Even the middleclass is doing well and this wellness challenges corporate profits due to tax reform . . . . just wait until the new tax season for another grand surprise.

HUGE! President Trump’s Policies Have Added $3,100 per Household in Gross Annual Income — In Only 2 Years 


When you multipy $3,100 by the thusands of middle class families out there in Realville,  you have a total reward to the Middle Class that challenges any profit to the Corporate World after dividends,  inventory expences,  and wage increases. 

So stop talking about "crumbs" when the Middle Class is made up of millions of folks who divide tax refund profits compared to the corporate world and its population.  



  1. Total LIE, but what would you expect from a guy who constantly quotes a known fake news source: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-gateway-pundit/

    Median household Income adjusted for inflation dropped from $59,434 to $59,005 from 2016 -2018.


  2. Got my numbers from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. "3,100" came from the Council of Economic Advisers, not Gateway Pundit. It is an "average" and, as such, is not saying that each and every American family has seen an increase of $3,100. Rather, when you add in the total incomes of 5 million new jobs filled during the Trump years to the existing total, you have an increase in the average annual income marker of $3,100. Under Obama, jobs "created or saved" could not make such a claim because, for the most part, Barack was counting jobs already earning an income (i.e. "jobs saved") and more than 40% of his new jobs numbers were part-time positions. He lost 600,000 real manufacturing jobs. Consequently, his numbers went down.
