Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality.
Trump scored a bases loaded home run today, while Hillary continues to hid from the media.
Hillary commented on Trump's visit to Mexico, arguing that "you can't just drop in" on the President of Mexico, a phrase used by two other Democrat pundits I have listened to, this day. Apparently that is going to be the talking point, that he "just dropped in."
Forget that he was invited. Forget that she was invited and she said "no."
You can't put lipstick on this one.
Forget that he was invited. Forget that she was invited and she said "no."
You can't put lipstick on this one.
Trump is definitely gaining ground on absentee Hillary.
His problem may have more to do with the Unprincipled Republicans willing to sacrifice all of the their political values to Hillary than give Trump their vote.
Counter to this defection is the "unknown" Trump voter. How many union folks will cross their socialist bosses to vote for Donald? How many blacks, silent now for fear of physical harm from their neighbors and family, will press the button for the Realtor? How many US born, English speaking Hispanics will give him a chance. He has opportunity with 40% of American Hispanics who have English as the "native" tongue. How many first time voters, folks not on anyone's polling logs, will come out to vote for the man? And Independents? He is running behind Hillary in Ohio by 3.8% but has a 17 point lead in that state with Independents.
In Florida, he is 23.7% down. N. Carolina, down 1.7%. and Nevada - down 2.3%.
Understand that if he wins Ohio (no thanks to the moronic Kasich), Florida and N Carolina, and keeps the states that Romney won, he wins the election.
The really big news of the day is this: Trump has cut Hillary's polling lead by half in just three weeks of "staying on message."
Now you know.
Counter to this defection is the "unknown" Trump voter. How many union folks will cross their socialist bosses to vote for Donald? How many blacks, silent now for fear of physical harm from their neighbors and family, will press the button for the Realtor? How many US born, English speaking Hispanics will give him a chance. He has opportunity with 40% of American Hispanics who have English as the "native" tongue. How many first time voters, folks not on anyone's polling logs, will come out to vote for the man? And Independents? He is running behind Hillary in Ohio by 3.8% but has a 17 point lead in that state with Independents.
In Florida, he is 23.7% down. N. Carolina, down 1.7%. and Nevada - down 2.3%.
Understand that if he wins Ohio (no thanks to the moronic Kasich), Florida and N Carolina, and keeps the states that Romney won, he wins the election.
The really big news of the day is this: Trump has cut Hillary's polling lead by half in just three weeks of "staying on message."
Now you know.
Why this will be my reporting on Colin Kaepernick
Kaapernick is part Italian and part black (his father). He was adopted by a white family at a very young, pre-school, age, and, excelled in sports and scholastic performance through college.
He was raised a privileged white kid in the Central Valley of California (Turlock).
His value as a quarterback has diminished over the years. He was rejected by Dallas during the off-season, but some believe that was due to his stated refusal to wear a sticker on his helmet, supporting the police, after the Dallas [cop] massacre.
His decision to indict all of America as a racist nation, and to continue to insult the local police forces of this country, is a pathetic example of his social immaturity. He is not courageous. He is stupid.
As I write, I ask the reader this question: name me a single city on the West Coast, that has been charged with police brutality against blacks. I am talking from San Diego to Seattle . . . . and do this without running to Google. My point? What the killers in Black Lives Matters do not admit, is this, the "brutality issue" is one of several large but local metropolitan areas. It is NOT a sweeping, national problem.
Folks in Frisco are buying his jersey so they can burn them, in public. Good for them. We do not need another brain dead pundit making up crap as he challenges the very nation that made him a multi-millionaire.
He was raised a privileged white kid in the Central Valley of California (Turlock).
His value as a quarterback has diminished over the years. He was rejected by Dallas during the off-season, but some believe that was due to his stated refusal to wear a sticker on his helmet, supporting the police, after the Dallas [cop] massacre.
His decision to indict all of America as a racist nation, and to continue to insult the local police forces of this country, is a pathetic example of his social immaturity. He is not courageous. He is stupid.
As I write, I ask the reader this question: name me a single city on the West Coast, that has been charged with police brutality against blacks. I am talking from San Diego to Seattle . . . . and do this without running to Google. My point? What the killers in Black Lives Matters do not admit, is this, the "brutality issue" is one of several large but local metropolitan areas. It is NOT a sweeping, national problem.
Folks in Frisco are buying his jersey so they can burn them, in public. Good for them. We do not need another brain dead pundit making up crap as he challenges the very nation that made him a multi-millionaire.
Some say that what passes as "gender reassignment" for children, is nothing short of child molestation.
NY Post: The
Department of Health and Human Services recently issued rules telling
doctors they can’t decline to perform gender-reassignment surgery on
kids if it’s recommended by a “mental health professional.” Refusal
could be a career-ender.
How crazy is the rule? Well, for starters, most trans teens identify differently later in life — yet reassignment surgery is often irreversible, and even less-radical procedures can be harmful, as HHS’ own medical experts note.
Not to mention that the Hippocratic Oath (and basic human conscience) enjoins doctors from doing procedures they believe harmful to their patients.
On top of that, the rule also orders private insurers and employers to cover the procedures — even though Medicare and Medicaid, which HHS oversees, don’t.
Headed to court to toss the HHS rule is the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which is undefeated before the Supreme Court — capped by four wins when going up against the Obama administration.
Becket’s clients of record here include Franciscan Alliance, a religious hospital network, and the Christian Medical & Dental Associations; five states have also joined the lawsuit.
It seems an open-and-shut case: How can HHS possibly justify ordering a doctor to perform a surgery he believes harmful?
Even the mandate to employers and insurers is a clear overreach. If the rule stands, those who won’t cover gender-transition procedures will face severe penalties — yet HHS has no basis in federal law for declaring this to be essential medical care.
Indeed, a federal judge recently blocked another Team Obama trans-rights offensive for similar reasons.
The Education Department wants to withhold federal funds from schools that don’t recognize trans kids’ right to choose which bathrooms and locker rooms to use. But that, US District Judge Reed O’Connor found, utterly misreads Congress’ clear intent in banning “sex discrimination” in schools.
Bottom line: The administration is trying to impose its own trendy ideology across the land — in defiance of the law, science and democratic norms. Every friend of liberty should be fighting back.
How crazy is the rule? Well, for starters, most trans teens identify differently later in life — yet reassignment surgery is often irreversible, and even less-radical procedures can be harmful, as HHS’ own medical experts note.
Not to mention that the Hippocratic Oath (and basic human conscience) enjoins doctors from doing procedures they believe harmful to their patients.
On top of that, the rule also orders private insurers and employers to cover the procedures — even though Medicare and Medicaid, which HHS oversees, don’t.
Headed to court to toss the HHS rule is the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which is undefeated before the Supreme Court — capped by four wins when going up against the Obama administration.
Becket’s clients of record here include Franciscan Alliance, a religious hospital network, and the Christian Medical & Dental Associations; five states have also joined the lawsuit.
It seems an open-and-shut case: How can HHS possibly justify ordering a doctor to perform a surgery he believes harmful?
Even the mandate to employers and insurers is a clear overreach. If the rule stands, those who won’t cover gender-transition procedures will face severe penalties — yet HHS has no basis in federal law for declaring this to be essential medical care.
Indeed, a federal judge recently blocked another Team Obama trans-rights offensive for similar reasons.
The Education Department wants to withhold federal funds from schools that don’t recognize trans kids’ right to choose which bathrooms and locker rooms to use. But that, US District Judge Reed O’Connor found, utterly misreads Congress’ clear intent in banning “sex discrimination” in schools.
Bottom line: The administration is trying to impose its own trendy ideology across the land — in defiance of the law, science and democratic norms. Every friend of liberty should be fighting back.
The perfect definition about "psychopath" and it ain't Trump
(AOL) With a little more than two months to go before the Nov. 8 U.S.
election, the comments by David Plouffe, a former senior adviser to
President Barack Obama and manager of his 2008 presidential campaign,
mark another escalation in a series of blows exchanged between Trump's
camp and that of his Democrat rival Hillary Clinton.
"Basically, you have a psychopath running for president. I mean, he meets the clinical definition," Plouffe said in an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press."
When challenged, Plouffe acknowledged he had no degree in psychology
but rattled off what he said were the New York businessman's symptoms:
"grandiose notion of self-worth; pathological lying; lack of empathy and
Editor's notes: I have no idea why AOL thinks David Fluff's opinion is news. While the Left is publishing 3rd grade name calling as news, it seems to me that Fluff's point of view more accurately defines Barack, our wannabee resident Muslim. He is cold blooded, sleeping through Benghazi, deserting that doctor in Pakistan who led our Seals to bin Ladin's, refusing to have dialogue with GOP leadership during his first two years in our Whited House. He lies, even when telling the truth will not do him harm (ObamaCare in which he lied as to every critical issue and admitted it (!), the Iranian deal, and the most recent 1.3 billion dollar cash payments to his buds in Tehran). Grandiose ? Me, I still can't get those Greek pillars and his statement, "it is now that you will see the earth begin to cool and the ocean rise begin to subside." out of my mind.
"Basically, you have a psychopath running for president. I mean, he meets the clinical definition," Plouffe said in an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Hillary is taking a month off before the first debate. Is she prepairing for that debate, or is she worn out? Whatever. Certainly this is a strange bit of strategy.
DCLeaks is shut down because it dared to reveal the truth about George Soros, a king maker within the Democrat One World Party.
DCLeaks, a website that releases information on powerful political
figures, has had part of its website taken offline after releasing a
cache of documents on billionaire donor George Soros. The @DCLeaks
Twitter account has also been suspended from Twitter for reasons
The website had previously released 2,500 internal Open Society Foundation (OSF) documents in order to “shed light on one of the most influential networks operating worldwide.” OSF is one of Soros’ networks of organizations.
The leaked documents had resulted in several damaging reports about the organization. OSF had previously confirmed that the documents were legitimate.
Before the website went offline, an OSF spokesperson had called the leaks “a symptom of an aggressive assault on civil society and human rights activists that is taking place globally” in a statement released to The Daily Caller.
The website had previously released 2,500 internal Open Society Foundation (OSF) documents in order to “shed light on one of the most influential networks operating worldwide.” OSF is one of Soros’ networks of organizations.
The leaked documents had resulted in several damaging reports about the organization. OSF had previously confirmed that the documents were legitimate.
Before the website went offline, an OSF spokesperson had called the leaks “a symptom of an aggressive assault on civil society and human rights activists that is taking place globally” in a statement released to The Daily Caller.
Editor's notes: Can you imagine that transparency is seen as an "assault on civil society?" But that is exactly where the Communists and European One Worlders are -- totally in the tank opposing free political speech and a transparency that reveals their true intent. This is exactly why we have never had a detailed revelation from Barack as to what his intentions are for this once great nation. We have had to learn of his intentions via scandals and investigations. In a sense, we have had to choked it out of him. Ditto Hillary. While she is not a wannabee Muslim, she is no longer in favor of a sovereign United States of America. Keep in mind that a sovereign nation actually has borders.
Anyway, thank gawd for DCLeaks, the traitor Edward Snowden, and the pervert, Julian Assange. Even the devil does God's work on occasion.
Obama is a lawyer and, consequently, a wordsmith. He has no idea how stupid he sounds. Example . . . .
Obama wants you to think that "We can't really do anything if we don't know why a nation is doing what they are doing." And to argue that we don't know because we do not have diplomatic relations with Iran, is "a 5% I.Q.," stupid.
For starters, who cares why they are buzzing our boats. But, since Obama has no rules for international treatment of our troops and military force, even if we knew "why," it would not make a difference. Finally, surely he is not such a stoner/cocaine user that he cannot figure out what they are doing AND why. But, who knows; maybe he is that stupid.
According the genius New York Times, the GOP is weak with minorities because of Trump (?).
Jeremy W. Peters / New York Times:
As Donald Trump Repels Minority Voters, G.O.P. Fears Its Future in the West
— PHOENIX — Republicans in Western states fear that Donald J. Trump
could imperil their party for years to come in the country's
fastest-growing region as he repels a generation of Hispanics, Asians
and younger voters who have been altering the electoral map.
Editor's notes: As a reminder, The GOP had good numbers with Hispanics under Bush 43. Why? Because he supported "sanctuary cities," high risk mortgages to low income minorities, and, did nothing to solve the border patrol issues. Outside of that bit of history, there is no historic evidence that the GOP is or was making significant advances within the minority communities. Trump is doing nothing to alienate that voting block(s).
Certainly, the beginning of his campaign was thoughtless, but he is not a politician. He really never thought any more about his opinions than the rest of us (on both sides of the aisle) until he decided to run for the presidency. Over the past several months, his views have been modified and, even, changed.
Understand that for every example of thoughtless rhetoric on Trump's part, I can quote 10 examples from the Progressive/Democrat side of the aisle. So stop with the nonsense that he is anymore the "bad guy" than Hillary and Bill.
Trump, really is closing the polling gap. He has stayed "on message" for three weeks, and, it is working.
Clinton at 42 percent and Republican Donald J. Trump at 41 percent, in the latest Breitbart News Network/Gravis Marketing poll of 1,493 likely voters. That puts the negligible one percent difference between Trump and Clinton well below the poll’s margin of error of 2.5 percent, meaning this is a tie ball game heading into the home stretch of the election.
U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton leads her Republican rival Donald Trump by 5 percentage points among likely voters, down from a peak this month of 12 points, according to the Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll released on Friday.
Media goes after Bannon for being "anti-Semetic." Never mentions the anti-Jewish rhetoric of Black Lives Matters, Jeremiah Wright, Louis . . . . .
New York Daily News:
Anti-Semitic Trump campaign CEO Stephen Bannon not a big fan of ‘whiny brat’ Jews, ex-wife says
— Donald Trump's campaign CEO Stephen Bannon was branded an
anti-Semite by the same ex-wife who claimed he choked her, court
documents reveal. — Mary Louise Piccard said in a 2007 court
declaration …
Editor's notes: Media goes after Trump's campaign CEO, Bannon, for being "anti-Semetic." The Marxists in our Media use the testimony of an ex-wife from 2007. They never mention the anti-Jewish rhetoric of Black Lives Matters, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam, the Muslim terrorist front, CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood in Obama's White House, Al Sharpton and his legion of morons, and the communist based Congressional Black Caucus.
The Democrat Party invented the KKK, all of the Jim Crow laws, a phony "war on poverty," designed to garner the black vote without doing a damn thing for the constituency. The two greatest Progressive icons of the Democrat Party were Woodrow Wilson (the WW I president) and FDR (the WW II president). Both men were wildly racist against blacks. Both segregated the military during the two world wars. Even Bill Clinton famously said, "There was a time when this guy (Barack Obama) would be carrying our luggage."
So don't waste our time trying to equate the racism of the GOP with that of the Democrat Party. You can't get more racist than the Democrats and remain in power.
Editor's notes: Media goes after Trump's campaign CEO, Bannon, for being "anti-Semetic." The Marxists in our Media use the testimony of an ex-wife from 2007. They never mention the anti-Jewish rhetoric of Black Lives Matters, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam, the Muslim terrorist front, CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood in Obama's White House, Al Sharpton and his legion of morons, and the communist based Congressional Black Caucus.
The Democrat Party invented the KKK, all of the Jim Crow laws, a phony "war on poverty," designed to garner the black vote without doing a damn thing for the constituency. The two greatest Progressive icons of the Democrat Party were Woodrow Wilson (the WW I president) and FDR (the WW II president). Both men were wildly racist against blacks. Both segregated the military during the two world wars. Even Bill Clinton famously said, "There was a time when this guy (Barack Obama) would be carrying our luggage."
So don't waste our time trying to equate the racism of the GOP with that of the Democrat Party. You can't get more racist than the Democrats and remain in power.
No body and I mean, "No body" uses BleachBit to delete harmless personal emails. But Hillary did.
Seth Fiegerman / CNNMoney:
What is BleachBit? Little-known tool at center of Clinton email controversy
— The latest focus point in Hillary Clinton's long email controversy
may be a little-known tool for freeing up computer storage space. —
Trey Gowdy, a Republican congressman from South Carolina …
Why Left Wing Idealism is a good thing, in spite of the fact it never works.
As you know, I am no "Lefty." No tattoos, never a head for hippy
hair, no staubs in my navel or bottom lip or rings in my nose, because
who I am has nothing to do with trivia.
Most importantly, in my old age, I understand the difference between idealism as a way of life and the practicalities of my faith. Christ once said, "You will always have the poor (John 12:8)." And, in that statement is the difference of which I write.
The Left believes in the "war on poverty," never admitting to its abject failure, always believing that this existential reality is something other than existential. Anti-aging creams are the rule of the day, in spite of the fact that aging is undeniable. I mean, if these creams worked, my entire body would be cream colored 24/7 . . . . . . . and, sadly, I am talking about a lot of cream. Deep down inside, we all know that a "world without war" is not possible, history proving the point . . . . . not to mention the innate failure of the human spirit. And, then, there is all this talk that "we are not alone" in the Universe, that billions of similar-to-earth planets exist, just waiting for us to make the (25 trillion mile) journey and start propagating with wild abandon. "Global Warming" rescue will never work, either. I mean, we can't prevent a single earthquake or volcanic eruption, so why do we believe we can control the weather?
Most importantly, in my old age, I understand the difference between idealism as a way of life and the practicalities of my faith. Christ once said, "You will always have the poor (John 12:8)." And, in that statement is the difference of which I write.
The Left believes in the "war on poverty," never admitting to its abject failure, always believing that this existential reality is something other than existential. Anti-aging creams are the rule of the day, in spite of the fact that aging is undeniable. I mean, if these creams worked, my entire body would be cream colored 24/7 . . . . . . . and, sadly, I am talking about a lot of cream. Deep down inside, we all know that a "world without war" is not possible, history proving the point . . . . . not to mention the innate failure of the human spirit. And, then, there is all this talk that "we are not alone" in the Universe, that billions of similar-to-earth planets exist, just waiting for us to make the (25 trillion mile) journey and start propagating with wild abandon. "Global Warming" rescue will never work, either. I mean, we can't prevent a single earthquake or volcanic eruption, so why do we believe we can control the weather?
But there is a "positive" to all this Left Wing silliness: "idealism"
is driven by an unwillingness to surrender to those things that will,
without a doubt, defeat us in this life, and, I think that is a good
thing. The "practical life," on the other hand, is too often driven by
surrender, and a refusal to even try to escape or improve or seek
compromise. God bless the Right Wingers; they keep our feet on the
ground. God bless the Libs; they keep us looking to the stars and the
hope of a brighter future. I don't think we should ever denigrate
either. Too bad we will never get along. Such is the nature of a
dialectic reality, my friends.
The birth of of the Pervert Nation versus the Patriot Nation is here-and-now.
"I would prefer politicians to not campaign one way and then
govern another way. We want to know that they are
candid and sincere in the policies that they are proposing as
candidates and then once they are in that administration that
they would stick to it." ~ Sarah Palin.
She was talking about Trump, but it applies to whoever.
Take Barack Obama. He pretended to be an Evangelical with traditional values. Within weeks of taking over the US Government, he began revealing his Muslim alliance and his shameful support of queer militancy (which is different from the "gay world").
His tactic worked because he revealed who he was after his sham had taken him into our White House. Trump, with his about face on immigration, an "about face" with which I agree, may be the end of his candidacy. Time will tell, but it appears that we are all Muslim sympathizing Communists, now.
The future of the country will forever be defined as The Pervert Nation versus The Patriot Nation.
She was talking about Trump, but it applies to whoever.
Take Barack Obama. He pretended to be an Evangelical with traditional values. Within weeks of taking over the US Government, he began revealing his Muslim alliance and his shameful support of queer militancy (which is different from the "gay world").
His tactic worked because he revealed who he was after his sham had taken him into our White House. Trump, with his about face on immigration, an "about face" with which I agree, may be the end of his candidacy. Time will tell, but it appears that we are all Muslim sympathizing Communists, now.
The future of the country will forever be defined as The Pervert Nation versus The Patriot Nation.
Jeb Bush Says He's Not Buying The Trump Immigration Shift
Andrew Kaczynski / BuzzFeed:
Jeb Bush Says He's Not Buying The Trump Immigration Shift
I am thinking, "Who the hell cares?" ~ editor.
Jeb Bush Says He's Not Buying The Trump Immigration Shift
I am thinking, "Who the hell cares?" ~ editor.
Kayla Mueller's story will air tonight on 20/20. Here is a little much needed context to this story.
Kayla Mueller's sad story will be told, in part, on 20/20 tonight (Friday the 26th). I say "in part" because I doubt 20/20 will make mention of the fact that Kayla had joined the International Solidarity Movement in Palestine. The "refugee" work she was supporting was an anti-Israeli outreach better known as Doctors Without Borders, who refused to help secure her release. She was helping with the humanitarian work being done by this partisan organization (partisans can be humanitarians, too) at the time she fell into the hands of ISIS. Misguided on one level, this beautiful young lady saw the face of evil she wished, desperately, did not exist. A prisoner for two years, raped on a daily basis and tortured, it does appear that she refused to "convert." In the end, death was her reprieve. The lessons learned, however, did not follow her into the grave, but remain as lessons to those who live on. I believe that her refusal to convert, made her a sister to us all. Partisan humanitarian efforts are humanitarian, nonetheless. Idealism can be easily misguided but the ministry of a genuine humanitarian has a certain purity that must be honored by us all. God bless Kayla Mueller and her family. ~ editor
Brexist gives hope to Trump. Here is why:
Understand that the day before the Brexist vote in the U.K., the anti-Brexist vote was 10 points down, indicating a landslide loss for those who wanted to leave the E.U.
Update: Las Vegas bookies say its 95% that Trump loses. They also said that it was 85% that Brexist would lose.
Turns out more than 2.5 million folks came "out of nowhere" to give Brexist the victory.
The polls weren't even close on their predictions as to Brexist. And, we all know the political bias of most of our national polls.
While the polls should not be ignored, still, they almost never get it exactly right. Only the national election will do that.
See you in November.
Update: Las Vegas bookies say its 95% that Trump loses. They also said that it was 85% that Brexist would lose.
Turns out more than 2.5 million folks came "out of nowhere" to give Brexist the victory.
The polls weren't even close on their predictions as to Brexist. And, we all know the political bias of most of our national polls.
While the polls should not be ignored, still, they almost never get it exactly right. Only the national election will do that.
See you in November.
Yes, Hannity is all in for Trump, but the Marxist Media is doing more for Hillary.
Media Matters report: Fox News host Sean Hannity, who has been informally advising Donald
Trump’s presidential campaign while serving as its primary media
cheerleader, has effectively turned his nightly prime-time show into
Trump’s second campaign headquarters. According to a Media Matters analysis,
Hannity’s program has given Trump what amounts to more than $31 million
in free advertising in the form of dozens of fawning interviews with
the candidate since Trump declared his candidacy in June 2015.
Hannity has devoted just over 22 hours of airtime to broadcasting interviews with Trump since the launch of Trump’s campaign. That airtime is worth more than $31 million according to advertising value calculated by media monitoring service iQ Media. That coverage includes 51 original interviews and over a dozen re-airings of previously aired interviews. This year alone, Hannity has aired thirteen and a half hours of Trump interviews, four and a half hours of which have come since Ted Cruz and John Kasich dropped out of the Republican primary in early May, effectively ending the race.
The reader should know that Hannity has offered Hillary all the time she might request, but, to date, nothing from the woman. The report from Media Matters does not offer a factual comparison of Hannity's actions with regard to the candidates, pre and post GOP primary, his offer for air time and who has rejected his offering. The fact of the matter is this: Trump accepted Hannity's audience as did Cruz. The others were offered more time than they utilized. Finally, the reader should know that the positive air time for Hillary is 5x that of Trump ~ blog editor.
Hannity has devoted just over 22 hours of airtime to broadcasting interviews with Trump since the launch of Trump’s campaign. That airtime is worth more than $31 million according to advertising value calculated by media monitoring service iQ Media. That coverage includes 51 original interviews and over a dozen re-airings of previously aired interviews. This year alone, Hannity has aired thirteen and a half hours of Trump interviews, four and a half hours of which have come since Ted Cruz and John Kasich dropped out of the Republican primary in early May, effectively ending the race.
The reader should know that Hannity has offered Hillary all the time she might request, but, to date, nothing from the woman. The report from Media Matters does not offer a factual comparison of Hannity's actions with regard to the candidates, pre and post GOP primary, his offer for air time and who has rejected his offering. The fact of the matter is this: Trump accepted Hannity's audience as did Cruz. The others were offered more time than they utilized. Finally, the reader should know that the positive air time for Hillary is 5x that of Trump ~ blog editor.
Here is a typical Trump Rally, today, in Austin (but it could be Anyway, USA).
Dana Perino at Fox, does not believe the size of these rally's means anything. Whatever. Hillary has no such pictures.
The most secretive Administration in our lifetimes . . . and it just struck again.
<<< Never forget this clown betrayed his soldier buddies in Viet Nam and threw his military metals away and, now, he will not disclose information we, the people, deserve to know.
The Obama administration is withholding from Congress details about how $1.3 billion in U.S. taxpayer funds was delivered to Iran, according to conversations with lawmakers, who told the Washington Free Beacon that the administration is now stonewalling an official inquiry into the matter.
The Departments of State, Treasury, and Justice have all rebuffed a congressional probe into the circumstances surrounding the $1.3 billion payment to Iran, which is part of an additional $400 million cash payout that occurred just prior to the release of several U.S. hostages and led to accusations that the administration had paid Iran a ransom.
The Obama administration has admitted in recent days that the $400 million cash delivery to Iran was part of an effort to secure the release of these American hostages, raising further questions on Capitol Hill about White House efforts to suppress these details from the public.
Source: http://freebeacon.com/national-security/obama-admin-wont-tell-congress-paid-iran-1-3-billion-taxpayer-funds/
The Obama administration is withholding from Congress details about how $1.3 billion in U.S. taxpayer funds was delivered to Iran, according to conversations with lawmakers, who told the Washington Free Beacon that the administration is now stonewalling an official inquiry into the matter.
The Departments of State, Treasury, and Justice have all rebuffed a congressional probe into the circumstances surrounding the $1.3 billion payment to Iran, which is part of an additional $400 million cash payout that occurred just prior to the release of several U.S. hostages and led to accusations that the administration had paid Iran a ransom.
The Obama administration has admitted in recent days that the $400 million cash delivery to Iran was part of an effort to secure the release of these American hostages, raising further questions on Capitol Hill about White House efforts to suppress these details from the public.
Source: http://freebeacon.com/national-security/obama-admin-wont-tell-congress-paid-iran-1-3-billion-taxpayer-funds/
Tantaros, Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes. (Go get 'em, Andrea).
But she also
alleges she was sexually harassed by the network’s biggest star, Bill
O’Reilly. The suit alleges that O’Reilly attempted to lure her to Long
Island where he told her it would be “very private” and that she could
show him her “wild side.”
[C]ommencing in February 2016, Bill O’Reilly (“O’Reilly”), whom Tantaros had considered to be a good friend and a person from whom she sought career guidance, started sexually harassing her by, inter alia, (a) asking her to come to stay with him on Long Island where it would be “very private,” and (b) telling her on more than one occasion that he could “see [her] as a wild girl,” and that he believed that she had a “wild side.” Fox News did take one action: plainly because of O’Reilly’s rumored prior sexual harassment issues and in recognition of Tantaros’s complaints, Brandi informed Cane that Tantaros would no longer be appearing on O’Reilly’s Fox News show, The O’Reilly Factor.
isn’t the first time O’Reilly has been accused of sexual harassment. In
2004, he was sued by Fox producer Andrea Mackris who alleged he
“repeatedly subjected her to sexual harassment through dinner and phone
conversations variously described as lewd, lascivious, vile and threatening.” The allegations included O’Reilly trying to lure Mackris to his hotel room.
He later settled the lawsuit, reportedly for millions. O’Reilly is not a named defendant in Tantaros’ lawsuit.
‘a man trapped in a woman’s body’ or ‘a woman trapped in a man’s body’ — is not supported by scientific evidence.” So who are the real science deniers ???
Although popular culture and many of the leading media organizations
have bought wholeheartedly into the idea that gender identity is
something distinct from one’s biological sex — that a man could be born
in a woman’s body or vice versa — such beliefs have no grounding in any
credible scientific evidence, according to a report published Monday in
the journal The New Atlantis.
Arizona State University professor of statistics and biostatistics Lawrence S. Mayer and John Hopkins University Medical School professor of psychiatrics Paul McHugh co-authored the report, which examined top peer-reviewed studies in the biological, psychological, and social sciences.
“Examining research from the biological, psychological, and social sciences, this report shows that some of the most frequently heard claims about sexuality and gender are not supported by scientific evidence,” they noted.
Among the key findings listed by the authors was that, “The hypothesis that gender identity is an innate, fixed property of human beings that is independent of biological sex — that a person might be ‘a man trapped in a woman’s body’ or ‘a woman trapped in a man’s body’ — is not supported by scientific evidence.”
Arizona State University professor of statistics and biostatistics Lawrence S. Mayer and John Hopkins University Medical School professor of psychiatrics Paul McHugh co-authored the report, which examined top peer-reviewed studies in the biological, psychological, and social sciences.
“Examining research from the biological, psychological, and social sciences, this report shows that some of the most frequently heard claims about sexuality and gender are not supported by scientific evidence,” they noted.
Among the key findings listed by the authors was that, “The hypothesis that gender identity is an innate, fixed property of human beings that is independent of biological sex — that a person might be ‘a man trapped in a woman’s body’ or ‘a woman trapped in a man’s body’ — is not supported by scientific evidence.”
She's as "Left" as you get, but that is where the Democrat Party is headed. Now they want to have a serious discussion about taking guns away from the police. (Yes, I said "serious").
Jill Stein, the Green Party nominee for president, on Sunday said she
would like to “explore for the future” the idea of taking away guns from
police officers in order to “address this scourge of racist violence.”
Another failed black mayor screaming "Racism." And the beat goes on and on and on and on.
Petersburg Mayor W. Howard Myers has told his fellow City Council members that the attacks on his and the body’s leadership are racially and politically motivated.
“I will as a representative of Ward 5 and as mayor duly to my right hand, serve the public without blemish and from scare tactics from a few racist(s) and Republican supporters,” Myers wrote in an Aug. 11 email that he asked the city clerk to share with all council members.
Myers in particular has been
under fire because some residents hold him responsible for the city’s
dire financial situation. Petersburg has nearly $19 million in unpaid
bills and is expected to run a $12 million deficit in the current fiscal
Seems like 12 million plus 19 million is more the problem than "a 12 million dollar deficit:" ~ editor.
Seems like 12 million plus 19 million is more the problem than "a 12 million dollar deficit:" ~ editor.
Clintons promise to stop raising money via their Foundation after they no longer need the money. BFD.
Understand that the Clinton Foundation will take money right up to Inauguration Day. More than this, the Foundation has agencies in several foreign countries, none of which are included in the restrictions the Clintons promise to make. Its all B.S. . . . . as usual ~ editor
Call it chutzpah or just utter tone-deafness: The Clintons are now promising that the family foundation will stop taking foreign and corporate donations if Hillary wins the White House.
Translation: If you don’t want to use your personal checkbook (or find a US-based straw donor), get your bribes in now.
And even that promise turned out to have loopholes after just a day: The foundation’s largest single component, the Clinton Health Access Initiative, on Friday refused to rule out taking any and all donations.
Which is par for the course. After all, the Clintons promised to stop pocketing cash from foreign governments once she became secretary of state — but didn’t.
Last November, recall, the foundation had to refile six years worth of tax returns to account for foreign government cash it “forgot” to include the first time around.
She also promised to keep State Department business entirely separate from the foundation’s work — yet her e-mails show her top aides at State regularly rushing to keep donors happy.
Source: http://nypost.com/2016/08/19/the-clinton-foundation-must-shut-down-if-hillary-wins/
Call it chutzpah or just utter tone-deafness: The Clintons are now promising that the family foundation will stop taking foreign and corporate donations if Hillary wins the White House.
Translation: If you don’t want to use your personal checkbook (or find a US-based straw donor), get your bribes in now.
And even that promise turned out to have loopholes after just a day: The foundation’s largest single component, the Clinton Health Access Initiative, on Friday refused to rule out taking any and all donations.
Which is par for the course. After all, the Clintons promised to stop pocketing cash from foreign governments once she became secretary of state — but didn’t.
Last November, recall, the foundation had to refile six years worth of tax returns to account for foreign government cash it “forgot” to include the first time around.
She also promised to keep State Department business entirely separate from the foundation’s work — yet her e-mails show her top aides at State regularly rushing to keep donors happy.
Source: http://nypost.com/2016/08/19/the-clinton-foundation-must-shut-down-if-hillary-wins/
Here is why the birth certificate remains a question for many:
Media Matters for America:
On MSNBC, Senior Trump Adviser Says “Nothing Wrong” With Trump's Birther Attacks On Obama
— JOY-ANN REID (GUEST HOST): Joining me now is senior adviser to the
Trump campaign Jack Kingston, former Republican congressman from
Georgia. Congressman, thank you so much for being here, appreciate it.
Editor's note: Of course the Marxist Media never truly vetted Barack Obama. Never. They never fully examined his ties (if any) to Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, a terrorist group calling for the violent overthrow of the United States and its white population. Barack attend Nation of Islam gatherings (once or more) and the friendship between Jeremiah Wright and Farrakhan is well documented. He attended Jeremiah Wright's church for more than twenty years, beginning when Barack and Michelle were in their early 20's, until the beginning of his two terms as President. Folks, to this day, have no clue as to the hate and mistrust Wright has for the United States and its founding documents. There is simply no way for Barack and Michelle to have attended this church for 20 plus years, without accepting the harshness of Wright's point of view and his antagonism regarding America. Such was never vetted, and Obama's pretense at "discovering" the angst expressed by Wright is an impossible fraud.
A related question has to do with the theology of the Black Liberation Movement (the religion of Jeremiah Wright, Barack and Michelle Obama and others), its ties to Rudolf Bultmann and the black revolution in this country. You, the reader, have no clue as to what I am talking about because this was was never vetted by the Marxist Media. And why? Because the Marxist Media shares in the philosophy "of the black revolution."
Why is Obama an approving patron of the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that is responsible for the assassination of Egyptians President Anwar Sadat, in 1981? And how much of the Muslim hatred for America does Obama share? We don't know because this was never vetted.
As far as his birth certificate is concerned, when a man takes 5 or 6 years to come up with a certificate any of us could have shared within days of the request, the response is unbelievable, at least to me. Something wrong when a man takes years and years to do what any of us could do in days . . . . . period.
Editor's note: Of course the Marxist Media never truly vetted Barack Obama. Never. They never fully examined his ties (if any) to Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, a terrorist group calling for the violent overthrow of the United States and its white population. Barack attend Nation of Islam gatherings (once or more) and the friendship between Jeremiah Wright and Farrakhan is well documented. He attended Jeremiah Wright's church for more than twenty years, beginning when Barack and Michelle were in their early 20's, until the beginning of his two terms as President. Folks, to this day, have no clue as to the hate and mistrust Wright has for the United States and its founding documents. There is simply no way for Barack and Michelle to have attended this church for 20 plus years, without accepting the harshness of Wright's point of view and his antagonism regarding America. Such was never vetted, and Obama's pretense at "discovering" the angst expressed by Wright is an impossible fraud.
A related question has to do with the theology of the Black Liberation Movement (the religion of Jeremiah Wright, Barack and Michelle Obama and others), its ties to Rudolf Bultmann and the black revolution in this country. You, the reader, have no clue as to what I am talking about because this was was never vetted by the Marxist Media. And why? Because the Marxist Media shares in the philosophy "of the black revolution."
Why is Obama an approving patron of the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that is responsible for the assassination of Egyptians President Anwar Sadat, in 1981? And how much of the Muslim hatred for America does Obama share? We don't know because this was never vetted.
As far as his birth certificate is concerned, when a man takes 5 or 6 years to come up with a certificate any of us could have shared within days of the request, the response is unbelievable, at least to me. Something wrong when a man takes years and years to do what any of us could do in days . . . . . period.
Here is why I am a nutcase when it comes to Barack's birth certificate" Understand that I do not claim he is not an American citizen. But, at the same time, I have no answers for the following:
You should know that during the 2008 campaign, Barack visited his dying grandmother, someone he never talked about, in Hawaii, and, the hospital where he was supposed born. He suspended his campaign and took the trip, but refused to allow any of the media to travel with him. No media. No pictures. No itinerary. No validation. Three years later, April 27, 2011, he presents the long form of his birth certificate. No one could find this document before that day, including the press. Why? Why didn't the media simply go to the hall of records, in Hawaii, and produce the certificate? This is an unanswered question to this day, and, that is why there are questions.
Here is my question: how long would it take for the media (or any of you reading this post) to find my birth certificate, after it was decided that they wanted to find that document? How many days or hours would it take someone, anyone, to go to the hall of records in the county of my birth and find the certificate? You do know that birth certificates are public records, right?
The fact that my question remains unanswered, to this day, gives you the reason for the mistrust on this matter, and rightly so.
Bad news for the patriotic nation: The European Socialists are ahead, with enough electoral votes to win the election if the vote was today.
Our headline is true despite the 4x larger crowds attending the Trump rallies.
CLINTON RISES TO 348 ELECTORAL VOTES, TRUMP DROPS TO 190 Clinton now above 270 Safe or Likely Democratic electoral votes for the first time |
By Larry J. Sabato, Geoffrey Skelley, and Kyle Kondik Sabato's Crystal Ball |
Three Trump speeches this week, and all were very much "on track." Here is his latest (video - 44 minutes) thanks to . . . .
"The Republican nominee delivers one of the most comprehensive, on-message rationales for his candidacy to date" ~ Politico The video comes from RealClearPolitics, here.
Immigrants side with Donald. They want an ideological test for immigrants like, you know, "Do you believe killing Americans is a good thing ?"
Note: The question in the headline is not on the "test."
Most Americans who immigrated to the U.S. support Donald Trump’s call for a temporary immigration ban from some countries, along with other proposals that appear to view foreigners with suspicion, according to a new Morning Consult poll.
The online survey, conducted after Trump unveiled his national security platform on Monday, shows that the views of immigrants and descendants of recent immigrants do not differ much from those of the general electorate.
As with the entire electorate, about six out of 10 immigrants (61
percent) said they back Trump’s proposal to have all foreigners take an
ideological test when applying for a visa to make sure they share
American values. About a quarter of immigrants (26 percent), as with the
electorate as a whole (23 percent), said they opposed it.
Source: https://morningconsult.com/2016/08/18/american-immigrants-back-trump-ideological-test-poll-shows/
Most Americans who immigrated to the U.S. support Donald Trump’s call for a temporary immigration ban from some countries, along with other proposals that appear to view foreigners with suspicion, according to a new Morning Consult poll.
The online survey, conducted after Trump unveiled his national security platform on Monday, shows that the views of immigrants and descendants of recent immigrants do not differ much from those of the general electorate.
Support for ideological test | Strongly support | Somewhat support | Somewhat oppose | Strongly oppose | Don't know/No opinion |
All voters | 38% | 24% | 12% | 11% | 15% |
Immigrated to U.S. | 31% | 30% | 17% | 12% | 10% |
First Generation | 44% | 20% | 13% | 13% | 11% |
Second Generation | 36% | 26% | 15% | 12% | 10% |
Third Generation | 34% | 26% | 16% | 13% | 12% |
Source: https://morningconsult.com/2016/08/18/american-immigrants-back-trump-ideological-test-poll-shows/
Getting Obama to tell the truth is like pulling teeth, only not as efficient . . . . yes, it was ransom.
NY Poster: The State Department admitted Thursday that the US would not hand
over $400 million in cash to Iran until it released four American
hostages — two weeks after President Obama insisted the payment was not a
State Department spokesman John Kirby was asked at Thursday’s press briefing: “In basic English, you’re saying you wouldn’t give them $400 million in cash until the prisoners were released, correct?”
“That’s correct,” Kirby replied.
State Department spokesman John Kirby was asked at Thursday’s press briefing: “In basic English, you’re saying you wouldn’t give them $400 million in cash until the prisoners were released, correct?”
“That’s correct,” Kirby replied.
Venezuela is doing what the American Progressives want to do. Same play book, different country.
Venezuela crushes 2,000 guns in public, plans registry of bullets...
Venezuelan police crushed and chopped up nearly 2,000 shotguns and pistols in a Caracas city square on Wednesday, as the new interior minister relaunched a long-stalled gun control campaign in one of the world's most crime-ridden countries.
Interior Minister Nestor Reverol said the event marked the renewal of efforts to disarm Venezuelans, through a combination of seizures and a voluntary program to swap guns for electrical goods.
Venezuela has the world's second highest murder rate and the street gangs that plague its poor neighborhoods have become increasingly heavily armed in recent years, at a time when a deep recession has reduced resources available to police.
Gangs often get weapons from the police, either by stealing them or buying them from corrupt officers, experts say.
Editor's notes: This news/opinion piece wants the reader to believe that guns are the problem. Never mind that the gangs of Venezuela are running free and their accomplices , in the supply of guns and ammo, have been the Venezuelan government. Unless and until more prisons are built and a concerted effort at ridding the nation of its gangland population, the murder rate issue will continue.
The "problem" of gun ownership is nothing but a cover for a growing and dictatorial ruling class. Corruption at the top, and a willingness to allow the criminal community to run free, are much more the problem than "ownership."
Venezuelan police crushed and chopped up nearly 2,000 shotguns and pistols in a Caracas city square on Wednesday, as the new interior minister relaunched a long-stalled gun control campaign in one of the world's most crime-ridden countries.
Interior Minister Nestor Reverol said the event marked the renewal of efforts to disarm Venezuelans, through a combination of seizures and a voluntary program to swap guns for electrical goods.
Venezuela has the world's second highest murder rate and the street gangs that plague its poor neighborhoods have become increasingly heavily armed in recent years, at a time when a deep recession has reduced resources available to police.
Gangs often get weapons from the police, either by stealing them or buying them from corrupt officers, experts say.
Editor's notes: This news/opinion piece wants the reader to believe that guns are the problem. Never mind that the gangs of Venezuela are running free and their accomplices , in the supply of guns and ammo, have been the Venezuelan government. Unless and until more prisons are built and a concerted effort at ridding the nation of its gangland population, the murder rate issue will continue.
The "problem" of gun ownership is nothing but a cover for a growing and dictatorial ruling class. Corruption at the top, and a willingness to allow the criminal community to run free, are much more the problem than "ownership."
"Profit" is NOT a bad word, but try explaining that to our domestic "European Socialists" (aka Democrat Party),
the Huffington Post:
Aetna CEO Threatened Obamacare Pullout If Feds Opposed Humana Merger
— Give us our merger or we'll quit Obamacare, the insurer told Justice
Department officials in a July letter. — Senior National
Correspondent, The Huffington Post — The big health care news this
week came from Aetna …
Editor's notes: Humana is already moving out of ObamaCare, and, now Aetna will abandon 7 of the 10 policy programs. You only think you want "single payer." Have any idea what that is? single payer health care? I can tell you with purpose: it is no more "nuanced" than coverage via Medicare, a program already 47 trillion dollars in debt to itself ("unfunded liabilities"). That's it. Medicare.
Nothing wrong with Medicare if you cannot afford better coverage. But dreamers like Barack Obama do not think its fair to allow for better coverage when so many cannot afford such coverage . . . . so we all "suffer" . . . . . . . . . except for the autocrats at the top, the dictator class, the national elitists, those who violate your liberties for the sake of [their] personal gain, ala Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama . . . . both millionaires after moving into the political arena.
Nothing wrong with Medicare if you cannot afford better coverage. But dreamers like Barack Obama do not think its fair to allow for better coverage when so many cannot afford such coverage . . . . so we all "suffer" . . . . . . . . . except for the autocrats at the top, the dictator class, the national elitists, those who violate your liberties for the sake of [their] personal gain, ala Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama . . . . both millionaires after moving into the political arena.
Here comes Trump. This recorded speech should give the socialist elitists fits. (38 min speech for Aug 16.2016.
Maybe the "presidential Trump" is both "spontaneous and controversial" AND reasonable/pleasant in his speech practices. We want him to be one or the other. I want him to be "one or the other."
Here is Trump (38 minutes . . . . . grab a pot of coffee and take the time to listen. It is an excellent speech). I listened to it last night, I can't imagine why a Conservative minded patriot would not think this speech is anything but great.
Keep in mind that the Bush Wing of the GOP totally betrayed the Conservative nation . . . . . and that statement is the first time I have been anything other than defensive of G.W. He released more GITMO prisoners than will Obama (and they ALL are dangerous, folks). Bush supported the Progressive policies of "Affordable Housing" (home ownership for all) and sanctuary cities, and, believed that the Feds should play more of a role in the education of our children. Bush Republicans approved the "abortion pill," RU 486. His dad helped to "invent" project 21 and its progressive push for "sustainable" federal programs including "global warming," The Bush family has never been "small government" despite the family rhetoric. I was duped by this family, especially GW, and I am just now admitting my failing.
Anyway, Trump's speech will be very agreeable to most of you.
Report: Trump's use of the media -- then and now.
Before the end of the primary season, Trump controlled the media via personal news show appearances, press conferences and speech appearances.
Today, coverage is non-stop, but Trump is not in control, nor does he appear to be trying, in that regard.
He is not using personal cable and network appearances, nor is he using press conferences to control the the daily message. Without ad time (to date, this is nearly zero) , the media is controlling him and what is talked about from day to day.
The media's responsibility in this and all future campaigns, is to keep the conservative opposition on the defense and off message. And Trump is letting this happen.
If he does not get his head out of his backside, he is going to lose and lose in historic measure. Too bad, because Hillary really is a crook.
Today, coverage is non-stop, but Trump is not in control, nor does he appear to be trying, in that regard.
He is not using personal cable and network appearances, nor is he using press conferences to control the the daily message. Without ad time (to date, this is nearly zero) , the media is controlling him and what is talked about from day to day.
The media's responsibility in this and all future campaigns, is to keep the conservative opposition on the defense and off message. And Trump is letting this happen.
If he does not get his head out of his backside, he is going to lose and lose in historic measure. Too bad, because Hillary really is a crook.
European Socialism is not a freind to our personal freedoms.
Just to be clear, politically speaking, Communism (a) is the religion of atheists, and (b) the mother of European Socialism.
By definition, Communism is "dialectic material." At least, that is what is on the cover of the "Communist Manifesto."
And what is "dialectic materialism?"
For starters, and this effects all of us, the phrase "dialectic materialism" is Karl Marx's idiotic effort at sounding intellectual. There is no such thing as "dialectic materialism," only the dialectic that contrasts materialism with issues of faith. So the man was half right.
Communism by definition, accepts our material reality as the only source for truth, and, consequently rejects "mythologies" such as religion. That is why Communist countries (Russia, China, Cuba) reject religion and fight to sequester people of faith . . . . . not because those people are a threat, but simply because those people are stupid . . . . . . on the basis that they believe in mythology.
Radicalized socialism, Barack's brand of socialism, is the next step down. It allows for religion, even pretends to partner with the religious, when, in fact. its apostles oppose religion on every hand . . . . and I am talking about true faith/religion. Its automatic. This is why the Obama generation laughs at and mocks those who have issues with modern day science as "science deniers." . Many, and a growing number within the Democrat Party, want to criminalize speech that argues against the idiocy of evolution, or the unprovable theory of :global warming" (btw, there is no such thing as "global" warming, only "regional" warming - think about it, before you burp up a response).
Conclusion: "science deniers" are to be limited as to their domestic influence (schools, what they can say in their pulpits and churches, sports, and discussion forums that allow for a criticism of science). If you have ever called someone a "science denier," it is only because you are an atheist. Science, contrary to popular conservative opinion, is not a religion, it is an enemy to religion when it is forced upon the population via laws and ridicule.
Hail to the Comrade Class and their leaders, the Elitist Rich folks.
Trump is correct. He is not running against Hillary so much as he is running against the Marxist Media.
New York Times:
Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump's Campaign Chief
— KIEV, Ukraine — On a leafy side street off Independence Square in
Kiev is an office used for years by Donald J. Trump's campaign chairman,
Paul Manafort, when he consulted for Ukraine's ruling political party.
Editor's note: Who cares about Paul Manafort's past consulting life? Its called "business" or "making a living." Apparently, the Times is out of its collective mind over foreign money in the market place, when, at the same time, it turns a blind eye at the Clinton Foundation to the fact that more than 80% of the millions collected did not go to any charitable concern, or the news reports of a month ago that the Saudi's have funded 80% of the Clinton primary campaign, or the in-your-face "pay for play" perfected by the Clinton Corruption Machine.
Proving, of course, the radical weaponization of the National Media (including the Times (L.A. and NEW YORK), the Wa/Post, the Butt Brothers Three (NBC,ABC, CBS) against Donald Trump and the Conservative Nation, many of whom will vote for Trump solely because their candidate did not win the GOP primary.
The above headlined story is one of three or four stories, daily, product by the Marxists in our National Media designed to destroy the Conservative/Anti-socialist cause along with Trump.
Of course, Trump is not helping, but the intentional misdirection of the the daily "news" cycle is as bad as I have ever seen, and I remember Goldwater and the Reason years. This is far more comprehensive.
The Bad Guys have 2.5 months to to suppress the conservative turnout, and it is a 24/7 conspiracy on their part.
This I know: The Marxist Media is making up numbers in an effort to turn the election, BUT USA and the WASHINGTON EXAMINER say, "Not so fast with the predictions."
Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner:
Jim Hoft / The Gateway Pundit:
“Always Correct” Election Predictor Has Donald Trump Defeating Sickly Hillary 51% to 48%25 minutes ago
Jefferson Graham / USA Today:
App maker: Trump will win election
Always correct election forecast model predicts Trump win, 51%-48%
— Republican Donald Trump should win the presidency by a slim margin
according to a model that has accurately predicted the popular vote
since 1988. — Using several standards to make his prediction, Alan
Abramowitz's …

App maker: Trump will win election
A 15 dollar minimum wage is a threat to the unskilled working class. Here is why:
Forget the liberal name calling. Here is my response to a liberal who has no clue as to the facts of the 15 per hour minimum wage.
First the know-nothing, then yours-truly:
First the know-nothing, then yours-truly:
- Why not ask your comrade Drumpf to spill any beans on how he would make America great again! Getting jobs away from China and Mexico translates into lower minimum wage for Americans. Is this what you want?
john smithson
Good grief. You know nothing about the 15 dollar minimum wage threat to the employment of those not trained to work in this society. First, in 1978 the minimum wage was $2.75 and nearly 16 million folks were on that wage, 90% for less than a year. Fast forward to today, the min wage is 7.25, and less than 6 million folks make that wage, proving OF COURSE, that the rising forced wage destroys jobs for the untrained. Secondly, who the hell do you think trains the unskilled? Its small business. If I have to hire a man or woman at $15 per hour (that's $31,000 per year), I will hire a skilled worker, someone who actually earns that wage. 15 per hour means the end of using small business to train the unskilled and your plan to make up the difference is what, more food stamps, more government assistance, more welfare ?! It sure isn't more high paying jobs for the unskilled.
The skinny on Hillary's health issues:
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Click on image to enlarge |
I have a couple of friends with Parkinson. Don't see a comparison to Hillary but what do I know . . . . . . seriously. The video issue maybe old age creeping in on her. I would shaky, after climbing those stairs.
Apparently, they are going to investigate her anyway, with or without the DOJ.
Multiple FBI investigations are
underway involving potential corruption charges against the Clinton
Foundation, according to a former senior law enforcement official.
The investigation centers on New York City where the Clinton Foundation has its main offices, according to the former official who has direct knowledge of the activities.
Prosecutorial support will come from various U.S. Attorneys Offices — a major departure from other centralized FBI investigations.
The New York-based probe is being led by Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. Bharara’s prosecutorial aggressiveness has resulted in a large number of convictions of banks, hedge funds and Wall Street insiders.
The investigation centers on New York City where the Clinton Foundation has its main offices, according to the former official who has direct knowledge of the activities.
Prosecutorial support will come from various U.S. Attorneys Offices — a major departure from other centralized FBI investigations.
The New York-based probe is being led by Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. Bharara’s prosecutorial aggressiveness has resulted in a large number of convictions of banks, hedge funds and Wall Street insiders.
So the geniuses in the GOP are willing to give Hillary 4 to 8 years and the Supreme Court, THEN . . . .
Nolan D. McCaskill / Politico:
McConnell: I may not be majority leader next year
So the geniuses in the GOP are willing to give Hillary 4 to 8 years and the Supreme Court, THEN they are coming back to fix things. seriously, I don't think I will allow any debate on this one. Pathetic AND these folks are about to get what they deserve and we conservatives all know this to be true ~ editor
McConnell: I may not be majority leader next year
So the geniuses in the GOP are willing to give Hillary 4 to 8 years and the Supreme Court, THEN they are coming back to fix things. seriously, I don't think I will allow any debate on this one. Pathetic AND these folks are about to get what they deserve and we conservatives all know this to be true ~ editor
What conservatives hope for the future . . . . . hint: the GOP no longer deserves to exist.
If Trump does not win, I am thinking (hoping ?) that 7 million
conservatives, those who were ignored by the Boehner/Ryan cabal, will
walk away, never to return. Look, if we take the Iraq War away from GW
and his support of the military, , there is/was little difference
between him and Clinton (and, by association, the Republican Party).
The GOP, still defined by Bush politics, ushered in the "abortion
pill," supported "Affordable Housing" and its high risk lending
practices (which brought the house down in 2008), cut taxes but
increased spending more than new revenues could off-set, and increased
the size of Big Government, not to mention that Papa Bush and sons are
not Reagan Republicans.
Some Republicans thinking of committing political suicide.
Anna Palmer / Politico:
Dozens of Republicans to urge RNC to cut off funds for Trump
— More than 70 Republicans have signed an open letter to Republican
National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus urging him to stop spending
any money to help Donald Trump win in November and shift those
contributions to Senate and House races.
Some in the GOP suggest a suicide maneuver that may do the very opposite of what they intend (they were never very smart to start with).
To pull all the funds from the Trump campaign (their new strategy) including RNC sponsored ads, would insure an open rebellion from the rank and file membership. They (the rank and file) would simply walk away from the congressional elections but support the election of Trump.
To pull all the funds from the Trump campaign (their new strategy) including RNC sponsored ads, would insure an open rebellion from the rank and file membership. They (the rank and file) would simply walk away from the congressional elections but support the election of Trump.
Everyone loses in this scenario. What GOP leadership (i.e. the "70") thinks is this: they will call membership's bluff and go with this plan.
Problem: if the membership is not bluffing; if, in fact, they WILL walk away from the congressional elections, the GOP is out of existence.
Me? I say, "Let's play this game." Start dealing, you bunch of GOP Morons. We weren't bluffing when we stayed away in 2006 and you lost the House and Senate. We weren't bluffing when we stayed away from the conservative hating John McCain in 2008, adding the size of the Obama victory. We stayed away from Romney, and he lost, as well. In 2010 and 2014, we - the conservative base - went to the polls and scored two landslide victories, proving our campaign power. Now, the GOP Establishment thinks it can defy history.
You see, the past 10 years prove that "we" are not bluffing. We, the peon class, do not give a damn. We hate commies and socialists, but more than this, we hate those who pretend to be our friends and lie to us . . . . . . . . over and over and over and over again.
If 10% to 15% of the GOP base are Trumpsters, as regards the vote, that is 6 to 9 million GOP voters walking out the door, never to return. And therein is the threat. Let the autocrats call our bluff.
T.V. cable ratings: Fox News scores more than a million viewers in all 8 evening time slots. CNN/MSNBC - not so much.
4p: | 5p: | 6p: | 7p: | 8p: | 9p: | 10p: | 11p: | |
FNC | Cavuto: 1.501 |
TheFive: 2.140 |
Baier: 2.041 |
Greta: 1.874 |
O’Reilly: 2.258 |
Kelly: 2.008 |
Hannity: 1.837 |
O’Reilly: 1.020 |
CNN | Tapper: 1.124 |
Blitzer: 1.067 |
Blitzer: 1.010 |
Burnett: 951 |
Cooper: 882 |
Cooper: 757 |
Lemon: 778 |
Lemon: 759 |
MSNBC | Olympics: n/a |
MTPDaily: 792 |
WADR: 788 |
Matthews: 1.305 |
Hayes: 1.281 |
Maddow: 1.554 |
O’Donnell: 1.377 |
Matthews: 953 |
HLN | Files: 141 |
Files: 171 |
Files: 132 |
Dr.Drew: 141 |
Grace: 229 |
Files: 228 |
Files: 318 |
Files: 403 |
Source: TV Newser, here.
Only three points separate Clinton from Trump. She is definitely losing her after-convention bounce.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online White House
Watch survey of Likely U.S. Voters shows the Democratic nominee with 43%
support to Donald Trump’s 40%. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson picks
up eight percent (8%) of the vote, while Green Party nominee Jill Stein
trails with two percent (2%). Four percent (4%) like some other
candidate, and three percent (3%) are undecided. (To see survey question
wording, click here.)
Last week, the first weekly survey following the Democratic national convention, found Clinton with 44%, Trump at 40%, Johnson at six percent (6%) and Stein with three percent (3%). It was Clinton’s biggest lead over her Republican rival since June. Trump reached a high of 44% support in mid-July.
(text taken from the Rasmussen Report, here).
Last week, the first weekly survey following the Democratic national convention, found Clinton with 44%, Trump at 40%, Johnson at six percent (6%) and Stein with three percent (3%). It was Clinton’s biggest lead over her Republican rival since June. Trump reached a high of 44% support in mid-July.
(text taken from the Rasmussen Report, here).
After reading this, you cannot believe the Bush Administration was as regressive as the Obama Administration, not even close.
(CNSNews.com) - During the 90 full months President Barack Obama has
completed serving in the White House—February 2009 through July
2016--the U.S. Treasury collected approximately $19,966,110,000,000 in
tax revenues (in non-inflation-adjusted dollars), according to the Monthly Treasury Statements.
During those same 90 months, the federal debt rose from $10,632,005,246,736.97 to $19,427,694,579,786.64—an increase of $8,795,689,333,049.67.
In July, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today, the federal government took in $209,998,000,000 in taxes and spent $322,813,000,000—running a one-month deficit of $112,815,000,000.
So far in fiscal 2016, according the Treasury statement, the federal government has collected approximately $2,678,824,000,000 in taxes and spent approximately $3,192,487,000,000—running a deficit of $513,662,000,000 for the first ten months of the fiscal year.
Given that the Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that there were 151,517,000 people employed in the United States in July, the $19,966,110,000,000 in taxes the Treasury has collected during Obama’s first 90 full months in office equals approximately $131,775 per worker.
The $8,795,689,333,049.67 in additional debt the federal government incurred during Obama’s first 90 full months in office equals approximately $58,051 per worker.
The Treasury only needs to pull in another $33.89 billion in taxes to reach the $20 trillion mark for Obama’s presidency. (The $19,966,110,000,000 the Treasury pulled in during the first 90 full months of Obama’s presidency equals approximately $221,845,666,666.67 per month).
During the first 90 full months George W. Bush was president (February 2001 through July 2008), according to the Monthly Treasury Statements, the Treasury collected approximately $16,048,182,000,000 in taxes.
(From February 2001 through January 2009, the Treasury collected $17,251,191,000,000 in taxes. Bush was inaugurated on Jan, 20, 2001 and left office on Jan. 20, 2009, when Obama was sworn in.)
The $16,048,182,000,000 in taxes the Treasury collected during Bush’s first 90 full months in office equaled approximately $110,273 for each of the 145,532,000 persons who had a job as of July 2008.
During the first 90 full months of George W. Bush’s presidency, the debt rose from $5,716,070,587,057.36 to $9,585,479,639,200.33—an increase of $3,869,409,052,142.97. That equaled approximately $26,588 in added debt for each of the 145,532,000 persons who had a job as July 2008.
During those same 90 months, the federal debt rose from $10,632,005,246,736.97 to $19,427,694,579,786.64—an increase of $8,795,689,333,049.67.
In July, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today, the federal government took in $209,998,000,000 in taxes and spent $322,813,000,000—running a one-month deficit of $112,815,000,000.
So far in fiscal 2016, according the Treasury statement, the federal government has collected approximately $2,678,824,000,000 in taxes and spent approximately $3,192,487,000,000—running a deficit of $513,662,000,000 for the first ten months of the fiscal year.
Given that the Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that there were 151,517,000 people employed in the United States in July, the $19,966,110,000,000 in taxes the Treasury has collected during Obama’s first 90 full months in office equals approximately $131,775 per worker.
The $8,795,689,333,049.67 in additional debt the federal government incurred during Obama’s first 90 full months in office equals approximately $58,051 per worker.
The Treasury only needs to pull in another $33.89 billion in taxes to reach the $20 trillion mark for Obama’s presidency. (The $19,966,110,000,000 the Treasury pulled in during the first 90 full months of Obama’s presidency equals approximately $221,845,666,666.67 per month).
During the first 90 full months George W. Bush was president (February 2001 through July 2008), according to the Monthly Treasury Statements, the Treasury collected approximately $16,048,182,000,000 in taxes.
(From February 2001 through January 2009, the Treasury collected $17,251,191,000,000 in taxes. Bush was inaugurated on Jan, 20, 2001 and left office on Jan. 20, 2009, when Obama was sworn in.)
The $16,048,182,000,000 in taxes the Treasury collected during Bush’s first 90 full months in office equaled approximately $110,273 for each of the 145,532,000 persons who had a job as of July 2008.
During the first 90 full months of George W. Bush’s presidency, the debt rose from $5,716,070,587,057.36 to $9,585,479,639,200.33—an increase of $3,869,409,052,142.97. That equaled approximately $26,588 in added debt for each of the 145,532,000 persons who had a job as July 2008.
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