Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality.
At least one Democrat wants to solve the problem of separating children from their parents. Maybe a good deal ?
Feinstein plans bill to halt separation of families at the border
Look, children are "separated " from their parents when their parents cross the border illegally and are caught. While that is not criminal event, it is still a prosecutorial event. And the second time you are caught, it becomes a criminal case.
What ever the category, children are placed into the care of the state when their parents are arrested . . . true for bank robbers, true illegal immigrants.
The only remedy, if there is one, is legislation . . . . and that is what Senator Feinstein. Too bad the Dems did not fix the problem in the first two years of Obama, when the GOP could not prevent comprehensive immigration.
There is no evidene for a Russian collusion on the part of Trump. You may be surprised who made that statement but he is a Democrat Intel department head.
Clapper: No 'Smoking Gun' Evidence Of Collusion
James Clapper, the former director of National Intelligence, said he has not seen “smoking gun” or “direct” evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.
“I saw no smoking-gun evidence of collusion before I left the government, and I still haven’t,” Clapper told Vox in an interview Thursday to promote his new book, “Facts and Fears: Hard Truths From a Life in Intelligence.” “There is a lot of circumstantial evidence and reasons to be suspicious, but no smoking gun as of yet.”
Trump will pardon Dinesh D'Souza today. Excellent decision.
WASHINGTON, May 31 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he
will grant a full pardon on Thursday to conservative commentator Dinesh
D'Souza, who was sentenced in 2014 to five years of probation for
federal campaign law violations.
"Will be giving a Full Pardon to Dinesh D’Souza today. He was treated very unfairly by our government!" Trump said on Twitter.
"Will be giving a Full Pardon to Dinesh D’Souza today. He was treated very unfairly by our government!" Trump said on Twitter.
The Left simply has lost the ability to being embarrassed.
New York Times:
F.B.I. Official Wrote Secret Memo Fearing Trump Got a Cover Story for Comey Firing
— WASHINGTON — The former acting F.B.I. director, Andrew G. McCabe,
wrote a confidential memo last spring recounting a conversation that
offered significant behind-the-scenes details on the firing …
Editor: The Times builds a story around the commentary of Andrew McCabe. Never mind that McCabe lied to the FBI four different times and was fired a couple of days before he qualified for a life-time retirement pension. Blame Trump? Not so fast. He was fired at the urging the Inspector General wo overseas the FBI. He was the one who recommended immediate firing.
But the Times will use secret "sources" and discredited liars such as McCabe with impunity. I counted the fake news coming out of the Times and quit when I got to 1500.
The GOP has a good chance of keeping the House.
-- Both Democrats and Republicans have about equal odds of winning the House majority.
-- Republicans remain clearly favored in the battle for Senate control.
-- Democrats should start 2019 with at least a few more net governorships than they hold now.
Checking in on 2018’s big picture
In a bygone political era,
the symbolic end of summer -- Labor Day -- denoted the unofficial start
of the campaign season. In our current era, one might be tempted to say
that the symbolic start of summer -- Memorial Day -- now represents the
campaign season kickoff, though American politics is in a state of
perpetual campaigning. As soon as one campaign concludes with an
election, candidates for the next election start to emerge. That will be
the case after this November’s election, when one would expect the
battle for the Democratic presidential nomination to begin in earnest.
Still, the effective start of
summer offers an opportunity to assess where the races for the House,
Senate, and governorships stand. So we thought we’d offer brief updates
on the state of play.
The race for the House
Map 1: Crystal Ball House ratings
Source: Map is reprinted from 270towin.com
Editor: you are looking at the 435 House (Congressional) Districts.
We have written a lot about the House recently, so those interested in a more in-depth assessment can check out some of our past pieces. But we’ve held at roughly 50-50 odds of a House flip for months. In a nutshell, Democrats have historical advantages: Since the Civil War, the president’s party has lost ground in 36 of 39 midterms, with an average loss of 33 seats. In the shorter timeframe of the post-World War II era, the president’s party has lost an average of 26 seats per midterm. The Democrats need to net 23 seats to win the House.
That said, the Republicans have advantages of their own.
While some of the Republicans’ gerrymandering advantages have been
reduced through court-ordered maps in Florida, Pennsylvania, and
Virginia, the overall House map still leans Republican -- the median
House seat measured by 2016 presidential margin, NE-2, is about four
percentage points to the right of the national margin. Republican
gerrymanders in states like Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, and
Wisconsin endure (though a court order forced a modification in the Tar
Heel State), making it challenging for Democrats to net House seats in
these competitive states.
Democrats do benefit, on balance, from an unusually large number of open seats. At least 59 districts -- 39 held by Republicans, 20 held by Democrats -- will not feature an incumbent running for reelection,
the second-highest total of open seats in the postwar era. Democrats
will need to net a substantial number of seats from the open districts,
probably a third or more of the 23 seats they need to flip the House.
The Democratic lead in the House generic ballot
polling average probably will need to be in the high single digits for
Democrats to really feel good about their chances in the fall. The
Democrats’ edge is currently short of that, but it has been in that range for much of the rest of the cycle.
Overall, our ratings show 211
House seats at least leaning to the Republicans, 198 at least leaning
to the Democrats, and 26 Toss-ups (24 held by Republicans, just two held
by Democrats). Splitting the Toss-ups evenly would produce a
224-211 Republican House majority, or a net gain of 17 for the Democrats
from the 194 seats they won in 2016. But if the election
breaks toward the Democrats, as midterms often (but not always) do for
the opposition party, one would expect their gains to be north of that.
Where things stand in the battles for Congress and the governorships | |
By Kyle Kondik Managing Editor, Sabato's Crystal Ball |
Was it Ambien's fault? Well, kind of . . . .
Talk to those who take the drug or used to take the drug, and you will discover that Ambien bad for you, not because it is addictive but because it takes away inhibitions, even your healthy inhibitions.
One couple I interviewed had a son in college who committed suicide. They spoke to him on the phone earlier that day. He was not depressed, did not leave a note, and had no history to indicate that he was a risk. But the autopsy revealed that he had taken ambien during the day. The parents believe he had received bad news about something, and, under the influence of the drug, he "suicide" came to his mind, and he hung himself as a result. I know of people who have suddenly decided to drive 100 miles an hour on the freeway, or who stopped taking the drug after hitting his wife (it has never happened before or since).
The theory is this: the joke came to her mind, and under the influence of Ambien, she decided to tweet. Understand that Roseanne Bar is not a conservative, and, actually likes the Obma's.
The Right to Try was never going to be a Democrat bill and here is why:
Marc A. Thiessen / Washington Post:25 minutes ago
Thank Republicans for your Right to Try
— Imagine the horror of learning you have a terminal illness for which
science has not yet come up with a treatment. Now imagine receiving
the same diagnosis, and then learning a promising new treatment exists
that could save your life …(and the Democrat led
government prevents you from buying the drug ~ editor)
Editor: obviously, you would be infuriated. And why would the Democrats say "no." For the same reason they turned health care reform into a health care insurance bill and called it ObamaCare . . . . . . . they are owned by one of their biggest donor groups, the Insurance Provider.
Now you know.
I could not care less about Roseanne. this video is my reason: (plus a free mini history lesson on the real Democrat Party)
Go to the last 10/15 seconds of this video, and watch her spit on the Anthem. Understand that I had two brother who enlisted for WW II. The Flag and its Anthem are very important symbols to the families of virtually all veteran families. Those who hate the Flag as a symbol of repression and the Constitution as a white man's, or, slave traitors document, ignore what American is to the free world today. The modern day Progressive punk ignores the fact that their own Progressive political leaders (President Woodrow Wilson in WW I, and, President Roosevelt in WW II were two of the most profound racists in presidential history. Both segregated their militarizes, something the Marxist Militant Media has chosen to ignore. It was the Democrats who divided the country and waged civil war to protect their stinking plantations, a war in which 256,000 folks died. It was the Democrat Party that wrote all of the Jim Crow law. It was the Democrats who fought the desegregation of schools and invented the KKK. At one point in time, Colin Kaepernick was outspoken about his hate for the Flag as a symbol of "whities' ") repression of blacks. In the very beginning of the black NFL protest against the Flag and its anthem, the Kaepernick protest was a black power insult to our symbols of justice and freedom. Roseanne's contempt for the Anthem was unforgiveable, as much so as the black power movement against our national values. Roseanne finally got what she deserves.
According to the very liberal Reuters news poll, the Dems may be in more trouble than we all think.
The poll, for the week ending on May 20, shows Republicans at 40.7
percent with Democrats falling down to 34.5 percent. This is the first
time Republicans have taken the lead in Reuters' poll in approximately a
Last week, President Trump called violent MS-13 gang members "animals," and Democrats like Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) lied about his remarks, claiming that he was talking about immigrants.
Recent polls have shown that Republicans could win up to nine seats in the Senate and that Millennials are leaving the Democratic Party in droves.
UPDATE: This article has been updated with the latest poll results from Reuters and the numbers that were used from The Hill's report have been removed.
Last week, President Trump called violent MS-13 gang members "animals," and Democrats like Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) lied about his remarks, claiming that he was talking about immigrants.
Recent polls have shown that Republicans could win up to nine seats in the Senate and that Millennials are leaving the Democratic Party in droves.
UPDATE: This article has been updated with the latest poll results from Reuters and the numbers that were used from The Hill's report have been removed.
Where are the Democrat Nay Sayers now?
Associated Press:
The Latest: Trump confirms NKorean official headed to NY
— The Latest on preparations for a possible summit between President
Donald Trump and North Korea's Kim Jong Un (all times local): —
President Donald Trump has confirmed that top North Korean official Kim
Yong Chol is heading …
Editor: In fact, he is already here . . . . flew in early this morning.
Problem: this tweet, which first appeared on May 27, is the work of Democrats, but tht is not the larger problem . . .
These are migrant children housed in cages back in 2014 under the Obama Administration. What a joke the Democrat Party has become.
Last Week : A Brief Review of what happened via the Trump Administration
The VA Choice Legislation, a 5.2 billion dollar bill past into law, which gives our vets access to private care if their needs are not met in a timely fashion, with the VA.
The Right To Try legislation was passed into law: legislation that allows terminally ill patients to access investigational treatments that have passed basic safety testing (Phase I) with the FDA, but are not yet available on pharmacy shelves.
A reform bill to the Obama era Dodd/Frank banking bill was past into law, making it easier for small banks and community lenders to offer loans to the small business industry
84,000 new coal mining jobs have been added, plus 300,000 manufacturing jobs and 300,000 construction .
The 17th American was brought home (from Venezuela) . . . . that's 17 hostage saved since Trump became president
The Right To Try legislation was passed into law: legislation that allows terminally ill patients to access investigational treatments that have passed basic safety testing (Phase I) with the FDA, but are not yet available on pharmacy shelves.
A reform bill to the Obama era Dodd/Frank banking bill was past into law, making it easier for small banks and community lenders to offer loans to the small business industry
84,000 new coal mining jobs have been added, plus 300,000 manufacturing jobs and 300,000 construction .
The 17th American was brought home (from Venezuela) . . . . that's 17 hostage saved since Trump became president
The next two-week scandal. How many have the Dems dreamed up? 40 or 50?
Sui-Lee Wee / New York Times:
Ivanka Trump Wins China Trademarks, Then Her Father Vows to Save ZTE
— BEIJING — China this month awarded Ivanka Trump seven new trademarks
across a broad collection of businesses, including books, housewares
and cushions.
The scandal? Papa Trump does a favor for ZTE in return for Ivanka being able to sell inentories (what ever that happens to be).
She has been closing this deal for months. But the Dems will shout "Quid Pro Quo." Of course they will have nothing to back up their claims, but, if you are a Democrat, who cares about proof or evidence ?
Here is the CBS report (no mention of Ivanka) :
WASHINGTON - The U.S. and China are working toward an agreement that would ease U.S. sanctions that were imposed on ZTE Corp. and let the Chinese telecommunications giant stay in business.
President Donald Trump said Tuesday the deal might require ZTE to revamp its board and pay a fine of $1 billion or more.
The ZTE talks occur after the U.S. and China over the weekend suspended plans to impose tariffs on as much as $200 billion in each other's goods, pulling back from the brink of a trade war. China on Tuesday made a conciliatory gesture by cutting the tariff on imported vehicles to 15 percent from 25 percent, effective July 1.
Editor: the "deal" described above, is a trade deal, not a quid pro quo arrangement. Such arrangements benefit individuals. When nations solve their trade issues via compromise, that is called "good business," Marco Rubio is concerned that Trump has traded the security of the nation
(ZTE has been guilty of stealing intellectual property from US companies). Our response to his concerns is embedded in the following question: Does Marco seriously believe that the various Federal agencies having to do with policing ZTE, will turn a blind eye to future bad faith trade practices ? Of course not.
Ivanka's net worth is somewhere over 300 million and her husband is worth 800 million. He has been a multi-millionaire since at least age 25, when he put 10 million in a news paper purchase. my point ? The couple need a quid pro quo business deal as much as Custer needed another Indian.
The facts of the ZTE deal are these: ZTE pays at least a billion dollar fine. China rescinds on plans to impose $200 billion dollars worth of new tariffs from American companies including a cut in tariffs on imported cars (from the US) from 25% to 15%.
The scandal? Papa Trump does a favor for ZTE in return for Ivanka being able to sell inentories (what ever that happens to be).
She has been closing this deal for months. But the Dems will shout "Quid Pro Quo." Of course they will have nothing to back up their claims, but, if you are a Democrat, who cares about proof or evidence ?
Here is the CBS report (no mention of Ivanka) :
WASHINGTON - The U.S. and China are working toward an agreement that would ease U.S. sanctions that were imposed on ZTE Corp. and let the Chinese telecommunications giant stay in business.
President Donald Trump said Tuesday the deal might require ZTE to revamp its board and pay a fine of $1 billion or more.
The ZTE talks occur after the U.S. and China over the weekend suspended plans to impose tariffs on as much as $200 billion in each other's goods, pulling back from the brink of a trade war. China on Tuesday made a conciliatory gesture by cutting the tariff on imported vehicles to 15 percent from 25 percent, effective July 1.
Editor: the "deal" described above, is a trade deal, not a quid pro quo arrangement. Such arrangements benefit individuals. When nations solve their trade issues via compromise, that is called "good business," Marco Rubio is concerned that Trump has traded the security of the nation
(ZTE has been guilty of stealing intellectual property from US companies). Our response to his concerns is embedded in the following question: Does Marco seriously believe that the various Federal agencies having to do with policing ZTE, will turn a blind eye to future bad faith trade practices ? Of course not.
Ivanka's net worth is somewhere over 300 million and her husband is worth 800 million. He has been a multi-millionaire since at least age 25, when he put 10 million in a news paper purchase. my point ? The couple need a quid pro quo business deal as much as Custer needed another Indian.
The facts of the ZTE deal are these: ZTE pays at least a billion dollar fine. China rescinds on plans to impose $200 billion dollars worth of new tariffs from American companies including a cut in tariffs on imported cars (from the US) from 25% to 15%.
I can prove that a Mueller/Trump interview is nothing but a perjury trap .. . . . . .
Apparently, Rudy is now saying, "No Mueller interview." Here is why.
I can prove that a Mueller/Trump is nothing but a perjury trap.
Yes, and here is how that proof lays out:
There is nothing that Mueller can ask of Trump, for which he (Mueller) does not already know the answer. If he already knows, the only reason left for this bogus interview, is a perjury trap.
Understand that no one has "flipped" on Trump . . . . . because there is nothing on which one can flip. Mueller has failed to prove Collusion or Obstruction. To save face, Mueller must get a perjury conviction or indictment.
I can prove that a Mueller/Trump is nothing but a perjury trap.
Yes, and here is how that proof lays out:
There is nothing that Mueller can ask of Trump, for which he (Mueller) does not already know the answer. If he already knows, the only reason left for this bogus interview, is a perjury trap.
Understand that no one has "flipped" on Trump . . . . . because there is nothing on which one can flip. Mueller has failed to prove Collusion or Obstruction. To save face, Mueller must get a perjury conviction or indictment.
More commentary on Trump as the best thing to happen to and for our hostages, in recent memory.
Since the death of Otto Warmbier, an American who was held hostage in North Korea, President Trump told Time Magazine in 2017 how he planned to deal with foreign nations who unjustly held American citizens in their prisons.
“The United States condemns hostage takers and nations that detain our citizens without just cause or due process. My Administration is greatly increasing efforts to bring home all Americans unjustly detained abroad,” he said, later adding that the difference between his administration and President Obama’s on this issue is that “We are aggressively pursuing the release of our people. We will leave no lawful tool, partnership or recovery option off the table.”
At least four Americans are presently imprisoned in Iran, and North Carolina pastor Andrew Brunson is jailed in Turkey. The administration has already placed pressure on Turkey to release Brunson.
Last month, the Associated Press reported the administration is looking at disciplinary “consequences” if Turkey, a NATO ally, does not dismiss the charges or acquit Brunson. The pastor stands accused of espionage and aiding terrorist organizations, which Wess Mitchell, the senior U.S. diplomat for Europe, called “laughable.”
“The Turks claim to have a high standard of justice, the indictment suggests otherwise,” Mitchell testified to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “This is clearly an innocent man. We are watching to see if the Turks adhere to their stated standards of justice. If that does not happen, we are considering options for consequences.”
From Times: “The Egyptians and President Al Sisi were right to release Aya Hijazi and I thank them for doing the right thing. There have been other releases, some that we can’t talk about. I believe they did this because of my relationship with President Al Sisi. President Obama tried and failed many times over three years, but we were able to get this done in a very short period and that is an amazing victory for Aya and her family.
Editor: The Trump Presidency is proving itself to being far more adept at the art of diplomacy than previous administrations, especially the inept Obama Administration. There is a reason for the Obama failure as regards Aya. Simply stated, Barack supported the Muslim Brotherhood's take over of Egypt, and, was publicly critical, even bitter, about the Al Sissi military reversal. Barack had tied his Administration to domestic tyrants such as Al Sharpton, the New Black Panthers and the Muslim Brotherhood (who had representatives sitting at the Obama Council table). In Isreal, Barack spent $350,000 and sent a contingent of staff members in an effort to defeat Netanyahu in his re-elction bid.
In the early days of ISIS, Barack could have defeated those terrorists in a matter of weeks, but chose his assassin "strategic patience" bullshit, allowing for the deaths of 500,000 Syrians, and, Iraqis, as ISIS spread its influence, under Obama's supervision, to 26 nations, world wide. Trump defeated ISIS, essentially, in 12 months when ISIS was near the height of its military power and influence .
All of this and much much more, adds to the powerful image Donald Trump is building for himself, on the world's stage, as a leader and diplomat, bar-none.
U.S. gun violence put in context.
Here is an additional fact completely abused by the Left: of the 33,000 who die each year from gunshot wounds, 21,000 or suicides (!), and, 10,000 are the result of gangland shootings. That leaves 2,000, not 33,000, as the problematic number gun registration could resolve.
Go ahead and convince me that these people aren't mentally handicapped.
It didn't have anything to with the 300 women he sexually harassed, raped or humiliated ?? Seriously?
That's five hostages released without payments, or, swapping enemy fighters. Update: add these to Trumps Hostage Release List and you have a total of 17 released since his presidency began.
Trump Welcomes Home American Held Prisoner In Venezuela For Two Years
Barack paid 5 million for the release of 9 Americans held by the Muslim Brotherhood back when they were taking over Egypt. Barack paid another million in the Bo Bergdahl PLUS freeing 5 of the worst of our enemies.
The Daily Callers has a great article reporting on the 17 hostages released.
Why is this not being reported? Answer: Isn't it obvious? Such a report would add to the President's popularity.
President Trump has given the Conservative Movement its greatest number of signifcant legislative victories since and including Reagan.
1. With much to be done, V.A. reform is well on its way. President Trump fired or disciplined
more than 700 employees in the VA, sending a message that times have changed at that agency.
2. Dodd/Frank's onerous banking regulations affecting, especially, the small and community banks in this country, have been changed via a surprising bi-partisan effort. The changes make loans to small businesses, farms and new businesses much easier, reversing the "one size fits all" legislation of the know-nothing Democrat legislature under the repressive tyranny of Barack Obama.
3. The end of the "individual man-date" goes into effort beginning with the coming season, reversing the penalty regime of the Obama Administration. Obama Care was billed as "universal health care," but, in fact, 40 million folks were uninsured before ObamaCare, and, 40 million are uninsured today. While the democratic relating to the uninsured is different, the total number of uninsured remains nominally the same. Ending the man-date is a big deal.
4. The repeal of Obama's military sequestration is another extremely significant legislative event for the Trump Administration. 700 billion dollars was approved for the coming fiscal year beginning October 1, with another 700 billion approved for the 2019-2020. Barack and the Dems had allowed our military to become a second rate military power, with half of our fighter jet force unable to fly because of poor repair and our Navy and Army forces reduced to WW I inventories. Today, our air force is being repaired, our infantry/Army are being expanded, and, our Navy has 200 new ships in the plans or under construction, with our newest air craft carrier being the largest ever built.
5. Finally, President Trump, with the help of Senate leadership, has approved 21 Federal justices (1/8th of all Appellate justices) , the most for a first term Administration in history. 20 appointments are waiting in the wings, bringing Conservative Appellate court appointments to 1/4 of the total Federal system. Even if the GOP loses the House, the Senate has the full first term (assuming good things with the coming election cycle) to bring our Federal Court system back to acceptable Conservative standards.
The following video and text from The Daily Caller are worth your attention
Did the Obama administration take more action to stop Donald Trump from winning the election than it did to stop Russia from interfering in it?
That’s what former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer thinks. On Twitter he called out the Obama administration for the events that took place in the summer of 2016.
As more and more information comes out regarding who knew what and when, it appears that Fleischer may have a point. Here are just a few of the steps taken by members of the Obama administration to stop Trump.
Susan Rice, then-National Security Advisor, unmasked members of the Trump transition team.
The FBI had an information source close to the Trump campaign.
John Brennan, then-CIA director, had information about the dossier and allegedly funneled it through unofficial channels to help it get out.
Then we have Vice President Joe Biden who admitted that both he and President Obama were aware of Russia’s attempts to influence the election, yet the administration didn’t take bold action to prevent it.
One year later, investigators have come-up empty handed. The effort to prove Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with the Russian government to steal the 2016 election is backfiring for the Democrats. What we are learning is that the bigger threat to our democracy may be coming from some in the Democratic Party and from some in our nation’s most powerful agencies.
Turn about is fair play.
Eric Holder: ‘No Basis’ for Trump to Investigate FBI Election Meddling
Funny, we could say the same thing about the Mueller investigation. There was no actionable intelligence to warrant the investigation . . . per a recent Intel report. So, Holder will just have to excuse Trump for pursuing his own investigation. Turn about is fair play, after all.
Al Sharpton, the Black Activist who once sat next ot Barack Obama, has nothing to do but . . .
Sharpton Leads Protest Outside NFL HQ After Kneeling Ban
Al Sharpton, the Black Activist who once sat next ot Barack Obama, has nothing to do but run around the country stirring up those blacks who still think he has something important to say.
We used to see him as an adviser to Barack Obama, of all things. Before Barack, Sharpton couldn't get himself nominated to dog catcher in the Democrat Party. Anyone wonder why?
Al Sharpton, the Black Activist who once sat next ot Barack Obama, has nothing to do but run around the country stirring up those blacks who still think he has something important to say.
We used to see him as an adviser to Barack Obama, of all things. Before Barack, Sharpton couldn't get himself nominated to dog catcher in the Democrat Party. Anyone wonder why?
Maybe "lack of faith" is part of the problem when it comes to mass murderers.
What is most shocking is how few of these killers appear to be religious,
let alone Christian. Just 16 percent have any type of religious
affiliation at the time of their attacks, with a slight majority of
those being Muslims.
Over just over 20 years from the beginning of January 1998 through today, there have been 69 killers committing 66 mass public shootings in the United States where at least four people have been killed. Of those attacks, just four have been identified as Christians, with just three clearly regular churchgoers. With 70 percent of Americans identifying themselves as Christians and over 33 percent going to church at least once a week, those numbers are a long way away from the 48 or 23 we would respectively expect.
Source: http://dailycaller.com/2018/05/26/religion-of-mass-public-shooters/
Over just over 20 years from the beginning of January 1998 through today, there have been 69 killers committing 66 mass public shootings in the United States where at least four people have been killed. Of those attacks, just four have been identified as Christians, with just three clearly regular churchgoers. With 70 percent of Americans identifying themselves as Christians and over 33 percent going to church at least once a week, those numbers are a long way away from the 48 or 23 we would respectively expect.
Source: http://dailycaller.com/2018/05/26/religion-of-mass-public-shooters/
Another Nothing Burger news headline from the Grey Lady:
New York Times:
At Trump Tower, Michael Cohen and Oligarch Discussed Russian Relations
— Eleven days before the presidential inauguration last year, a
billionaire Russian businessman with ties to the Kremlin visited Trump
Tower in Manhattan to meet with Donald J. Trump's personal lawyer and
fixer …
Editor: Here is why this bit of news is meaningless --- the meetings, if they took place, did so during the transition and after the election. It simply means that Trump was on the job the minute he won the election, and he has been 24/7 since.
Did you know that we have 28,000 troops in S Korea and 40,000 in Japan?
And "no," we are not paying the bill without major help from our two allies.
Another nothing burger headline
Wall Street Journal:
Roger Stone Sought Information on Clinton from Assange, Emails Show
And the Dems do the very same thing. Its called "opposition research" and the Dems actually invented this strategy.
And the Dems do the very same thing. Its called "opposition research" and the Dems actually invented this strategy.
A collection of sayings from the mind of the Silly People (aka Democrats)
We have to pass it before we can know what is it (the bill). Nancy Pelosi came up with this. Some believe she stole her quote from a medical dictionary describing a stool specimen.
Leading from behind: the brain child of Barack Obama. In the end, this thinking leaves you without any accomplishments , and, in time, the crowd walks away, leaving you behind.
Strategic patience: The strategy of Barack Obama which only allows evil to multiply. Eight years of Barack Obama proves the point.
Extend a hand, not a fist: Ditto.
Peace at any price: This thinking includes surrender in order to avoid war. This nonsense allows North Korea, Iran, Red China to dominate the world's economy (military and domestic) and enslave free men and women everywhere.
My Administration was scandal free . . . . except for Benghazi, Fast and Furious (two dead border agents), weaponizing the IRS against conservative political organizations (aka "the targeting scandal"), giving Iran 1.5 billion in cash and flying it to Iran in the middle of the night in an unmarked aircraft, the illegal unmasking of more than 500 names during 2016to use in the Deep State's attempted coup of the Trump Administration.
Chances that the Dems will reake the House using California as a pathway to that goal are slim to none. Here is why:
The general rule in California is that
one would expect the primary turnout to be more Republican-leaning than
the general election. The reason is the same reason why one
might expect that in other parts of the country: The Republican
electorate is older and whiter, two demographic factors that generally
predict more reliable voter turnout. This year, we’ll probably see
something similar: Politico reported
that 32% of the roughly 650,000 returned absentee ballots have been
from registered Republicans according to the nonpartisan California data
source Political Data, a turnout that is outpacing statewide Republican
registration, which is about 25%. That the primary electorate
likely will be more Republican than the general electorate is an
additional wrinkle that could hurt Democratic chances to advance
candidates to November in one or more of the aforementioned districts.
Now, we are not saying that the Dems will not take back the House, only that California does not appear to be a pathway for that reality.
An investigative tool that could be used and abused by Mueller is the National Seucrity Letter.
an exclusive report by Midknight Review editor
National security lettersAnother controversial tool reportedly used by the FBI to obtain phone records and other documents in the investigation were national security letters, which bypass judicial approval.
Improper use of such letters has been an ongoing theme at the FBI. Reviews by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General found widespread misuse under Mueller — who was then FBI director — and said officials failed to report instances of abuses as required.
The use of National Security Letters by passes the Federal Court System (including the FISA coout) as it give broad investigative powers to federal prosecutors.
Uses for NSL include but not limited to the following:
To establish evidence to support a FISA application for electronic surveillance or physical searches;
To collect information sufficient to fully develop national security investigations;
To develop information that is provided to law enforcement authorities for use in criminal proceedings.
https://oig.justice.gov/reports/2016/NSL-2007.pdf (and scroll down to page 46)
In other words, Mueller does not need court permission if he chooses to misuse the national security letter process . . . . which he did when FBI Director back in 2003 - 2005.
The cats out of the bag and the FBI loses.
In an editorial for The Hill on Wednesday, investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson listed eight signs suggesting FBI officials spearheaded a “counterintelligence operation,” against Trump
The Eight Signs
Code nameThe operation reportedly had at least one code name that was leaked to The New York Times: “Crossfire Hurricane.”
Wiretap fever
Secret surveillance was conducted on no fewer than seven Trump associates: chief strategist Stephen Bannon; lawyer Michael Cohen; national security adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn; adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner; campaign chairman Paul Manafort; and campaign foreign policy advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos.
The FBI reportedly applied for a secret warrant in June 2016 to monitor Manafort, Page, Papadopoulos and Flynn. If true, it means the FBI targeted Flynn six months before his much-debated conversation with Russia’s ambassador, Sergey Kislyak.
The FBI applied four times to wiretap Page after he became a Trump campaign adviser starting in July 2016. Page’s office is connected to Trump Tower and he reports having spent “many hours in Trump Tower.”
CNN reported that Manafort was wiretapped before and after the election “including during a period when Manafort was known to talk to President Trump.” Manafort reportedly has a residence in Trump Tower.
Electronic surveillance was used to listen in on three Trump transition officials in Trump Tower — Flynn, Bannon and Kushner — as they met in an official capacity with the United Arab Emirates’ crown prince.
It may be true that President Trump
illegally conspired with Russia and was so good at covering it up he’s
managed to outwit our best intel and media minds who've searched for
irrefutable evidence for two years. (We still await special counsel Robert Mueller’s findings.)
But there’s a growing appearance of alleged wrongdoing equally as insidious, if not more so, because it implies widespread misuse of America’s intelligence and law enforcement apparatus.
Here are eight signs pointing to a counterintelligence operation deployed against Trump for political reasons.
Code name
The operation reportedly had at least one code name that was leaked to The New York Times: “Crossfire Hurricane.”
Wiretap fever
Secret surveillance was conducted on no fewer than seven Trump associates: chief strategist Stephen Bannon; lawyer Michael Cohen; national security adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn; adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner; campaign chairman Paul Manafort; and campaign foreign policy advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos.
The FBI reportedly applied for a secret warrant in June 2016 to monitor Manafort, Page, Papadopoulos and Flynn. If true, it means the FBI targeted Flynn six months before his much-debated conversation with Russia’s ambassador, Sergey Kislyak.
The FBI applied four times to wiretap Page after he became a Trump campaign adviser starting in July 2016. Page’s office is connected to Trump Tower and he reports having spent “many hours in Trump Tower.”
CNN reported that Manafort was wiretapped before and after the election “including during a period when Manafort was known to talk to President Trump.” Manafort reportedly has a residence in Trump Tower.
Electronic surveillance was used to listen in on three Trump transition officials in Trump Tower — Flynn, Bannon and Kushner — as they met in an official capacity with the United Arab Emirates’ crown prince.
The FBI also reportedly wiretapped Flynn’s phone conversation with Kislyak on Dec. 31, 2016, as part of “routine surveillance” of Kislyak.
NBC recently reported that Cohen, Trump’s personal attorney, was wiretapped. NBC later corrected the story, saying Cohen was the subject of a “pen register” used to monitor phone numbers and, possibly, internet communications.
National security letters
Another controversial tool reportedly used by the FBI to obtain phone records and other documents in the investigation were national security letters, which bypass judicial approval.
Improper use of such letters has been an ongoing theme at the FBI. Reviews by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General found widespread misuse under Mueller — who was then FBI director — and said officials failed to report instances of abuses as required.
“Unmasking” — identifying protected names of Americans captured by government surveillance — was frequently deployed by at least four top Obama officials who have subsequently spoken out against President Trump: James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence; Samantha Power, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations; Susan Rice, former national security adviser; Sally Yates, former deputy attorney general.
Names of Americans caught communicating with monitored foreign targets must be “masked,” or hidden within government agencies, so the names cannot be misused or shared.
However, it’s been revealed that Power made near-daily unmasking requests in 2016.
Prior to that revelation, Clapper claimed ignorance. When asked if he knew of unmasking requests by any ambassador, including Power, he testified: “I don't know. Maybe it's ringing a vague bell but I'm not — I could not answer with any confidence.”
Rice admitted to asking for unmasked names of U.S. citizens in intelligence reports after initially claiming no knowledge of any such thing.
Clapper also admitted to requesting the unmasking of “Mr. Trump, his associates or any members of Congress.” Clapper and Yates admitted they also personally reviewed unmasked documents and shared unmasked material with other officials.
Changing the rules
On Dec. 15, 2016 — the same day the government listened in on Trump officials at Trump Tower — Rice reportedly unmasked the names of Bannon, Kushner and Flynn. And Clapper made a new rule allowing the National Security Agency to widely disseminate surveillance material within the government without the normal privacy protections.
Media strategy
Former CIA Director John Brennan and Clapper, two of the most integral intel officials in this ongoing controversy, have joined national news organizations where they have regular opportunities to shape the news narrative — including on the very issues under investigation.
Clapper reportedly secretly leaked salacious political opposition research against Trump to CNN in fall 2017 and later was hired as a CNN political analyst. In February, Brennan was hired as a paid analyst for MSNBC.
There’s been a steady and apparently orchestrated campaign of leaks — some true, some false, but nearly all of them damaging to President Trump’s interests.
A few of the notable leaks include word that Flynn was wiretapped, the anti-Trump “Steele dossier” of political opposition research, then-FBI Director James Comey briefing Trump on it, private Comey conversations with Trump, Comey’s memos recording those conversations and criticizing Trump, the subpoena of Trump’s personal bank records (which proved false) and Flynn planning to testify against Trump (which also proved to be false).
Friends, informants and snoops
The FBI reportedly used one-time CIA operative Stefan Halper in 2016 as an informant to spy on Trump officials.
Another player is Comey friend Daniel Richman, a Columbia University law professor, who leaked Comey’s memos against Trump to The New York Times after Comey was fired. We later learned that Richman actually worked for the FBI under a status called “Special Government Employee.”
The FBI used former reporter Glenn Simpson, his political opposition research firm Fusion GPS, and ex-British spy Christopher Steele to compile allegations against Trump, largely from Russian sources, which were distributed to the press and used as part of wiretap applications.
These eight features of a counterintelligence operation are only the pieces we know. It can be assumed there’s much we don’t yet know. And it may help explain why there’s so much material that the Department of Justice hasn’t easily handed over to congressional investigators.
Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) is an Emmy-award winning investigative journalist, author of The New York Times bestsellers “The Smear” and “Stonewalled,” and host of Sinclair’s Sunday TV program, “Full Measure.”
But there’s a growing appearance of alleged wrongdoing equally as insidious, if not more so, because it implies widespread misuse of America’s intelligence and law enforcement apparatus.
Here are eight signs pointing to a counterintelligence operation deployed against Trump for political reasons.
Code name
The operation reportedly had at least one code name that was leaked to The New York Times: “Crossfire Hurricane.”
Wiretap fever
Secret surveillance was conducted on no fewer than seven Trump associates: chief strategist Stephen Bannon; lawyer Michael Cohen; national security adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn; adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner; campaign chairman Paul Manafort; and campaign foreign policy advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos.
The FBI reportedly applied for a secret warrant in June 2016 to monitor Manafort, Page, Papadopoulos and Flynn. If true, it means the FBI targeted Flynn six months before his much-debated conversation with Russia’s ambassador, Sergey Kislyak.
The FBI applied four times to wiretap Page after he became a Trump campaign adviser starting in July 2016. Page’s office is connected to Trump Tower and he reports having spent “many hours in Trump Tower.”
CNN reported that Manafort was wiretapped before and after the election “including during a period when Manafort was known to talk to President Trump.” Manafort reportedly has a residence in Trump Tower.
- For Mueller, a question of three conflicts
- Facts continue supporting Trump's decision to fire James Comey
- Legal patchwork does little to keep foreign interests out of American politics
Electronic surveillance was used to listen in on three Trump transition officials in Trump Tower — Flynn, Bannon and Kushner — as they met in an official capacity with the United Arab Emirates’ crown prince.
The FBI also reportedly wiretapped Flynn’s phone conversation with Kislyak on Dec. 31, 2016, as part of “routine surveillance” of Kislyak.
NBC recently reported that Cohen, Trump’s personal attorney, was wiretapped. NBC later corrected the story, saying Cohen was the subject of a “pen register” used to monitor phone numbers and, possibly, internet communications.
National security letters
Another controversial tool reportedly used by the FBI to obtain phone records and other documents in the investigation were national security letters, which bypass judicial approval.
Improper use of such letters has been an ongoing theme at the FBI. Reviews by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General found widespread misuse under Mueller — who was then FBI director — and said officials failed to report instances of abuses as required.
“Unmasking” — identifying protected names of Americans captured by government surveillance — was frequently deployed by at least four top Obama officials who have subsequently spoken out against President Trump: James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence; Samantha Power, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations; Susan Rice, former national security adviser; Sally Yates, former deputy attorney general.
Names of Americans caught communicating with monitored foreign targets must be “masked,” or hidden within government agencies, so the names cannot be misused or shared.
However, it’s been revealed that Power made near-daily unmasking requests in 2016.
Prior to that revelation, Clapper claimed ignorance. When asked if he knew of unmasking requests by any ambassador, including Power, he testified: “I don't know. Maybe it's ringing a vague bell but I'm not — I could not answer with any confidence.”
Rice admitted to asking for unmasked names of U.S. citizens in intelligence reports after initially claiming no knowledge of any such thing.
Clapper also admitted to requesting the unmasking of “Mr. Trump, his associates or any members of Congress.” Clapper and Yates admitted they also personally reviewed unmasked documents and shared unmasked material with other officials.
Changing the rules
On Dec. 15, 2016 — the same day the government listened in on Trump officials at Trump Tower — Rice reportedly unmasked the names of Bannon, Kushner and Flynn. And Clapper made a new rule allowing the National Security Agency to widely disseminate surveillance material within the government without the normal privacy protections.
Media strategy
Former CIA Director John Brennan and Clapper, two of the most integral intel officials in this ongoing controversy, have joined national news organizations where they have regular opportunities to shape the news narrative — including on the very issues under investigation.
Clapper reportedly secretly leaked salacious political opposition research against Trump to CNN in fall 2017 and later was hired as a CNN political analyst. In February, Brennan was hired as a paid analyst for MSNBC.
There’s been a steady and apparently orchestrated campaign of leaks — some true, some false, but nearly all of them damaging to President Trump’s interests.
A few of the notable leaks include word that Flynn was wiretapped, the anti-Trump “Steele dossier” of political opposition research, then-FBI Director James Comey briefing Trump on it, private Comey conversations with Trump, Comey’s memos recording those conversations and criticizing Trump, the subpoena of Trump’s personal bank records (which proved false) and Flynn planning to testify against Trump (which also proved to be false).
Friends, informants and snoops
The FBI reportedly used one-time CIA operative Stefan Halper in 2016 as an informant to spy on Trump officials.
Another player is Comey friend Daniel Richman, a Columbia University law professor, who leaked Comey’s memos against Trump to The New York Times after Comey was fired. We later learned that Richman actually worked for the FBI under a status called “Special Government Employee.”
The FBI used former reporter Glenn Simpson, his political opposition research firm Fusion GPS, and ex-British spy Christopher Steele to compile allegations against Trump, largely from Russian sources, which were distributed to the press and used as part of wiretap applications.
These eight features of a counterintelligence operation are only the pieces we know. It can be assumed there’s much we don’t yet know. And it may help explain why there’s so much material that the Department of Justice hasn’t easily handed over to congressional investigators.
Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) is an Emmy-award winning investigative journalist, author of The New York Times bestsellers “The Smear” and “Stonewalled,” and host of Sinclair’s Sunday TV program, “Full Measure.”
First Black Radical Leftist to run for Governor and she could win.
WASHINGTON ABC News — Stacey Abrams easily defeated Stacey Evans in the Georgia Democratic gubernatorial primary Tuesday that attracted national attention.
Now, Abrams will attempt to make history by becoming the nation's first black female governor — and Georgia's first woman governor — by winning the general election in November in a state that Republicans still dominate.
Trump won Georgia by 6 points and the predominant ethnicity in Georgia is Black. Everything you know about Black radicals, she is. Keep in mind, not all Blacks are radical Leftists, and, the nation is trending Right.
Time will tell but she is in the race this coming midterm election cycle.
Now, Abrams will attempt to make history by becoming the nation's first black female governor — and Georgia's first woman governor — by winning the general election in November in a state that Republicans still dominate.
Trump won Georgia by 6 points and the predominant ethnicity in Georgia is Black. Everything you know about Black radicals, she is. Keep in mind, not all Blacks are radical Leftists, and, the nation is trending Right.
Time will tell but she is in the race this coming midterm election cycle.
There are very positives signs for the GOP and the coming election cycle.
According to the Daily Wire, a Left leaning publication, we have the Dems paying dearly for their lies regarding Trump calling immigrants "animals." By now, everyone knows that he was talking about MS 13. Cost to the Dems for this lie?
"A new poll released on Monday from a left-leaning news publication showed that the Democrats are paying dearly for their disastrous week last week where they lied about President Donald Trump's comments regarding violent MS-13 gang members.
The Reuters Poll revealed that the double-digit lead that the Democrats held over Republicans last month in generic ballot voting for the 2018 midterms among registered voters is now completely gone as Republicans have opened up a six-point lead over the Democrats."
Understand that in a typical midterm election following a national election, the incumbent party (the GOP in this case) loses30/40 House seats, on average. Clinton lost 53 in his first midterm, Barack lost 64.
If the coming midterm is "typical," the Dems should be 20 points up on the Generic Ballot, but such is not the case, not even close.
Turns out that a vital aspect in the Dems strategy to take back the House, is California. That state is markely "Blue." The Dems are hoping to win all House seats held by the GOP. Problem: If John Cox gets on the ballot Governor (and he is ahead of the 2nd place Democrat), Republicans turnout will increase for that reason alone. Add to that, the fact that the State is having a civil war, of sorts, over Gov Browns decision to trash ICE, preventing it from enforcing Federal law. This has energized the conservative vote (whether GOP or moderate Democrats), making it most difficult
Understand that if the Dems cannot win back the House, in an election cycle that favors them, historically, that party will imploded. They lost the 2010 midterms in historic fashion. Ditto the 2014 midterms - the most one sided midterm defeat in American history. As regards the national elections, Barack won the 2012 cycle, of course, but gave up 3.5 million votes compared to the 2008 election cycle. Then, of course, the 2016 national election went to the GOP.
Nothing is written in stone, of course, but that "blue wave" election the chattering Dems talk about just might be a low tide election cycle. Time will tell.
"A new poll released on Monday from a left-leaning news publication showed that the Democrats are paying dearly for their disastrous week last week where they lied about President Donald Trump's comments regarding violent MS-13 gang members.
The Reuters Poll revealed that the double-digit lead that the Democrats held over Republicans last month in generic ballot voting for the 2018 midterms among registered voters is now completely gone as Republicans have opened up a six-point lead over the Democrats."
Understand that in a typical midterm election following a national election, the incumbent party (the GOP in this case) loses30/40 House seats, on average. Clinton lost 53 in his first midterm, Barack lost 64.
If the coming midterm is "typical," the Dems should be 20 points up on the Generic Ballot, but such is not the case, not even close.
Turns out that a vital aspect in the Dems strategy to take back the House, is California. That state is markely "Blue." The Dems are hoping to win all House seats held by the GOP. Problem: If John Cox gets on the ballot Governor (and he is ahead of the 2nd place Democrat), Republicans turnout will increase for that reason alone. Add to that, the fact that the State is having a civil war, of sorts, over Gov Browns decision to trash ICE, preventing it from enforcing Federal law. This has energized the conservative vote (whether GOP or moderate Democrats), making it most difficult
Understand that if the Dems cannot win back the House, in an election cycle that favors them, historically, that party will imploded. They lost the 2010 midterms in historic fashion. Ditto the 2014 midterms - the most one sided midterm defeat in American history. As regards the national elections, Barack won the 2012 cycle, of course, but gave up 3.5 million votes compared to the 2008 election cycle. Then, of course, the 2016 national election went to the GOP.
Nothing is written in stone, of course, but that "blue wave" election the chattering Dems talk about just might be a low tide election cycle. Time will tell.
So, we are a better people when we invite MS 13 into our country ??
Democrats like Harris and Pelosi see no difference between illegal immigration and legal immigration. Anyone thinks that makes sense ?
Her posting tells all. She and MS13 are buds.
Immigrants make our communities and our economy stronger. At a time when immigrants have been taken from their families in front of schools and outside courthouses, we must continue to speak out.
724 replies
Keep talking. It’s all you do. Legal Immigrants who obey OUR laws do that. Not illegals and THEY broke the law and any suffering done by their children is their responsibility and not ours!!
Stormy Daniels' lawyer is as amoral as she is:
A U.S. Bankruptcy Court judge on Tuesday ordered Michael Avenatti’s law firm to pay a former colleague $10 million.
The initial dispute stemmed after Jason Frank, who used to work at the Eagan Avenatti law firm, was personally promised by Avenatti to settle the $2 million by May 14. That money was never paid, the court found . . . . read the full article here.
So, he fudged on 2 million and now owes 10 million. 'Nough said on that.
The initial dispute stemmed after Jason Frank, who used to work at the Eagan Avenatti law firm, was personally promised by Avenatti to settle the $2 million by May 14. That money was never paid, the court found . . . . read the full article here.
So, he fudged on 2 million and now owes 10 million. 'Nough said on that.
38 retiring House Republicans -- why this may not be a disaster.
Twenty-one of these 38
retiring Republicans are in districts with a partisan voting index
(PVI) of R+10, while only two are in districts with D+ PVI. Furthermore,
four Democratic representatives in Republican leaning districts are
retiring, further mitigating possible losses.
With the disproportionate number of retirees in safe Republican districts the Republican Party has an unprecedented opportunity. Whoever wins the Republican primaries in these districts will most likely win the general election. With these nearly guaranteed victories, the Republican Party can choose a slate of candidates that includes more females, Hispanics and younger politicians. If the Republicans enact such a strategy, it can be the death blow to the Democratic Party’s use of identity politics.
With the disproportionate number of retirees in safe Republican districts the Republican Party has an unprecedented opportunity. Whoever wins the Republican primaries in these districts will most likely win the general election. With these nearly guaranteed victories, the Republican Party can choose a slate of candidates that includes more females, Hispanics and younger politicians. If the Republicans enact such a strategy, it can be the death blow to the Democratic Party’s use of identity politics.
Here is proof of the FBI working with the street to take down the President of the United State.
BREAKING: E-mails Show FBI Brass Discussed Dossier Briefing Details With CNN
New e-mails show former FBI deputy
director Andrew McCabe was surprisingly knowledgeable about CNN's
understanding of and deliberation about a dossier briefing given to
Donald Trump days before CNN ever reported on the matter.
One of many silly questions from the Left Out Ones.
The case is young... and productive. If Trump is innocent, why is he so hostile to the investigators?
~ submitted to this blog by the very cowardly "anonymous."
Why? Because Trump realizes there is so much to be done and undone. This "investigation" is all about preventing Trump from destroying the Progressive accomplishments under Obama. Time has already past to end this idiocy.
~ submitted to this blog by the very cowardly "anonymous."
Why? Because Trump realizes there is so much to be done and undone. This "investigation" is all about preventing Trump from destroying the Progressive accomplishments under Obama. Time has already past to end this idiocy.
Case closed. End of story.
Wednesday, the NY Times admitted to this:
A year and a half later, no public evidence has surfaced connecting Mr. Trump's (sic - its President Trump) advisers to the hacking or linking Mr. Trump himself to the Russian government's disruptive efforts.
A year and a half later, no public evidence has surfaced connecting Mr. Trump's (sic - its President Trump) advisers to the hacking or linking Mr. Trump himself to the Russian government's disruptive efforts.
So, the FBI DID spy on Trump.
In Huge Disappointment, the FBI’s Super-Secret Trump Informant Turns Out to Be . . . Stefan Halper
Not sure why this is a "huge disappointment." The revelation confirms the fact that the FBI had a spy in and round the Trump campaign . . . something first exposed by Trump more than a year ago.
Since the Domestic Russian Media (aka "Marxist Media") can't overlook any opportunity to bash Trump --
Maybe "Melanie" is a misspelling. Maybe it is what Donald calls his wife at times. Maybe absolutely no one cares what the Russian Media is saying. All I know for certain is just how much of classless cabal the Democrat Subversives have become.
This week they made an issue out of this nothing tweet by Trump, defended the terrorist organization, Hamas, and defended MS13 as having social value rather being the heartless animals they are.
And they expect to win elections with this rhetorical crap. Ain't going to happen.

Anyone believe this hadline ? Well, maybe George Will.
Asha Rangappa / Washington Post:
The FBI didn't use an informant to go after Trump. They used one to protect him. President Trump and his allies are outraged at reports that the FBI used an “informant” to spy on Trump’s 2016 campaign. “Really bad stuff!” the president tweeted early Friday.
Supporters of the White House claim the FBI’s reported tactics were
illegal. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.)
has even subpoenaed the Justice Department for information on who the informant might have been; department and FBI officials say public disclosures of this kind could put sources in danger.
Editor: Understand that the FBI functions by its own rules. After all, it is run almost exclusively by lawyers. Another name for "lawyer" is "word smith." The job of a lawyer is to discover the perimeters of an investigation or the rhetoric of a prosecution, and try to figure out a way to impose a verdict involving those issues. In the case of Trump versus Mueller, this game is about public perception and words . . . . to the exclusion of real-time facts that go directly to the issue(s) at hand . . . . without explanation other than contextual. None of that exists in this case.
Look, after 15 months, Ken Star had a case for impeachment versus Clinton. After 15 months with Mueller, that is not the case versus Trump. After 15 months, Mueller has announced that there will be no indictment of the President in the near term. In fact, after 15 months, there still is no criminal investigation of Trump, nor, is he a target of the investigation. No one has "flipped."
No Russian has come forward to accuse Trump. There are no email pronouncements. In other words, there is nothing.
I mentioned "word smith" at the top. Clearly, word smithing is where this Mueller investigation has gone. Apparently, they are no long denying an FBI secret survey of the Trump campaign . . . . entirely too evidence to the contrary. So, now, they are admitting that "they were there . . . . . inside the Trump Campaign, but only because he was being falsely accused." Like I said, does anyone actually believe that garbage?
Editor: Understand that the FBI functions by its own rules. After all, it is run almost exclusively by lawyers. Another name for "lawyer" is "word smith." The job of a lawyer is to discover the perimeters of an investigation or the rhetoric of a prosecution, and try to figure out a way to impose a verdict involving those issues. In the case of Trump versus Mueller, this game is about public perception and words . . . . to the exclusion of real-time facts that go directly to the issue(s) at hand . . . . without explanation other than contextual. None of that exists in this case.
Look, after 15 months, Ken Star had a case for impeachment versus Clinton. After 15 months with Mueller, that is not the case versus Trump. After 15 months, Mueller has announced that there will be no indictment of the President in the near term. In fact, after 15 months, there still is no criminal investigation of Trump, nor, is he a target of the investigation. No one has "flipped."
No Russian has come forward to accuse Trump. There are no email pronouncements. In other words, there is nothing.
I mentioned "word smith" at the top. Clearly, word smithing is where this Mueller investigation has gone. Apparently, they are no long denying an FBI secret survey of the Trump campaign . . . . entirely too evidence to the contrary. So, now, they are admitting that "they were there . . . . . inside the Trump Campaign, but only because he was being falsely accused." Like I said, does anyone actually believe that garbage?
22 school shootings this year, alone ???? Not even close. Here are the facts versus CNN reporting:
Every shooting is an act of evil. But this statistic is plainly untrue. CNN used the following parameters for their count:
When the Marxsts quote the number 33,000 gun deaths each year, that number includes 21,000 suicides, and , 10,000 gang shootings each year. You do the math.
- A shooting that involved at least one person being shot (not including the shooter)
- A shooting that occurred on school grounds
- We included grades K through college/university level
- We included gang violence, fights and domestic violence
- We included accidental discharge of a firearm as long as the first two parameters are met
- April 12, Rayton, MO: Someone fired a gun in the parking lot of a track meet, and a man was wounded.
- April 9, Globersville, NY: A student shot another student with a BB gun.
- March 13, Seaside, CA: A teacher accidentally discharged a firearm during a public safety class. No one was killed.
- March 8, Mobile, AL: A non-student was shot at an apartment on the University of South Alabama campus.
- March 7, Birmingham, AL: Two students were shot accidentally during dismissal time at a school.
- March 7, Jackson, MS: A student was shot at a dorm at Jackson State University.
- March 2, Mount Pleasant, WA: Two non-students were shot at a dorm at Central Michigan University – and police blamed a domestic dispute.
- February 27, Norfolk, VA: A student at Norfolk State University was apparently accidentally shot from an adjacent dorm room.
- February 27, Itta Bena, MS: A non-student was shot at a recreation center at Mississippi Valley State University.
- February 24, Savannah, GA: A non-student shooter shot a non-student victim on the Savannah State University campus.
- February 9, Nashville, TN: A 14-year-old shot a 17-year-old in a targeted murder attempt in a parking lot of a school.
- February 5, Oxon Hill, MD: Two teenagers shot a third teenager in a robbery attempt outside a school.
- February 1, Los Angeles, CA: A 12-year-old girl accidentally shot two 15-year-olds.
- January 31, Philadelphia, PA: A 32-year-old non-student was shot outside a high school after a fight.
- January 20, Winston Salem, NC: A college football player was shot to death on campus at a party.
When the Marxsts quote the number 33,000 gun deaths each year, that number includes 21,000 suicides, and , 10,000 gang shootings each year. You do the math.
FBI: We used informates, not spies. Seriously? What's the difference?
New York Times:
F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims
— WASHINGTON — President Trump accused the F.B.I. on Friday, without
evidence, of sending a spy to secretly infiltrate his 2016 campaign
Editor: Good grief. This is exactly like saying, "No that is not your mother. It is only the woman who gave birth to you." Or, "No, the envelop is not empty, it just doesn't have anything in it." Or, "No, that car is not following you, it just does not want you to get out of its sights."
Look, its not that they think we are this stupid. Rather, it is that THEY are that stupid.
Editor: Good grief. This is exactly like saying, "No that is not your mother. It is only the woman who gave birth to you." Or, "No, the envelop is not empty, it just doesn't have anything in it." Or, "No, that car is not following you, it just does not want you to get out of its sights."
Look, its not that they think we are this stupid. Rather, it is that THEY are that stupid.
This exposes just how ignorant of the facts is the Daily Beast
Tom Coleman / The Daily Beast:
It's Not a Liberal Fantasy to Ask if Trump Committed Treason
Editor: This exposes just how ignorant of the facts is the Daily Beast. Its not treason if there is no declared war. So "yes," it is a Democrat fantasy. In fact, there isn't even a crime, here, much less treason.
Editor: This exposes just how ignorant of the facts is the Daily Beast. Its not treason if there is no declared war. So "yes," it is a Democrat fantasy. In fact, there isn't even a crime, here, much less treason.
THIS IS HUGE: The FBI violated CRIMINAL LAW in its handling of the Hillary investigation . . . . . . Duh
BREAKING: IG Horowitz Found “Reasonable Grounds” FBI Violated FEDERAL CRIMINAL LAW in Bureau’s Handling of Hillary Investigation
Editor: I am positive that the IG report, when released, will hit both sides of the Trump/Democrat debate. Its just that up until now, the Dems have been completely left out of the mix when, in fact, they are [also] as guilty as hell.
Question: What if they are the only ones guilty of criminal conduct in all this mess?
Here is a headline that will frost your turnips:
Deep State FBI Started Spying on Mike Flynn for $45,000 Russian Speech — But NOT on Bill Clinton for $500,000 Russian Speech
No explanation exists for this realty or the obvious bias it represents . . . . except to argue that the Left is always right and the Right is always dangerous.
This is why 70 million Americans will vote for Trump in 2020.
The ineptness of the Mueller effort to impeach President Trump in review:
There is no indictment without a crime. we have been told on several occasions that Trump is not a target of a criminal investigation . . . . period. How can this be?
The Russians began their effort to influence our elections in 2014, long before Trump entered the race for president. Their efforts continued non-stop and without enlisting the help of Trump. Of course, we know that Hillary did take advantage of Russian influence peddling, hence the Steele Dossier.
More than this, The Hillary Campaign, at the time she demanded that Trump honor the election outcome should he lose, had already plotted to frame Trump with the Russian collusion scheme while, at the same time, refusing to accept the 2016 election outcome.
The Dems were convinced they could find something they could twist to "prove" their point. 17 months later, nothing.
In the mean time, 9 members of FBI's 7th Floor have either been indicted, fired, or moved to other positions due to malfeasance. The Steele Dossier has been debunked. Mueller has indicted 23 individuals or entities, 16 of which are in Russia (kind of silly) with only 7 individuals in this country . . . . and none of them tied to the Democrat fairytale of collusion or obstruction. No one has flipped on Trump and the investigations for six of the seven under indictment have been closed. Somewhere between 10 and 30 million dollars has been spent.
Don Jr. appeared before the Senate subcommittee last week, and, was interviewed for 5 stinking hours concerning a 20 minute meeting two years ago. He answered every question. The committee has no plans to bring him back.
As a result of the Mueller probe, we now know that the FBI has been spying on the President since the 2016 campaign; that Obama's Deep State unmasked more than 500 individual in 2016 , and, has refused to justify this illegal collection of data. Clearly, the intent was for use in the ongoing effort to subvert the current duly elected government.
There is so much more. Suffice it to say that the prob is nothing less than an effort to stage a quiet coup, taking down all of the current Administration and replacing it with the Hillary people. Obviously, this did not work, and the Dems are left holding the bag, with nowhere to run and hide.
The Russians began their effort to influence our elections in 2014, long before Trump entered the race for president. Their efforts continued non-stop and without enlisting the help of Trump. Of course, we know that Hillary did take advantage of Russian influence peddling, hence the Steele Dossier.
More than this, The Hillary Campaign, at the time she demanded that Trump honor the election outcome should he lose, had already plotted to frame Trump with the Russian collusion scheme while, at the same time, refusing to accept the 2016 election outcome.
The Dems were convinced they could find something they could twist to "prove" their point. 17 months later, nothing.
In the mean time, 9 members of FBI's 7th Floor have either been indicted, fired, or moved to other positions due to malfeasance. The Steele Dossier has been debunked. Mueller has indicted 23 individuals or entities, 16 of which are in Russia (kind of silly) with only 7 individuals in this country . . . . and none of them tied to the Democrat fairytale of collusion or obstruction. No one has flipped on Trump and the investigations for six of the seven under indictment have been closed. Somewhere between 10 and 30 million dollars has been spent.
Don Jr. appeared before the Senate subcommittee last week, and, was interviewed for 5 stinking hours concerning a 20 minute meeting two years ago. He answered every question. The committee has no plans to bring him back.
As a result of the Mueller probe, we now know that the FBI has been spying on the President since the 2016 campaign; that Obama's Deep State unmasked more than 500 individual in 2016 , and, has refused to justify this illegal collection of data. Clearly, the intent was for use in the ongoing effort to subvert the current duly elected government.
There is so much more. Suffice it to say that the prob is nothing less than an effort to stage a quiet coup, taking down all of the current Administration and replacing it with the Hillary people. Obviously, this did not work, and the Dems are left holding the bag, with nowhere to run and hide.
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