Embedded in this story line is the abject failure of the GOP opposition to think rationally. There will be no serious competition to the Trump 2nd Term.

Respondents were asked two questions in the poll conducted by Pulse Opinion Research for Rasmussen. The first question was, “How likely is it that President Trump will be the Republican presidential nominee in 2020?” The second question was, “During his first two years in office, has President Trump done a good job representing Republican values? Or has he lost touch with Republican voters throughout the nation?”

Flake voiced hope in a January CNN interview that a Republican would challenge president Trump in 2020. At the same time, he praised failed 2012 Republican presidential nominee and incoming Sen. Mitt Romney (UT), a virulent critic of Trump both before and after the president took office. He did not indicate if he intended himself to be the Republican to challenge the president.
Michelle Moons is a White House Correspondent for Breitbart News — follow on Twitter @MichelleDiana and Facebook

This is the sad truth about a "mother" who would abort her unborn.

Did you know that the Democrat "we care about the children" minority,  approves of doctors taking a child designated for abortion but surviving the abortion attempt,  sitting her on a table,  turning out the lights and leaving the child alone in the dark to starve to death?  THAT is where these murderers have gone.   While inside the womb,  these Nazi's abort the unborn by pulling it apart   . . .    literally pulling its arms and feet and head off the body, and,  extracting it from the womb.  After birth,  they are much kinder,  leaving the baby on the table to die on its own.  

These heartless people talk about abortion as if the unborn never get to the point of feeling pain,  having a heartbeat,  or,  possessing the natural ability to choose "survival" as an instinctive response to the very process of abortion.   In the end,  the "mother" wants to live but does not give a damn about her unborn  . . . .  who, as a matter of instinct,  wants to live,  as well.  

The Dems new "go to man," a convicted liar, a disbarred lawyer, a man who is "testifying" for only one purpose . . . . . to save his own hide from even more years in jail . . . . . where he belongs.

Emily Saul / New York Post:
Michael Cohen has been disbarred  

And why disbarment?   For lying under oath,  the same reason given for the disbarment of Bill Clinton.   No wonder Obama terminated his law liscense,  he wanted to avoid the scrutiny of the legal system    . . . .     I mean,  what other reason could there be for his decision to cancel out his law license   . . .    the first and only President to do so.  

Gallup: America and the World

Turns out that Americans see our place in the world as improving.  58% of America believes the U.S.A  is respected and well thought of in the world.  Do not believe those who want to separate America's standing in the world from the President of the United States.  You do not get one without the other.

Understand that this 58% is the highest rating in 16 years,  predating all of the Obama and Bush 43 years.  If you are a Democrat,  maybe you should be worrying about the outcome of the 2020 elections.  

Dr Victor David Hanson details the failed coup propagated by self serving Democrats in this article.

Autopsy of a Dead Coup

By | February 17th, 2019

The illegal effort to destroy the 2016 Trump campaign by Hillary Clinton campaign’s use of funds to create, disseminate among court media, and then salt among high Obama administration officials, a fabricated, opposition smear dossier failed.
So has the second special prosecutor phase of the coup to abort the Trump presidency failed. There are many elements to what in time likely will become recognized as the greatest scandal in American political history, marking the first occasion in which U.S. government bureaucrats sought to overturn an election and to remove a sitting U.S. president  . . . . .  you will want to read the full article here. 

This kind of hypocrisy is everywhere in the Democrat Party:

The Two Faces Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ‘Let’s Reject The Politics Of Fear… Because We’re All Going To Die In 12 Years!’

After two years, The Dems will not get what they want out of the Mueller Report. Besides the fact that not a single witness in the Mueller Probe has accused Trump of collusion with Russia, we have this comment from a Democrat law porfessor:

Congressman Schiff is free to issue as many subpoenas as he likes,  but I think he is mistaken if he thinks he understands AG  Bill Barr.  Bill Barr is put there to defend the institution of the Justice Department and the Justice Department doesn't have a legal obligation to release the Mueller Report in public   . . . .     Under the Constitution,  the Executive Branch has something called "Executive Privilige,"  which allows it to keep confidential materials related to law enforcement investigations  ~  JohnYoo,  Professor of Law at the University of California, S.F.  (a Democrat).

So who is winning the political/domestic war?

The Examiner reported:
The number of states where liberals outnumber conservatives has dropped more than 30 percent, with just six now [down from 9 - editor] in that category: Massachusetts, Hawaii, Vermont, Washington, New York, and New Hampshire.
According to the latest Gallup survey, in every other state but California, where conservatives and liberals split 29 percent to 29 percent, conservatives lead.
Nationally, those who identify themselves conservative hold a nine-point lead.

This New Jersey law will be destroyed by the Supreme Court. Here is why:

The New Jersey Senate approved a bill Thursday that would exclude presidential candidates from the state’s 2020 ballot unless they release their tax returns, the New York Post reports.

The new law aimed at keeping President Donald Trump off the state’s ballot, because he has refused to release his tax returns.

Editor:  Understand that their is no law requiring the release of tax forms for any Presidencial candidate,  only a summary report of said taxes.  President Trump submitted a 140 page summary of his tax burden in 2016.  The report was submitted without challenge.  New Jersey cannot require more than the law's requirement simply because it does not care for this President.   Case closed and end of story.  

And why do the Dems want his tax forms?  Because such a report would give them fodder for their next Trump Assault since it is clear that the Russian Nonsense has failed.  Let's say that this tax report was for all 546 businesses he owns and the trillions of dollars he manages.  I mean,  we are talking about thousands and thousands of pages the Dems could question.  And after four years of The Donald,  they do not have enough issues to defeat him?    Me?  I actually do not want his tax forms.  You think the IRS has no clue what the man is doing with his money?  And someone like Trump is under a 24/7 audit.  The IRS knows what the man is doing   . . . . .   good enough for me. 

Their Party is hopelessly fractured, so they are going to force their candidates to serve as "Democrats."

This is how far Left Crazy Bernie is. Never mind that he has no critical legislation to his credit after decades lounging around in Congress.

Sanders in 1985 Defended the Socialist Revolution in Nicaragua

Susan Jones | February 22, 2019

In case you were interested, we have a new ambassador to the U.N.

Trump announces nomination of Kelly Knight Craft to be ambassador to United Nations  —  President Trump announced Friday evening that he will nominate Kelly Knight Craft, the U.S. ambassador to Canada and a major Republican donor, to be the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Editor:  This is a Wa/Post headline.  Its all you need to know, or , you can click on the headline,  go to the Post and pay a fee for the privilege of reading the commentary.  

Hillary was far worse than Klobuchar in this regard yet the stinking Media said next to nothing.

Amanda Terkel / HuffPost: Exposing Amy Klobuchar's Mistreatment Of Staff Is Not Sexist  —  Former staffers say they're frustrated that many Democrats and journalists have dismissed reports of her behavior.  —  Since launching her presidential campaign, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) has faced questions about her mistreatment.

Editor:  It has been common knowledge for years,  that the two worst Democrats as far as their treatment of staff were Jimmy Carter and Hillary Clinton.  

Maybe Amy Klobuchar is not liberal enough for the Media,  but the Press is clearly working to diminish her status.  

Barack failed in "fundamentally transforming the United States of America." Never forget, when you hear the mindless chatter of Cortez, you are listening to the street version of Professor Obama.

Thursday evening, Simone Norman, a comic cow in support of Cortez from before her campaign actually began,   posted a rebuke to President Trump’s recent statements that America will never be a socialist country, bluntly  giving the game away on the socialists’ endgame for the United States, ““America will never be a socialist country” duh bitch we’re literally gonna make a whole new country”

 In this June 10, 2018 photo provided by Ocasio2018, volunteers for the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez campaign, Simone Norman, left, a comedian, and community activist Naureen Akhter, right, appear on stage for a campaign fundraiser at a Long Island City comedy club, in the Queens borough of New York. Norman and Akhter are part of an eclectic team behind the campaign that launched Democrat rising star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez into the national spotlight. (Ocasio2018/Corey Torpie via AP)

Why on earth would Crazy Bernie NOT condemn Maduro as a ruthless dictator ? And does this hurt the Dems with the youth vote?

Marc Caputo / Politico:
‘He is not going to be the nominee’: Dems slam Sanders over Maduro stance  —  Florida Democrats are denouncing Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders for refusing to call Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro a dictator — a politically explosive issue in the nation's biggest swing state.
Editor:  Two questions:   Why on earth would Crazy Bernie NOT condemn Maduro as a ruthless dictator ?  And,  does this hurt the Dems with the youth vote?  I mean with all the talk of Millennial support,  they couldn't drag Bernie across the finish line in 2016,  now could they? 

Have you all noticed that there isn't much talk about "impeachment," lately

Think about it:  "They" want you to believe thatTrump needs help from a foreign country to earn his millioons    . . . .    or should I say "his 4 to 6 billion?"

"Magnanamous" is a perfecxt word to describe our President.  Most people do not know or have forgotten that President Trump has given away his $400,000 salary,  each of the past two years.  He is paid on a quarterly basis and gives that money to designated charities each of those pay periods.   Soooo,  why is he giving money away when he is so desparate that he needs the Russians as financial partners?  

Bam!!!  Got-ya again. 

Two things about the Covington Case: The young student is about to become a millionaire AND at no expense to the President . . . . which was the point of the WaPost assualt.

Julia Manchester / The Hill:
Dershowitz says Covington Catholic student has ‘reasonable case’ against Washington Post

Look, if the Judge was appointed by Obama, and, is as biased as one can get, is obviously not fair in her legal opinions, maybe its a good idea to keep ones mouth shut.

Corrupt Obama-Appointed Judge May Jail Roger Stone Over Instagram Post

Here is what the Right is fighting to protect:

Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern-day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality. 

Understand and accept that George Washington was our first "nationalist" President with 42 presidents to follow in consecutive order ending with GW Bush 43.  Barack Obama hoped to end that history.  Knowing that "globalism" is the very opposite of "nationalism,"  Barack had hoped to bring us into the 21st century with a Globalist Agenda which included a first step at tearing down our US Constitution via UN treaty.  

Hillary Clinton and her political buds,  believe that the US Constitution as the supreme law of the land,  can be replaced via UN Treaty.  As Secretary of State,  she tried to secure gun control law via a treaty with the U.N.,  a move that failed but one that revealed the Left's sinister agenda per U.N. membership.  

Now you know.

Professor Jon Turley, a Democrat, makes this prediction with evidence. You should click and read the full article . . . . . now.

FYI:  This post was a reference post for Turley's article.  Happy to announce that since posting,  this article has 121 hits just through Midknight Review and in less than 36 hours.  

Why Trump will win the wall fight

Ann Coulter is obsessed with her own sense self worth. In the end. her contribution to the Conservative cause since 2016 is fairly worthless.

Editor:  Look,  I don't think Trump should have signed the current border law created by House Dems with the blessing of House Republicans,  but,  for me to then argue that Trump is a do-nothing idiot is to ignore what the man has accomplished in two years.  So,  Coulter can take her skinny little backside somewhere else,  she gets no play on Midknight Review.   

Ann Coulter cranked up her battle with Donald Trump again Friday with another broadside about his border wall tactics. The conservative commentator declared that the “only national emergency is that our president is an idiot.”
Trump scrambled earlier Friday to distance himself from her and her vitriolic comments about him, claiming in a Rose Garden address Friday, to everyone’s surprise: “Ann Coulter, I don’t know her. I hardly know her. I haven’t spoken to her in way over a year.”
In the announcement of his national emergency declaration to divert funding for the wall, he added that Coulter had “gone off the reservation” in her increasingly harsh criticism of him.

Declarations of Emergency by the President beginning with Carter:

Carter:  2

Ronald Reagan :  6

George H Bush:   5

Bill Clinton   17

G W Bush:   13

Barack Obama:  12

Donald Trump:  3

If the Socialist Left hopes to pay for its Creen New Deal, how is that possible when they sabatoge such deals like Amazon moving to New York?

AOL. COM   ;     Notch another victory for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
The freshman Democratic representative celebrated online retailer Amazon’s decision Thursday to scrap its plans to build a new headquarters in her New York City district.
“I think it’s incredible,” Ocasio-Cortez responded when asked to comment on Amazon’s about-face. “It shows that everyday Americans still have the power to organize and fight for their communities and they can have more say in this country than the richest man in the world.”

Editor:  Once again,  this moron of a politician takes credit for something that is neither a victory for the working man nor,   anything related to a well thought out victory.  

Here is what just happened in New York:  Amazon decided to forego its decision to build one of its headquarters in that city.  The loss to New York is mindboggling.   25,000 jobs will be lost PLUS another 80,000 support jobs,  all in the city   . . . .   more than half of these jobs paying more than $150,000 annually;  all of the jobs paying $100,000 annually.   The 3 billion in property tax credits would have returned 27 billion in increased property evaluations over the next 15 years not to mention 11.5 billion in purchasing power added to the city coffers . . .   so if Cortez and company want to brag about that kind of victory,  let them.  

I have claimed for years and years,  that the Left is where it is today,  because of a very specific mental illness    . . . . .    and this victory proves my point.  

CNN was wrong almost immediately after publishing this report:

Trump aides now fret he won't sign funding bill  — 

Editor:  Turns out that the President will sign the bill but will issue a "state of emergency."  This puts the Dems in an impossible position,  forcing them to sign the bill that will keep federal checks flowing,  even after they are faced with the reality that Trump fully intends on getting the money he agreed to support after making one compromise after another.  Absolutely no one can blame Trump  for whatever happens next.  His supporters know that the is doing all he can to fulfill his promises.  With the passing of each day,  Trump increases his chances of re-election.

Why is this woman continuing her claim of being an Indian when she has admitted that she is not ethnically attached to a tribe??? We don't need another mental case running for President, do we?

SICK. Fake Indian and Fraud Liz Warren Has the Gall to Show Her Face at Native American Conference

You may not be aware of this election year fact, but . . . . .

You may not be aware of this election year fact,  but  the Dems,  in the past midterm,  spent more than a billion dollars to regain the House,  an election they were supporse to win,  and they did so without expanding their electorial vote at all.  Hillary's fectless campaign  had her losing the 2016 election 235 to 306 in the Electorial College,  and THAT is the only vote-count that mattered.

The Dems live in a world of make believe where Socialism wins the day,   the straight up "popular" vote counts,  CNN can declare the O'Rourke Rally a MEGA rally, and,  Trump is a Russian spy. 

Their best chance of beating Trump and ending the Conservative Movement to take our country back,  was in 2016,  when the only things we knew about the Prez were the bad things.  Think about this,  what in the world are the Dems going to throw at this man in 2020?  I mean,  they threw three or four "kitchen sinks" at the man in 2016 and beyond.  If you are not going to get him with "Stormy Daniels,"    the Billy Sunday tape (talking about as disgusting an issue as one can imagine),   or the Russian Fantansy,  what are you going to do to him?

I am pretty good at  thinking like the oppositition and I can't come up with anything.  Maybe if he shot someone in the middle of a Manhatten street   . . . . . .   no, wait,  we already know that will not work.

Can he lose in 2020?   Of course.  But frankly,  the odds are not in the Dems favor.   Look,  Barack Obama had no coat-tails.  So,  why would anyone think his Vice President is the "front runner" for 2020?  In 2008,  the primary election cycle for the Dems saw Hillary and Barack splitting 46 million votes almost exactly down the middle  . . . . .  23 million for each candidate, while Biden won 68,000 votes.

Me?  I believe that only Michelle has the power of creating a turnout large enough to win an election versus Trump.   In other words,  as things stand today,  Trump is the front runner for 2020.

Politico describes the Beto O'Rourke rally as a "mega" rally, implying that the 25 to 300 folks in attendance equals the Trump Rally across the street with its 22,000 inside and outside the arena

Anita Kumar / Politico:
Beto takes on Trump in tale of 2 mega-rallies  —  EL PASO, Texas — The showdown between Donald Trump and Beto O'Rourke Monday night over the president's border wall unfolded at competing rallies with thousands of people in venues barely a block apart.  —  But the events practically took place …
Editor:  The events of Monday evening,  the two rallies,  were hardly a "showdown,"  but this is how the Left Wing Media typified the opposition's rally  even when no one bothered to show up for the "show-down."  To call it a "showdown,"  the Left is just being silly,  How can no more than 300 people be described as a MEGA rally when the competition DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET  has 22,000 inside and outside its arena with another 35,000 folks indicating their desire to attend if there was room for such a crowd?  In fact,  this editor watched CNN immediately after the two events.  The CNN evening host,  you know -  the black guy,  made no mention of the crowd size

Beto O'Rourke's rally across the street from Trump's Ralley (69,000 signed up to attend).

Updated  for this Question:  Why on earth would O'Rourke even think his rally,  across the street from Trump,  at the same time,  and in the same venue (the 2020election cycle),  think this was a good idea when,  in fact,  it makes him look like a loser? 

Trump is winning the immigration debate. We advise a shut-down.

Did you know that Trump's approval rating is at its highest since becoming President:


CBS Instant Poll has the Presidents approval numbers on his wall at


Construction of roads and fences and installation of lighting to 
blockdrug smuggling corridors acorss international boundaries
of the United States.  ~  10 U.S. Code Section 284B-7

There is over 7 billion dollars of money available to the President
to apply to whatever Federal issues in need of that money.

This headline should scae the hell out of you if you are poor and living legally in the U.S.

Five Million Migrants from Latin America Plan to Relocate to US in Next 12 Months – One-Fifth of El Salvador Already Lives Here

The Left cannot stand on a policy debate to win the 2020 election . . . . Elizabeth Warren is proof of this:

This is how Elizabeth Warren opened up her "first full day" of her presidential campaign: "By the time we get to 2020, Donald Trump may not even be president. In fact, he may not even be a free person. But here’s how I see it--Donald Trump is not the only problem we’ve got."

Editor:  Anyone and I mean "anyone,"  who have bought into the fantasy that President Trump may be in jail by the time 2020 rolls around, is not mentally capable of doing the job of President of the United States.  She was afraid she couldn't get into Harvard on her own,  white privilege merits,  so she decided to pretend to be an American Indian.  And today,  she is obviously afraid that she cannot win an election between herself and President Trump based on substance,  so she has decided to go with a popular scare tactic,  choosing to prop up the nonsensical  impeachment scare, rather than staying on point in an intelligent discussion of economics,  or foreign policy,  or national security,  or her progressive approach to jobs creation,  and,  her fantasy that jobs can be created - in mass -  without the ingenuity and wealth of the upper 1% (the middle class,  the hardworking poor do not create jobs on a scale that sustains a national economy    . . . . .   Elizabeth Warren simply does not believe that).  

Not sure who designs Michelle's wardrobe, but, for starters, it's 10 sizes too big.

And yes,  when she began to speak,  the reception was thunderous.   The Dems have 
no one as popular as her,  and she is not running for the High Office . . . . .  thankfully. 

Islam is a theocratic religion; Christianity is just a religion . . . . big big difference.

the· oc· ra· cy | \ thē-ˈä-krə-sē

plural theocracies

Definition of theocracy

1 : government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided

2 : a state governed by a theocracy
Editor:  Christianity is the solution for the "personal predicament,"  Islam is the "solution" for a national circumstance.  One is permissible in a free society,  the other eliminates a free society.  
Now you know.   

What's wrong with picture?

Gay US Ambassador Richard Grenell Tells Off Angry Hollywood Lesbian – “Stop the Dishonest Verbal Hate!”

Ellen Page is put in her place.  Ambassador Grenell is gay and attends an Evangelical church that opposes the gay life-style,  but accepts him as a believer.  While Page is critical of Hillsong Church,  she says nothing about the bias and hate that typifies her Mosque.   Outside the U.S.,  people of her faith throw gays off tops of buildings or lashes them to death.  We should never forget that "forgiveness" is not a fundamental value within the Muslim theocracy.  

Five of these "Welcome" signs were hung on fensing surrounding Pelosi mansion in San Francisco

 Click on image to appreciate what Pelosi really opposes.

So they can't believe that they have not buried him yet . . . . but, clearly, they haven't.

President Trump’s approval rating reached 50% on Friday following the State of the Union Address on Tuesday.
Barack Obama’s approval rating was at 49% at a similar point in his presidency.

You should know that Rasmussen is the only major national poll remaining since Gallup quit that effort some time ago.  If you don't like Rasmussen,  you really have no where else to go,  but if you are a Democrat or a Socialist Progressive  (code for "enemy of the State"),  you don't care. 

You need to know that Americans do not want Medicare for all if it means the end of their personal insurance policies.

Poll: Just 13 percent want 'Medicare for all' if it means end of private insurance

I don't make a lot of predictions, but here is what I think about the Wall:

Look,  the polling fact of this matter is this:  76% of those questioned by ABC News agreed with agreed with Trump.    The President is winning this argument and the Dems are fully aware of the changing tide.  It may be only a matter of time,  but the Dems really cannot afford to see public opinion turn against their position.  Both sides  will need to come to an agreement that allows each to say,  "We won."  Its called "compromise."  And that time is only days away.  

As an unexpected consequence,  the Dems fight against the Prez on this matters,  should he honestly claim a victory,  his base will be strengthened.  Trump made the promise.  It is not his doing that he has had such a difficult time.  We don't have a wall for only one reason,  and that is because of the Democrats rejection of the 2016 election.  Trump's base will demonstrate appreciation for the Trump effort at fulfilling his promises,   and they will do so in 2020. 

If there is a deal regarding the wall,  the Dems opposition to that wall will have lost on two levels,  as described above.  That is my prediction.

We can only hope for the best.  

No article. No need for one

The Dems are about to begin one of the most repetitive "investigations" in Congressional history,

JUST IN: House Intel Chair Adam Schiff Announces Massive Investigation Into President Trump’s Finances and Russia

Editor:  If anyone thinks we will see new information because of what Adam Schiff is doing,  you just don't understand the Mueller probe.  The House investigation is a huge insult to the Mueller probe,  and, is a declaration that Mueller did not do his job.  Who in this world believes that?  

Consequently,  my coverage of the Democrat House Investigation will be under the moniker "Asked and answered."   Seriously,  Mueller has all the prosecutorial tools needed to complete his investigation.  He has been at it for going on two years with 40 plus professional investigators.    Adam Schiff does not even own the concept of "common sense."  A colossal waste of time 10x more so than with the Mueller Investigation.  Expect to see nothing new coming out of the Schiff Nonsense.  Don't believe me?  Just as Robert Mueller. 

Why are the Dems in trouble in Virginia?

The black face scandal in Virginia did not start with the Governor and his medical year book.  Rather,  it started with Justice Kavanah and the demand by the Democrats to forgo "due process."   He was "guilty" without any hard proof, and, now six months later,  the Dems are having to deal with something of their own creation.  They do this every time  . . .  never thinking that the frame-job they impose on the GOP will ever come back to haunt them.  

Me?  I think it is on-the-floor-laughable.  The Governor is in serious trouble and may have to become an "independent" in order to survive.  His Lt Governor is fighting for his political life and has probably gone "way" overboard in his denials,  framing his accusor as one who is a very compromised woman.  In fact, he has admitted this was a mistake, and,  many do not believe  he can survive because of his aggressive denial.  A third problem is the Speaker of Virginia House,  the #3 Democrat in Virginia,  who has admitted to his own black face scandal.  

Everyone knows that if these men were Republicans,  they would have been run out of town on a rail  . . .   period. 

Jim Clyburn,  a Democrat in the South,  is calling for "due process,"  a legal process that was completely ignored by the Democrats in the Senate during the Kavanah hearings  . . . .  hypocrites all. Now,  their chickens are coming home to roost.  

Me?  I love chicken.  Now you know. 

Is there a a simple definition as to why socialism failes a population? Yes,

Sanders went on to say that Americans aren't "truly free"  when they cannot afford health care,  prescription drugs, housing,  retirement or food for their families. 

So,  If I give my kid his first, second,  third cars,  pay for his rent and buy his food,  AND, and supply him a wage rather than seeing him fully employed,  that makes him free?  No!  It makes him/her a dependent of the State or,  in this case,  dependent on me,  their father,  the very opposite of personal freedom.  Worse yet,  such a scenario offers the recipient no path for "upward mobility."  This is where Cortez and Bernie and Hillary and Schumer are hoping to take this once great nation  -   into abject servitude without the participants knowing the difference of being spoon feed,  like an infant,   and being truly free to choose and prosper of their own free will.   For the first time in our history,  the coming 2020 election is a choice between radical socialism that enslaves and the freedom to be an independent member of the community.  


So, how did the Prez do ?

If you listen to the party media  (aka the "national press"),  he did absolutely terrible.  But,  if you believe ABC News and their polling,  72% of Americans liked the speech, 84% of Independents were favorably impressed,  and 76% of folks agreed with the President on 'the Wall."  

Trump 2 points up on Obama after two years of crap reporting from the Democrat

Despite 92% Negative Press… President Trump Approval Tops Obama by 2 Points At Same Point in His Presidency

Editor: There are a number of know-nothing pinheads who dismiss the Rasmussen Poll but only because it gives Trump a fair representation.  You may ask,  "Why does this blog continue with Rasmussen?" 

The answer:  Turns out that there were only two polling firms that gave a nationwide survey to the question of Trump's approval numbers,  emphasis on "nationwide."  One was Gallup and the other was and is Gallup.   Having said that,  the following is most critical to the world of natioal polling: 

Now that Gallup has quit the field, Rasmussen Reports is the only nationally recognized public opinion firm that still tracks President Trump's job approval ratings on a daily basis. If your organization is interested in a weekly or longer sponsorship of Rasmussen Reports' Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, please send e-mail to beth@rasmussenreports.com .

So there you have it:  Gallup,  because of its failure in predicting the 2016 national election,  has moved away from trying to guess the final results of the national scene.  Rasmussen,  with a very different approach to his polling methodology,  continues with its national poll.  

Using the same methodology for both men  -   and that is extremely important,  that the comparison is being made using the same methods for each man  -  Trump is "up" by two

The Dems are floating the idea of a "wealth tax," which wouldt tax nearly everyone in the Middle Class. Here is what you should know:

Understand that all taxes on the "One Percenters" just happens to be a tax on anyone who makes serious money in this country.  This is true in every legislative case.  They talk about "taxing the rich,"  but, somehow,  they manage to get folks with an $80,000 income rolled into the "wealth tax" lie. 

Europe tried this,  and,  8 of the 12 countries implementing such a tax, have rescinded this particular wealth transfer.  In other words,  the legislation brought in LESS revenue than before the legislation,  forcing the elimination of this particular tax.  

Now you know.

If only one side follows the agreement, what is the point? So, "yes" Bolton is simply doing his job.

Joseph Cirincione / Washington Post:
John Bolton is a serial arms control killer  —  Joseph Cirincione is a nuclear weapons policy expert and president of the Ploughshares Fund, a global security foundation.  —  John Bolton relishes in targeting nuclear arms treaties.  He is very good at it.
Editor:  Understand that Iran would have a bomb in seven years,  per the Obama Agreement,  so what was the point of the Iranian deal,  other than Obama helping Iran to fund Middle Eastern terror?  

David Drucker avoids the real issue, that of Constitutional parlance.

David M. Drucker / Washington Examiner:
Pelosi could force Senate Republicans into awkward vote on Trump emergency powers  —  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could move to block President Trump from invoking a national emergency to build a border wall, forcing Senate Republicans to choose between preserving congressional power and crossing the White House.
 David Drucker leaves off one of the choices,  namely,  the preservation of the Constitutional opinion on Executive Powers.  It really is NOT about either congressional power or "crossing the White House,"  but rather, about what President Trump is allowed to do,  Constitutionally   . . .   and members of the Press should know this,  I mean I know it,  why not they?  
As it turns out,  the Socialist Democrats can delay the issue of emergency powers for only so long,  then the Supremes will hear the case,  give the President his powers back,  and we move on.  Not especially important if the President cannot win re-election.  But if, in fact,  he has 6 years remaining instead of two, a Supreme Court decision would be critical to the Conservative Cause.  

Meet the New Socialist Party, godless, borderless, free of such things as "sexual promiscuity," and only tolerant of those with whom they agree:

From the Gateway Pundit,  here,  we have a reminder of a practice that can only be compared to Nazi Germany:

Satan’s Party: Virginia Governor Ralph Northam Doubles Down on Murdering Newborn Infants (VIDEO)

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) advocated for the murder of newborn babies in a radio interview with DC-based WTOP on Wednesday.

After years of convincing young women that their unborn babies are ‘just a clump of cells’ and they have a ‘choice’ to dispose of the ‘cells,’ the Democrats are now openly advocating for the murder of born-alive babies, also known as infanticide.

We knew this was coming.
Governor Northam was asked about a new bill that would lift restrictions on late-term abortions (3rd trimester) in Virginia.


Editor:  Of course the Governor's office will claim that this whole infanticide thingy has been taken out of context.  

Initially,  abortion was defended by the Democrats as a life-saving issue for the potential mother,  as if 1.2 million abortions per year are all due to saving the lives of the "mother."  Kind of a crock, no? Or what about taking mention of God out of the Democrat platform statement?  They tried to take "God" out of the national statement back in 2012 (Obama approved, no doubt  . . . .  in view of the fact that he didn't say a stinking thing about the matter,  pro or con).  And now,  in 2019,  Speaker Pelosi is the first to strike "so help me God" from the swearing in of Committee members  . . .  guaranteed the Catholic Church will sit by and watch.  Don't forget that it was Georgetown University who covered over the symbolic name for "Jesus" at the demand of Barack Obama back in 2009,  a condition of him giving a commencement speech at that Jesuit school.  

But back to the so-called "late-term abortion" issue.  A full-term,  nine months old unborn,  viable and healthy,  can now to murdered on its way to being born. 

Just to be clear,  this editor has included stories in this blog of such things happening in the abortion clinics of Planned Parenthood.  So,  OF COURSE, IT WILL BECOME ACCEPTABLE,  since it has already happened.