About Palin's most recent gaff - maybe it is not as important as the Marxist on the Left would have us believe.

Last night on Fox News, Greta van Susteren hosted former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) to discuss what Palin termed the “squirmish” in Libya. True to form, the former governor was reckless with basic facts and casually septupled the cost of U.S. intervention. According to figures released by the Pentagon, the intervention cost $600 million in the first seven days. Palin, however, claimed that the no-fly zone — which, for the record, she called for — cost that amount daily:

PALIN: Yes, that’s — that’s a good question. And that’s the $600 million dollar-a-day question that is being asked now because that’s the cost incurred by Americans as we support the no-fly zone, which, of course, the no-fly zone, the intervention or enactment is turning into more than that.


This comes for the morons at Think Progress. The current talk has the daily cost of the Libyan intervention at $100 million a day. And where does that information come from? Answer: an
Administration bent on proving its war-time value over both the Clinton and Bush Administrations. We all know the tendency of this Administration to lie about such information, but "only if the end game is justified. "

The donut eater at Think Progress has no idea as to the cost of the Libya excursion, but it is safe to say it is more than the current revelations on the subject. Understand that the folks who are figuring the cost in Libya are the same anti-war freaks who inflated the death totals in Iraq and continue to ignore the fact that we have won that war.

Is Palin correct or was that a misstatement? Apparently the Left thinks this is more important an issue than the fact that Obama's coalition is half the number of Bush's, that Obama completely ignored Congress when Bush took 14 months to debate the issue and secure Congressional approval, and, finally, that he (Obama) claimed his authority for the Libyan War from United Nation edict and a One World conscience.

I could not care less for a "Palin mistake," when this country is being seduced from its foundational roots. Palin is right on virtually every issue that I can think of and that is all I care about, with regard to the woman. Let's not forget that Obama doesn't even know how many states on in the United States . . . is it 57 or 58 states, not counting Alaska and Hawaii??

See for yourselves. He went to 57 states "or was it 58" not counting Alaska and Hawaii -- so this Harvard genius apparently thinks there are 60 or is it 61 states in the Union. (Still think he is an American????)


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