Don't think Hillary is in trouble with the college crowd after 7 years of broken promises from the Obama/Hillary Administration? You should see pics of the lastest Youth for Democrates annual meeting.

<<<  What?  Maybe 30 or 40 people showed up for this Friday event,  including Hillary's pic for VP.  At this time,  back in mid-2007,  Obama had several thousand volunteer youth working the phones and writing emails.  Remember Obama talking about a volunteer army that would be better funded than the military?  Well,  they have all gone AWOL.  

From Campus Forum:  Emphasizing the importance of Millennial voters in upcoming elections, progressive activists spoke to a nearly empty auditorium at the College Democrats of America annual conference on Friday.

Despite offering a full day of activities, speakers like Julian Castro, and campaigning advice from top political operatives, the College Democrats of America were barely able to fill the first couple rows with young attendees.

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