Murphy / The Beast: Koch Whore — Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker answers his master's call — “David Koch” . . . .
Well, the donut eaters at The

Hint: Big Labor and the Donut Eater in Chief, Richard Trumka.
Don't know who Trumka is? You should. He owns Barack Obama, period.
Understand that the AFL-CIO gave Obama 5 states in the 2008 election and hundreds of millions of dollars to his campaign. Obama cannot win re-election without Trumka and Big Labor Thumka represents. . . . and he knows it.
Below is Trumka bragging about his visits to the White House. If you don't think Obama is not owned by this man, you are having an allergic reaction to truth and/or common sense. Understand that the day's headline story reports that Obama has not spoken to 6 members of his Cabinet [in one-on-one settings] since their appointments but has had time to visit with Trumka 700/800 times a year . . . . . in person. Think we are kidding? Listen to Trumka's pompous claim:
I personally believe that Obama has sold out his hopes and dreams for this country. Although I did not agree with his agenda, it was real and substantive. Now, he has nowhere to go and Big Labor understands their new place of power. They have reeled Obama in and are now using him as one would a pawn.
And he has responded in predicable ways, lying his butt off while pretending to be what he is not. The world is going up in flames, our national security is in worse shape than before 9/11, nothing has been done to solve the pending oil/gas crisis [price per barrel of crude has gone up $16 in a week] , we now know that the stimulus money either went to state coffers or into the pockets of Obama's union masters and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . his party is being run [into the ground] by the most incompetent group of losers in modern history. And he does not have time to talk to his Cabinet . . . two years with no oversight or conversation.
Tell me, someone, what is his agenda? Where is he going or is he simply circling the drain along with this wonderful country??
Last year, I predicted he would quit. I am not so sure he will not do so, but one thing for certain, he and the Dems need to win big in 2012. Without a Democrat majority in the Senate and Obama in the White House, ObamaCare is gone. The curse of the past two years will be erased if the Dems suffer a second monumental defeat.
Point of post: to remind the reader who is really the most powerful man in the world . . . . . . . . and it ain't Barry.
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