Turns out Governor Walker represents the vast majority of American workers. We have the proof , here.

Shock Doctrine, U.S.A. — Here's a thought: maybe Madison, Wis., isn't Cairo after all. Maybe it's Baghdad — specifically, Baghdad in 2003, when the Bush administration put Iraq under the rule of officials chosen for loyalty and political reliability rather than experience and competence. . . . . . .

Editor's note: there is really no point in reading more of the above article. The current Big Labor riots are not about "Labor." Do you know that only 6.9 % of the private sector work force is unionized; 36% of the national labor force is unionized in the public sector? The total ? 14.7 million Americans are in unions of some sort, down from 20 million in 1983, the first year such numbers were tracked.

How does 14.7 million workers compare to the non-union labor force in the United States? What bloggster cares about THAT statistic? Certainly no liberal pundit. You are probably reading the answer for the first time here at Midknight Review - new and revised.

Here is the comparison: Unions, both public and private sectors, equals 14.7 million workers.

Private, non-union workers, equal 138 million.** (cf. Labor stats here)

As it turns out, Governor Walker represents the vast majority of workers in the United States of America.

"Unions" simply do not represent middle America and the counter debate is based on an illusion, a fantasy and nothing else.

**In case you are wondering after visiting the linked source, our private sector "139 million" baseline comes from this equation: 153,00o,000 minus 15 million (rounding off 14.7).


  1. Do you know math or read a table?

    Total employed population is 139 million (civilian noninstitutional population 16 years of age and over).

    You claim 14.7 million workers are unionized (both private and public sectors).

    You come to the conclusion that baseline comes from the 153 million workers minus those in unions.

    If you look at the chart you linked to, total labor force is 153 million, but total employed is 139 million. That means there are 139 million people employed - not 139 non-union workers with the difference being union workers...

    Maybe you should go back to school. Looks like its true what people say about you

  2. Poll by conservative Dick Morris shows:
    Poll: 54% Oppose Eliminating Collective Bargaining For State Workers

    Walkers actions are based on a LIE.

    Forget it, this guy doesn't have an 8th grade education. Typical of many conservatives of his generation.

  3. I've also read 60% of Wisconsin corporations pay no taxes...

  4. First, I don't claim anything. The Department of Labor tells us that unionized work force is 14.7 million -- not me. There is a total of 153+ million in the national labor force, union and non-union. Those are the facts. Nothing you wrote contradicts my math. Nothing.

    Simple math proves that the unions represent just under 10% of the total labor force.

    60% of Wis corporations do not pay taxes? Silliness. What is more true is that 50% of our population does not pay taxes.

    Anonymous might come back with some proof of her idiotic claim.

    And William. Well, he obviously spends too much time in the bathroom . . . . . alone.

  5. Hey Walter or whoever takes his place, tell us all how many folks are in America's unions. Don't like my numbers, what are yours?

    You dare not give out those numbers because they will agree, substantially, with mine.

    My point is this: unions do not represent the vast majority of American workers. Secondly, nearly 70% of American's believe Wisconsin Senate should get their chicken hearted butts back to Madison. Mob rule is not "democracy in action."

    William? You are spending too much time alone in the bathroom.

    And Governor Walker did not eliminate "collective bargaining" for wages. I am opposed to collective bargaining for public employees and state law that requires me to join a stinking union.
