Understand that the Dems only think in term of political impact. They do not care about the truth, Rules for Radicals gives them instruction to use any "opportunity" to lie and cheat the truth.
When their memo finally comes out, it will have redactions. Why do you think Schiff is making such a big deal about not allowing the GOP to redact their document? Because he knows redactions will be unavoidable. Not so with the Nunes file - but who cares about that when you are busy building a false equivalency case.
And why "redactions?" Because they have embedded classified information about process and agent identity that will need redaction. The GOP/Nunes document did not have ANYTHING in it that mentioned process or agent identities.
The FBI reviewed the Nunes memo and found nothing in need of correction or redaction . . . . . . . . nothing. But the Dems document will is not be clean. And when the Dems memo is released, you will hear them cry about how unfair they are being treated: "Our document had redactions, theirs did not . . . . how fair is that?"
Just so you know what these dishonest types are up to, now.
You have no idea what Mueller has, nor does the MSM. The level of disciplined secrecy, methodical interviews and deals struck with Trump's staff is going to explode in Trump's face. Bannon has flipped, along with many others.
ReplyDeleteDo you really think Trump's staff are cooperating with the Mueller investigation because there's nothing there?
Do you really think that the US Treasury Dept's Financial Crimes Enforcement Division, the IRS Criminal Investigations Unit, and Deutsche Bank are cooperating with the Mueller investigation because there's nothing there?
lol.... it's coming. Yes it is.
Neither me nor any of my 10,500 readers give a care. And why? Its the Trump Agenda, stupid, that really counts. If Trump is gone, and I have NO REASON he will be pushed out of office, you still have Pence AND THE TRUMP AGENDA. You lost the 2016 election in more ways than one. Go shopping for some new racing short/shorts and leave the commentary to us big boys.
ReplyDelete"The political damage to the GOP as the party of corruption and coverup should be obvious as well. This is a rare case when the rats, rather than deserting a sinking ship, seemed determined to ride it all the way down."
The GOP is tied with the Dems on the no-name ballot, repairing a 16 point deficit in December. The American people are beginning to see who the "rats" on the ship really are. Keep doing what you are doing. Its working out great for the GoP.
DeleteLook at this guy.... he measures staff for loyalty, he calls those who don't applaud him as treasonous, he attacks any challenges and constitutional checks and balances to his power, he attacks US law enforcement, now.. he wants a military parade.
DeleteWHo's that sound like?
Sound like Kim Jung Un.
Who prosecuted more whistleblowers than any president in history? Obama. Who misused his position to gather unmasked information on more than 700 people during his time in office, most of which during his last two years in office? Barack Obama. Who is the first president to buy office space for subversive work after he was forced to retire? Again, Barack Obama. I could go on, but the point is this: No one was more concerned with staying "in power" after retirement than Obama. So take you silly accusations and put them back where the sun doesn't shine. There is no match for Barack, period.
Delete“Donald Trump has continually shown himself to have authoritarian tendencies, and this is just another worrisome example,” his barrage opens. He was just getting warmed up.
Delete“For someone who just declared it was ‘treasonous’ to not applaud him, and for someone who has, in the past, admired tactics of everyone from Saddam Hussein to Vladimir Putin, it is clear that a military parade isn’t about saluting the military – it’s about making a display of the military saluting him. The military is not Donald Trump’s to use and abuse in this way. Our military is the very best in the world – they are not to be reduced to stagecraft to prop up Donald Trump’s image. Any commander in chief who respects the traditions of the military would understand that. Unfortunately, we do not have a commander in chief, right now, as much as we have a wannabe banana republic strongman.”
-- Paul D. Eaton, Army Major General
Eaton is so full of crap, it is amazing he does not jumb into the first toilet bowl he encounters. He is a Progressive, who supported Barack's rules of [dis]engagement, rules which got 30 Navy seals murdered as their aircraft was attempting a landing, rules that forbid return fire as others watched the Taliban shot down the CH47 copter carrying those Navy Seals, a shoot-down in retaliation for the killing of bin Laden. He is a bastard in my book, good for absolutely nothing.
DeleteAnd to think that a general is calling someone else "authoritarian" is laughable. Besides, there has been no more perverse authoritarian in office than Barack Obama. He rejected the path to congressional legislation, a number of times, including all that he did with immigration, and told Congress, Don't like what I am doing, Sue me. Bastard.
ReplyDeleteThe memo has unintentionally exposed one of Trump’s key former advisers to criminal culpability. Carter Page . . . .
Nonsense. The Feds have been paranoid about Page for nearly 5 years now, with no evidence of criminality. More than this, Carter Page has never even spoken to Trump . . . . not a word, no emails, nothing,