FYI Mosol was recaptured by Trump's military proving . . . .

Preface:  It should be a disqualifier when known that a candidate for president is a pacifist to any degree.    After all,  he/she is running to be Commander in Chief of the most effective military force in the world. 

FYI:  Mosol was recaptured by Trump's military proving the value of a disciplined military run by military leaders rather than by lawyers and idealists who have no clue and do not mind sacrificing our soldiers for the sake of the greater good. 

The estimate for Mosol's return was [maybe] a year from now  . . . . .   maybe two years   . . . . .    instead of six months and done.  

When war is controlled by idealists/pacifists,  you have the mess we saw in Iraq (Obama surrendering victory for the sake of bragging that he took out of war,  that because of him,  the world is more at peace than ever before) and the whatever in the hell he was doing in Afghanistan.  At the end of his tyranny,  we still had 9,800 troops in Iraq plus over 25,000 contractors (per Congressional Research Service)  ,  and,   8,400 (per NPR)  in Afghanistan.  That's 18.2 million troops.