Rebecca Onion, at, wrote this headline and gave
us that test. Two comments: first,
the test could not be easier and,
(2), the South was controlled and
ruled by Democrats, at that time. This was a Democrat ploy. Voter intimidation was a Democrat strategy
and this test came from the mind of those within the Democrat Party, we hated blacks.
Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality.
Obama continues to pretend he wants an immigration bill he could have had without a fight . . . . . and the foolish stand in line waiting for the parade.
Editor: So this clown spends four years trashing the
GOP, refusing to meet with its leadership, disgracing them in every
speech, and now, he acts as if he has some sort of influence when
he issues a directive "to get things down by such and such deadline."
Understand that the only reason we are dealing with immigration,
today, is because he wanted this to be continuing election issue.
I know this, beyond any doubt, because in 2008, he
promised "to get immigration done" in his first year. Knowing that he had a
super-majority in both houses of congress, that the GOP could not amend a bill written by Democrats much less stop its passage, he chose to do
nothing with regards to his promise.
And the Hispanic leadership bought his lies and excuses.
Today they blame the GOP. I ask you this: do we really need a
population so ignorant of political process that they have no idea what is
going on . . . . . . do we need them in the GOP? Good
grief. What a bunch of losers.
What is amazing is that Obama is still up to his old tricks, pretending to want something that he could have had without a fight, and his legion of followers happily jump into line and praise his name.
Sarah on Facebook blasts the RINO Herd and suggests she is not far from leaving the GOP.
Update: 3,552,989 liked this.
Please take a look at the article linked below to understand how the amnesty bill the Senate passed yesterday is a sad betrayal of working class Americans of every ethnicity who will see their wages lowered and their upward mobility lowered too. And yet we still do not have a secured border. This Senate-approved amnesty bill rewards lawbreakers and won’t solve any problems – as the CBO report notes that millions of more illegal immigrants will continue to flood the U.S. in coming years.
Great job, GOP establishment. You’ve just abandoned the Reagan Democrats with this amnesty bill, and we needed them to “enlarge that tent” of which you so often speak. It’s depressing to consider that the House of Representatives is threatening to pass some version of this nonsensical bill in the coming weeks.
Once again, I’ll point out the obvious to you: it was the loss of working class voters in swing states that cost us the 2012 election, not the Hispanic vote. Legal immigrants respect the rule of law and can see how self-centered a politician must be to fill this amnesty bill with favors, earmarks, and crony capitalists’ pork, and call it good. You disrespect Hispanics with your assumption that they desire ignoring the rule of law.
Please take a look at the article linked below to understand how the amnesty bill the Senate passed yesterday is a sad betrayal of working class Americans of every ethnicity who will see their wages lowered and their upward mobility lowered too. And yet we still do not have a secured border. This Senate-approved amnesty bill rewards lawbreakers and won’t solve any problems – as the CBO report notes that millions of more illegal immigrants will continue to flood the U.S. in coming years.
Great job, GOP establishment. You’ve just abandoned the Reagan Democrats with this amnesty bill, and we needed them to “enlarge that tent” of which you so often speak. It’s depressing to consider that the House of Representatives is threatening to pass some version of this nonsensical bill in the coming weeks.
Once again, I’ll point out the obvious to you: it was the loss of working class voters in swing states that cost us the 2012 election, not the Hispanic vote. Legal immigrants respect the rule of law and can see how self-centered a politician must be to fill this amnesty bill with favors, earmarks, and crony capitalists’ pork, and call it good. You disrespect Hispanics with your assumption that they desire ignoring the rule of law.
[Understand that the total Hispanic vote is less than 8% of the total electoral vote. She is correct. The GOP did not lose the election because of the Hispanic vote. ~ blog editor]
Folks like me are barely hanging on to our enlistment papers in any political party – and it’s precisely because flip-flopping political actions like amnesty force us to ask how much more bull from both the elephants in the Republican Party and the jackasses in the Democrat Party we have to swallow before these political machines totally abandon the average commonsense hardworking American. Now we turn to watch the House. If they bless this new “bi-partisan” hyper-partisan devastating plan for amnesty, we’ll know that both private political parties have finally turned their backs on us. It will then be time to show our parties’ hierarchies what we think of being members of either one of these out-of-touch, arrogant, and dysfunctional political machines.
- Sarah Palin
Folks like me are barely hanging on to our enlistment papers in any political party – and it’s precisely because flip-flopping political actions like amnesty force us to ask how much more bull from both the elephants in the Republican Party and the jackasses in the Democrat Party we have to swallow before these political machines totally abandon the average commonsense hardworking American. Now we turn to watch the House. If they bless this new “bi-partisan” hyper-partisan devastating plan for amnesty, we’ll know that both private political parties have finally turned their backs on us. It will then be time to show our parties’ hierarchies what we think of being members of either one of these out-of-touch, arrogant, and dysfunctional political machines.
- Sarah Palin
Palin blasts Rubio; likens him to Judas
Text and layout from You should know that Obama knew, full well, that he has helped to down grade Rubio's chances at running for president in attempting to buddy-up to him.
After reports that President Obama called Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) to congratulate him on the passage of the immigration reform bill in the Senate – Rubio did not answer the call – former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) blasted Rubio:

Try to find a current article on the Web about the NSA leak scandal. Here are the first two pages of a Google search on "NSA leaks." Obama has ordered a military block-aid of all such news articles. A "first" in American history . . . . and the military is his willing slave.
Blackout: Defense Department Blocks All Articles About NSA Leaks ...
8 hours ago – If any website posts information deemed classified, it will be blocked.Defense Officials Indicate NSA Leaks Have Had Consequences : NPR
US Army Block Access To The Guardian's Website Over NSA Leaks
US Army restricts access to Guardian website over secrets in NSA ...
16 hours agoKeep up with the news by installing RT's extension for . ... NSA leaks ... that access to The Guardian ...
Obama's win-lose Supreme Court record is the worst in American history . . . . . . . thought he was some sort of Constitutional expert. Apparently not.
You should know that in a PDF record, we learn that the Federal Government’s
historical win-lose record in the High Court is 70%. Now that we have a “constitutional expert” in
Hussein Obama, we would expect that
record to improve, or, at least, hold its own as regards historical comparisons. But that is not the case.
Obama’s Administration’s misuse of the US Constitution is
front and center when his record is documented.
In the 24 Court decisions involving the Obama Administration, 15 were decided against this Administration
and several of those were by 9-0 margins.
His winning percentage is 37%,
nearly half the winning average of his processors.
Even in some of his “victories,” the Court’s
decision was not absolute. For
example, we all know that the Court
upheld ObamaCare as a tax on the people.
What many do not know, is that
the Court, in this decision, also determined that the several states could
not be forced to receive Medicare patients coming to them because of
ObamaCare, nor could the several states
be penalized in any way for refusing to set up or run the state insurance
exchanges mandated under ObamaCare. As a
result, 33 states have refused to
participate in the “exchange” process at any level. As a result,
ObamaCare, scheduled to be up and functioning by October of this
year, will not meet that deadline. In fact,
no one knows when these exchanges will be functional.
point? Even in “victory,” Obama’s track record with the High Court is
the worst in American history. His record indicates one of the most abusive Administrations of all time, abusive in its blatant disregard for Constitutional Law.
The Supreme Court's decision on Prop 8 and federal benefits paid to gay couples put into context.
The recent
Supreme Court decision, detailed in the news
release below, is no big deal, in and of itself. It simply orders the qualification for
federal benefits to gay couples. Most of
those benefits were available to gays as individuals. The decision does not order gay
marriage, nation wide but might be a
first step in that direction.
Look, gays constitute not more than 3% of the
population. Our genetic code in 97% of
the remaining population dictates heterosexual behavior . . . . . . nothing these folks can do about that.
The High
Courts decision as to California’s Prop 8 decision is far more concerning. The people of California passed Prop 8 by
nearly 70% of the vote, but the Democrat
controlled state leaders, along with the
State’s Attorney General, refused to
defend the law when it went to court. In
refusing to hear the case, the Supreme
Court determined that the “people of California” have no legal standing to
challenge the State’s action.
Understand that all a Democrat congress has to do to oppose the will of
the people is to refuse to enforce the law.
If they do, according to the
Supremes, the people have no legal
recourse. Still think we are free to
govern ourselves?
(Reuters) – The Supreme Court’s ruling on Wednesday
that same-sex couples are eligible for federal benefits will mean more gays and
lesbians can reap the benefits of President Barack Obama’s healthcare
overhaul that take effect January 1, advocates say. In a landmark decision, the court effectively
legalized same-sex marriage in California and struck down Section 3 of the
Defense of Marriage Act, which denied same-sex couples federal benefits such as
The Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act already bans discrimination in health
coverage based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The law, known as
“Obamacare,” was passed in 2010 and upheld by the Supreme Court nearly a year
With the
Supreme Court decision, same-sex couples who live in states that recognize them
can apply for the law’s tax subsidies, meant to offset healthcare costs, as a
couple rather than as two individuals, said Tim Jost, a health law expert and
law professor at Washington and Lee University. This will help the law reach more
people, he added.
Obama threatens those who would shelter Snowden, and then, Thursday, backs down from those warnings . . . . . just like we ALL knew he would.
Take it to the bank, “capitulation”
is the center piece to Obama’s foreign policy when it comes to dealing with
strong and evil. Just three days
ago, Obama was telling Russian, China and Ecuador, “You had better think seriously about what
you are doing” in not surrendering Snowden to US authorities. Implied threats were abundant, while those of us at home, were wondering just what he meant with such
threatening tones. We already knew that
the “red line” in Syria meant nothing to Obama
. . . . . just talk and nothing
more. In addition to this failure, he walked away from a victory in Iraq, making a mockery of the Statis of Forces Treatise we had with that country and has allowed Iraq to be over run with Iranian jihadists. More than this, he fought a losing war in Afghanistan, sending 1,500 troops to their deaths for absolutely nothing.
And now, his most recent threats
have melted away; Obama pretending that
Mr. Snowden was just another “hacker.” No doubt,
someone in his staff, realized
that the Administration has done nothing to reset relationships with the
Russians; that it snubbed China’s First
Couple two weeks ago; that it has
absolutely no leverage whatsoever. As an
American, I am thoroughly embarrassed as
I watch this know nothing issue empty threats as if our enemies can see the cowardice in his bluster.
"I am interested in making sure that the rules of
extradition are obeyed," said Obama. "Now, we don't have an
extradition treaty with Russia, which makes it more complicated. You don't have
to have an extradition treaty to resolve some of these issues. There have been
some useful conversations that have taken place between the United States
government and the Russian government, and my continued expectation is that
Russia or other countries that have talked about potentially providing Mr.
Snowden asylum recognize that they are part of an international community and
that they should be abiding by international law. And we'll continue to press
them as hard as we can to make sure that they do so. But let me -- one last
thing because you asked the final question. No, I'm not going to be scrambling
jets to get a 29-year-old hacker."
Obama went on to argue that we have important and deep
financial ties to China and Russia and implied that it would be silly to put
those “relationships” in doubt for the sake of Mr. Snowden.
Understand that Snowden is not a hacker. He worked for the NSA and stole hundreds if
not thousands of secret documents,
detailing all those who are being spied upon by the United States, including all of its citizenry.
The minority party in Texas, currently, is the Democrat Party. Because they lost the last election and are not the elected majority, they clearly believe they have the right rule by means of anarchy.
Remember Wisconsin and those Democrat politicians who ran
across the Illinois border in an effort to shut down State government ?
Mob rule was their tactic. In the end, it did not work,
but they abandoned the legislative process in favor of anarchy.
Yesterday, in Texas, these same Democrat
Anarchists chanted and cheered until the Texas State Congress had to dismiss for
the day, preventing a scheduled vote. Nothing wrong with
filibuster, but mob rule and anarchy are not acceptable, especially in a
nation of law's and a certain level of collective intelligence.
They (the Marxist Social Order among us) boycott businesses to the point of ruin,
businesses that stand against their socialist/One World/secular agenda.
When they had the opportunity for one party rule (2009-2010), that was exactly
what they did, forgetting their complaints against one party rule during
the Bush years. Of course, there was no one party rule, back
then, but they whined and complained, anyway. And,
again, when they had the opportunity to legally ignore the other
party, because of the 2008 election, they did so. One party
rule is not wrong if practiced by the nation's socialist/communist/Marxist
alliance that is ruining this nation. "They" do not believe in
compromise, unless it can extracted from the other party. And, sadly, they will use a compromised media, mob rule, physical threats, intentional lies and deception, boycotts, and street riots, to get their way.
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