We have a social responsibility to help the poor.
"But we have no money to expand these programs."
Yeah, but we still must help these people.
"But, we have no money."
Yeah, but we must not only help the poor, we must support the unions because they are the
work force of the people and pay for health care and give every American their own homes.
"But we have no money."
Yeah, but . . . . . .
You get the point. The mental ability to comprehend "We have no money" is simply not there. Put these people in control of the national purse and you have nothing but problems.
Raising taxes is an admission by these folks that they have no other ideas. I believe that if they did, they would never revert to the Democrat mantra that includes "raising taxes on the rich." While some of you think this is a solution, you should know that increased taxes on the rich will not effect our national debt more than 5%. We are on track to charge up a 2 trillion dollar deficit bill in a single stinking year. We now over-spend by 1.6 trillion per year. 42% of every single dollar we spend in any given year is borrowed. Within 5 years, all of the national income from payroll taxes will be spent on Social Security, Medicare and interest on the national debt. Raising taxes on the rich ??!!!!!! Heck, the taxes of all working Americans will need to be raised by 40% within the coming decade in order to keep up with the redistributive policies of a know nothing Administration. This is why the current debate is so very important. If things do not change, you will be sorely effected.
Why should you resist increased taxes? Because, after the "rich," you are standing next in line and Greece is your future !!!!
Raising taxes is similar to my bother-in-law coming to me and asking me to give him money in order to continue paying for his new Mercedes and his million dollar home. He is in over his head, in this example, and the only thing he can think to do is borrow money. Taxes work just like this except they are not a loan. Taxes are legalized theft when misused on programs that must function without full disclosure and lies. What this country needs is innovative thinking that results in goods and services sold outside this country. As long as we are paying ourselves to work for ourselves, selling goods and services more to ourselves than outside this country, borrowing 40% more money from outside our country than we earn in order to maintain a given life style, the final result can be nothing less than a financial debacle of biblical proportions. It is just around the corner.
Macro economics does not work. It has destroyed the economy of the state of California and what has happened in my home state, California, will happen to the United States of America.
Little did we know that when Obama spoke of "fundamentally transforming" this country, he was speaking of destroying the national economy in the process of redistributing wealth earned by the hard working middle and upper class.
Point of post: when people shout, "Raise taxes," they are admitting that they have no other ideas. It is that simple. Raising taxes is, at best, a "stop gap" methodology that offers no lasting solutions because, in do time, the tax burden becomes more than we, as individuals, can afford.
We have to make stuff and sell stuff or we are all so screwed.
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