opposition research was illegal) while the GOP proved there was no dirt, the meeting was a dud and Don Jr left the meeting within 10 minutes. Or, Comey's firing by Trump . . . a "clear attempt to impede the investigation," while the GOP shows evidence that Hillary would have fired the man had she won, that the Assistant A.G., Rod Rosenstein, recommended his firing in writing, and - most importantly - his firing did not impede the Mueller investigation at all.
So let the Dems have their trial. It will be a joke for the entire nation to see and the Democrats know it . . . . well, the leadership knows. There is no smoking gun, there are no events proving obstruction, Mueller FINISHED his investigation and Trump did nothing to stop the investigation.
After the House votes to impeach the president, the chief justice of the Supreme Court will preside over a trial in the Senate, during which a team from the House functions as the prosecution and the president has defense lawyers. The President is found "guilty" after two-thirds of the Senate votes for his guilt. It will all be on camera and in the public arena. Ain't going to happen. All the Dems have is a list of Trump threats and "want to's," but not a single event of obstruction, itself. So let them go in camera and make fools of themselves.
Look, an impleachment trial is a public event. It occurs in front of cameras. And the Dems simply do not have a case that is definitive to the issue of "obstruction of justice."
Mueller listed 10 events that could lead to Obstruction . . . . that could lead to . . . . Doesn't sound very convincing to me.
At this trial and using Mueller's thinking, Trump wanted to fire Mueller on grounds of conflict of interest. The conflict was obvious as was Mueller's bias . . . I mean he wrote the case for "obstruction," right? How bias can you get??!!
But more than this, Mueller was never fired. In fact, Mueller's investigation was never given interference from the Trump Camp, not a single event of obstruction.
And without a smoking gun, the trial would be another huge bust for the Democrat brain trust. They have nothing but Trump's anger and expressed desire to stop the investigation WITHOUT ANY ACTIONABLE EVENTS related to obstruction. They only have Trump's talk . . . . no interference.
The two-pronged conspiracy theory that has dominated U.S. political discourse for almost three years – that (1) Trump, his family and his campaign conspired or coordinated with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, and (2) Trump is beholden to Russian President Vladimir Putin — was not merely rejected today by the final report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. It was obliterated: in an undeniable and definitive manner.
The key fact is this: Mueller – contrary to weeks of false media claims – did not merely issue a narrow, cramped, legalistic finding that there was insufficient evidence to indict Trump associates for conspiring with Russia and then proving their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. That would have been devastating enough to those who spent the last two years or more misleading people to believe that conspiracy convictions of Trump’s closest aides and family members were inevitable. But his mandate was much broader than that: to state what did or did not happen.
That’s precisely what he did: Mueller, in addition to concluding that evidence was insufficient to charge any American with crimes relating to Russian election interference, also stated emphatically in numerous instances that there was no evidence
Over the past two-plus years, how did Trump ultimately respond to the Mueller Investigation:
He committed no criminal wrong doing. He withheld nothing from Mueller. He concealed nothing. He deleted nothing. He destroyed nothing and he bleached nothing. They asked him from his emails and supporting documents so he turned over 1.4 million pages of documents. He never hid behind "executive privilege." He did not impede the Mueller investigation in any way although there were times he wanted to. You would too, if falsely accused. he did not destroy subpoenaed emails. He allowed his WH Counsel to testify for 30 hours.
Trump campaign associates 'materially impaired' investigation by lying, Mueller says
You know that this Hill headline is a
lie. It is a criminal offense to lie to the FBI and Mueller is the FBI.
More than this, no one in Trump's inner circle was charged with
obstruction of justice.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler blasted Attorney General William Barr on Wednesday for his planned news conference before the release of the redacted Mueller report on Thursday. 'The attorney general appears to be waging a media campaign on behalf of President Trump - the very subject of the investigation at the heart of the Mueller report,' the Democratic congressman from New York told a news conference on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.
Barr's Press Conference will at at 6"30 a.m. Thursday morning. We do not hold press conferences to reveal deragatory information about the subject oif a declined criminal investigation ~ Rod Rosenstein in his letter recommending the firing of James Comey.
If this thinking remains the current thinking of the Justice Department, we should not expect to hear of anything close to a declaration of criminal intent.
Understand that Mueller settled the question regarding Trump's supposed collusion with the Russians. THAT simply did not occur. We are reminded that "obstruction" can occur without a arelated crime in view, BUT, if this level of "obstruction" did not impede the investigation , "obstruction" simply cannot be a criminal offence. In other words,
(A) there is no collusion or conspiracy to commit collusion AND (B) there is no crime of obstruction. Understand that "obstruction" cannot be the case in the firing of James Comey because Comey was fired per the recommendation of Rod Rosenstein, the acting FBI Director. And nothing Trump did in terms rhoretic went to "interference" with the Mueller Investigation.
Keep in mind that AG Barr is following the rules and protocols designed by the Democrats and Janet Reno following the Clinton Investigation.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler blasted Attorney General William Barr on Wednesday for his planned news conference before the release of the redacted Mueller report on Thursday. 'The attorney general appears to be waging a media campaign on behalf of President Trump - the very subject of the investigation at the heart of the Mueller report,' the Democratic congressman from New York told a news conference on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.
In the first quarter of the year, Bernie raised 18 million and Kamala Harris raised 12 mill while President Trump raised 30.4 million with another 40 million dollars in "cash on hand."
Here is the remarkable issue, 97.8% of Trump's money comes from donations of 38 dollars each, a clear indication of the size and veracity of the Conservative Grass Roots passion. More than this, donations under $200 have no legal limits. I can give 38 bucks this month, the next month and on and on. AND the Conservative Grassroots Movement is dug-in, and has grown in numbers since 2016.
Editor: Maybe her problem is her own big mouth, playing down 9/11 . Radicalized Islam took down the Twin Towers. More than this, we only have Omar's charge that death threats have increased. Maybe she should ask about the numberf of death threats sent to members of the Trump world or to Trump himself.
And what was 9/11 if not a huge death threat to the free world by radical Islam? Join Islam or die.
Omar believes in Sharia Law, the Muslim version of the US Constitution. It is dyametrically opposed to our Constitution, something neither Fox News is willing to admit, or, the rest of the rest of the liberals of the world. Outside the United States, Islam is at war with our nation, period. It is no more a friend of the US than is China or Russia.
National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd claimed Sunday that it is “absolutely legal” for the federal government to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities. Judd argued during a “Fox & Friends” segment that President Donald Trump’s proposed plan to do just that was “brilliant” and should have been cheered by people on both sides.
Real Clear Investigations: Attorney General William Barr shocked official Washington Wednesday by saying what previously couldn’t be said: That the counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016 involved “spying.” The spying, which Barr vowed to investigate, is not the only significant possible violation of investigative rules and ethics committed by agents, lawyers, managers, and officials at the FBI and the Department of Justice. A catalogue of those abuses can be found in recently released testimony that Edward William Priestap provided to Congress in a closed-door interview last summer. From the end of 2015 to the end of 2018 Bill Priestap was assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, which meant he oversaw the FBI’s global counterintelligence effort.
In that role, he managed both of the bureau’s most politically sensitive investigations: the inquiry into Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information and the probe into whether Donald Trump or his campaign conspired with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election. His testimony provides rare insight into the attitudes and thoughts of officials who launched the Russia probe and the probe of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, whose final report is expected to be released very soon. More important, his testimony contains extensive indications of wrongdoing, including that the FBI and DoJ targeted Trump and did so with information it made no effort to verify. It paints a portrait of the Obama-era bureau as one that was unconcerned with political interference in investigations and was willing to enlist the help of close foreign allies to bring down its target. And, perhaps presaging a defense to Barr’s claim that American officials had spied on the Trump campaign, it showcases the euphemisms that can be used to disguise “spying.”
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