I am no Trump supporter but, seriously, can you blame him ??

Kyle Cheney / Politico:
Trump takes back pledge to support GOP nominee  

Editor's notes:  So,  they "force" him to sign a written pledge that they,  themselves,  have made clear that they have no intentions of keeping.  There are simply too many party "leaders" unwilling to say they will support Trump if elected,  and this includes John Kasich,  Ted Cruz,  Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, and folks like Glenn Beck and Mark Levin.   

I have already declared my personal impasse as relates to this year's presidential choices. 

You've got Hillary "standing with Obama" because he controls the Department of "Justice." 

To her Left,  is Bernie and Elizabeth,  forcing her hand and keeping her from even looking to a move to the middle.  

Then there is Crazy Trump and his horde of One Toothers and Cud Chewers along with a host of very good people who simply do not know what to do.

We have Ted Cruz,  a nasally sounding huckster,  pretending to be Reagan Incarnate.  His only salvation,  as I see it,  is the possibility that he will nominate Carly Fiorina as his VP.  Love the woman.  

Bringing up the rear is John "I'm still standing" Kasich.  Of course,  he is still standing because he just won't sit down  . . . . .   and he thinks that is some kind of accomplishment.  Look,  Marco Rubio has been out of the race for more than a month,  and still leads Kasich in delegate count.  

Bernie can't win because he is a Jew and blacks hate Jews. 

Hillary can't run from inside a courtroom. 

Trump actually thinks he can piss EVERYONE off,  and still have enough of whatever he thinks he has, to win in November.

Ted runs out of people when he leaves the Bible Belt  . . . .   and you and I?  Well we are left holding the bag.  

I am too old to wait until the next election.  Riding/fishing/loven time is here and now.  I may not have tomorrow.  

If I continue the blog,  it will be simply for the purpose of making fun of everyone and keeping my brain,  such as it is,  active.  

Of course,  some of you think mar-i-juan-a does the same thing.  What do I know except to stay sober and watched for stoners as I ride the Wild Wild West on my 1800. 



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