Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality.
Hillary was far worse than Klobuchar in this regard yet the stinking Media said next to nothing.
Amanda Terkel / HuffPost: Exposing Amy Klobuchar's Mistreatment Of Staff Is Not Sexist — Former staffers say they're frustrated that many Democrats and journalists have dismissed reports of her behavior. — Since launching her presidential campaign, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) has faced questions about her mistreatment.
Editor: It has been common knowledge for years, that the two worst Democrats as far as their treatment of staff were Jimmy Carter and Hillary Clinton.
Maybe Amy Klobuchar is not liberal enough for the Media, but the Press is clearly working to diminish her status.
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