Rest Home populations total 1% of the national population but 42% of the nations COVID population.
Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality.
Read this stat and then try to tell me the COVID response was far more political than we are admitting . . .
This Times headline could not be more misguided.
Michael S. Schmidt / New York Times: Justice Dept. Never Fully Examined Trump's Ties to Russia, Ex-Officials Say —
The Dems spent more than 24 million dollars on the Mueller investigation. They had nearly 20 full time attorneys on the Russian charges, and indicted no one on charges of Russian interference. As relates to the charge of being a Russian operative, Trump and his inner circle were completely exonerated. The fact of the matter is this: there is no need for a Justice Department investigation when, in fact, the Mueller Investigation was a FBI investigation that was conducted under the guidance of the Justice Department.
A little known fact about the Drudge Report:
Within weeks of Trump's election in 2016, Midknight Review - new and revised labled Drudge as anti - Trump. I believe I was the first to post this opinion. More than 11 years later, hundreds of pundits agree.
What I did not know until now, is the fact that Matt Drudge sold the online news service just weeks after the 2016 election.
Personally, I have not used the Drudge service for more than 10 years. Never liked the guy.
For the record, there are two national concerns that directly effect fiscal growth and stability:
We have eight years of proof witnessing the fact that that an aggressive regulatory regime coupled with a relatively low corporate tax code . Keep that in mid when voting.
Understand that Barack/Biden rejected these principles for eight stinking years giving our nation the slowest fiscal recovery from depression in the history of this country. We already know that the Biden fiscal plans for this nation do not work. That is not opinion. Sadly, the only reason one would vote for Biden is to ignore the facts of Biden's first eight years.
Understand that the Left is fully committed to lying its way back into the White House.
Jason Easley / POLITICUSUSA: Trump's Convention Flops As Biden DNC Drew 3 Million More Viewers — Another troubling sign for Trump as night one of the Republican convention drew 3.2 million fewer viewers than night one of the DNC. — Via The LA Times: …
The following are the reasons I do not believe the above report :
C-SPAN released numbers for the opening night of both the DNC and RNC. To wit, 76,000 watched the C-SPAN YouTube production of the DNC's first night compared to 475,000 for the RNC.
Secondly, the sheer bias of the Times reporting as expressed in this excerpt:
"Trump’s convention lacks star power. Night one of Biden’s convention was
closed by Michelle Obama, while the best that Trump could come up was a
laughably terrible Donald Trump Jr., and the immediately forgettable Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC)."
As to Michelle Obama's "star power," (referenced in the article) that is solely due to media hype. 'nuff said on that point.
Finally, Fox numbers recorded more viewers than the other three cable networks combined.
Align these facts and you have reason to doubt the Times article.
Guilfoyle sets the house on fire
<iframe width="541" height="381" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Did you know ??
7 million jobs created (not "created or saved") with 2/3 of those jobs going to minority populations. Can anyone say "remarkable?"
So, how about the ratings for the RNC? We won't know until later today but . . . . . .
As a ratings first fruit, we have this: Per C-Span Youtube stats, first night audience for the DNC was 76,000 ; Compare this to 425,000 viewers on C-SPAN for the RNC. 'nuff said.
Go figure. . . . . I mean, who writes a tell-all book and then joins Trump to get him re-elected?? Seriously.
ABC News Daily: August 24, 2020
Cliff Sims, a former aide to President Donald Trump, who sued the president after writing a brutal tell-all book about his time in the Trump White House called "Team of Vipers", is back on the Trump team, serving an important role overseeing speech writing for the upcoming Republican National Convention.
Sims is not only supervising speech writing for the convention, but multiple sources tell ABC News he is also spearheading the efforts for remarks by the president’s children, including Donald Trump Jr. and Tiffany Trump
read more here:
If there is a single headline that proves just how compromised the GOP was under Bush 43, it is Michael Steele as GOP Chair.
CNN: Former RNC chair Michael Steele joins anti-Trump group — (CNN)Former chairman of the Republican National Committee Michael Steele is joining the Lincoln Project, a group of Republicans working to prevent President Donald Trump's re-election. — “Today is the day where things should matter
Bush 43 and Barack Obama's term saw Steele's rein as leader of the GOP, proving just how corrupt the GOP of old had become.
We understand the implications but what in the hell does thisx headline actually mean?
NBC News:
Biden creates ‘safe harbor’ for renegade Republicans who've dumped Trump
Understand that NBC is just making up stuff. The headline suggests that "renegade" Republicans need protection, i.e. "safe harbor." Virtually all "renegades" have been such for three years or more. They don't need protection. During that time, there has not be a single threat against a "renegade."
AOL tries to sound factually non-partisan in saying that Trump is a failing president.
the AOL article written by an unnamed person or committee of persons:
Most Americans think there isn’t enough being done to help individual Americans, small businesses or public schools as the pandemic stretches on, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Overall, just 31% of Americans approve of Trump’s leadership on the pandemic, a significant drop from 44% approval in March, when the virus began sweeping through the United States.
The public’s negative assessment of how Trump is handling the crisis puts him on the defensive as his November face-off against Democrat Joe Biden nears. One of Trump’s challenges as his convention opens on Monday night is to convince Americans that anything about his response to the pandemic will change or improve if voters give him four more years in office.
Yet Trump has shown little willingness to acknowledge that a course correction of any kind is needed. He’s repeatedly cast the virus as all but defeated, even when cases were sharply increasing, including in states he needs to win in November. He’s also insisted the U.S. has vastly outperformed other countries in tackling the pandemic, despite the fact the U.S. has the most confirmed cases (more than 5.7 million) and most confirmed deaths (more than 176,000) of any country in the world.
No one likes fiscal discipline and forced cutbacks.
Postal Union Workers Endorse Joe Biden — Say Future of Postal Service is at Stake
Trump demands accountability while the Dems would use Post Office needs to garner additional funds for their pet projects . . . . . and this is his reward.
The larger assembly included "under God."
AP: Muslim and LGTQ Caucuses at Democratic Convention Left ‘Under God’ Out of Pledge of Allegiance

The Muslim Delegates and Allies Assembly and the LGBTQ Caucus left out the words “under God” when they recited the Pledge of Allegiance at their caucus meetings at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday, according to a “fact check” by the Associated Press.
Public education .... a racist system run by Democrats ???
If you want to find "systemic racism" in America, then look no further than the public schooling system, which is "maintained by the Democratic Party and the teachers' unions," said Attorney General William P. Barr. The entire system keeps "inner-city kids in failing schools," he added. ......
Apparently, Kamala Harris and Susan Rice are the top candidates for the Biden VP position. Think these are winners? Come on, man.
Temp Attorney General, Sally Yates, appeared before the Senate yesterday. Neither ABC, CBS, NBC gave the hearing a single second of coverage.
To date, Trump campaign knocks 1 million doors per week (last three weeks); Biden's campaign has yet to knock on its first door.
Just to be clear, the Vance investigation is a political animal and nothing less . . . and it will lead to exactly nothing.
The Dems came up with a plan to challenge the transition of the Presidency back in 2014 or early 2015. They covered their intentions via Hillary's candidacy.
Editor: Understand this: All that is going on, here, is a concerted effort to condition the general population for a challenge by a losing election campaign. In the last 20 years, the Dems have had two "super star" presidential candidates (Bill Clinton and Obama). In fact, if you stop to think about it, Neither LBJ nor Jimmy Carter were "super stars. The question for the Dems is this: can they win a national election without a Bill Clinton or a Barack Obama? They can certainly stay relevant via
Congressional power , but, the presidency may be another matter.
(AOL) House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., on Sunday defended his recent comments saying President Trump "thinks that the American people will be duped by him, like the people of Germany was dup
ed by Adolf Hitler."
"I feel very strongly that this man has taken on strong-arm tactics. And I feel very strongly that he is [Italian dictator Benito] Mussolini, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin is Hitler," Clyburn said during an interview on CNN's "State of the Union."
Clyburn, the No. 3 House Democrat and a key backer of presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, noted that he has for years been comparing Trump to history’s strongmen and warning that the president does not plan to leave office. (In 2018, Clyburn said: “If I were making that comparison, then this president would be Mussolini and Putin would be Hitler.”)
On Friday, Clyburn told PBS: “I have been saying now for about three years that this president doesn't plan to have an election. He's not planning to give up the office.”
Trump provoked a new round of hand-wringing last week when he speculated about delaying the November election. Moving Election Day would take an act of Congress, where leaders of both parties quickly and uniformly dismissed the idea.