Apparently repealing Obamacare could violate international law
— A confidential, five-page “urgent appeal” from the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner on Human Rights in Geneva,
sent to the Trump administration, cautions that the repeal of the
Affordable Care Act could put the United States at odds with its
international obligations. The Feb. 2 memo, which I obtained Tuesday,
was sent to the State Department and expresses “serious concern” about
the prospective loss of health coverage for almost 30 million people,
which could violate “the right to social security of the people in the
United States.”
Notes: This Review blog has been warning folks for years. It is part of the New Progressive Conspiracy, to move the U.S. away from its own Constitution via "international law." Not a single Democrat will stand up against this latest subversive actions.
Several years ago, Hillary Clinton working as Secretary of State, involved herself in an attempt to tie the United States to U.N. edicts regarding individual gun ownership, a move that was to voids the rights of Americans to own a gun for any reason. That was her plan. It failed, but not without notice.
Today, this same international conspiracy has re-entered the narrative. According to the United Nations, health care as defined by Obama Care and, even, our social security system, are vital parts of the internationally recognized "rights for all peoples to have health care provided for them."
I have said it before, but those who support international law, are not American patriots . . . . . period. There is no gray area on this matter. If you accept this notion, work for its success, and are able to implement this subversive action, you are a declared enemy of our founding principles, you are as dangerous to our system of freedom as any Russian pundit . . . . . and Barack/Michelle Obama are at the center of this clever conspiracy to "fundamentally transform the United States of America."
Dissatisfaction, protests, violence in the streets, sheer chaos domestically speaking, and the implementation of a new federal system of governance (socialism) is the process that the New Left has in mind. But know this, the "new federal system" is already in play. It can be seen in the European Union and the United Nations.
Now you know.
We must never allow action that pretends to be "patriotic" when, at the same time and in the same breath, moves this once great nation away from its original declarations.
Understand that those original declarations were the very words used to move us away [eventually] from slavery, to allow for women's suffrage, to open our schools to all ethnicities, in spite of the fact that none of this was part of the political vision for this country in 1776.
The United Nations is hardly the world's leader for individual freedoms. In fact, that notion is an absolute joke. America, our America, is by far and away, the most important political force for individual liberties in the history of mankind.
We are in fight to the death for the survival of this nation.
If we lose, dictatorship, world wide, wins the day . . . . period.
Now you know.