Michelle Obama, as radicalized as her Marxist bound husband, is asking for children to correct their parents and grandparents.

Michelle on the stump, ordering
kids to challenge their parents. 

Understand that children have no ability to make objective political decisions, so why is Michelle Obama telling them to "get out the vote?"   No shame,  No shame - blog editor. 

"I mean, I can’t tell you in the last election how many grandparents I ran into who said, I wasn’t going to vote for Barack Obama until my grandson talked to me, until my great-grandson talked to me, and talked about the future he wanted for this country.

You can get out there with your parents. You guys can knock on doors. I had one young lady who brought me a petition — she’s already working. You can convince wrong people. Sometimes we don’t listen to ourselves, but we will listen to our children."


  1. Thanks for proving my point. I don't know who you are trying to convice maybe just your fellow racist, bigoted, hate-mongerers. But last I checked YOU don't speak for America, so shut up and stop acting like you do.

    Un-qualified, divisive, anti-American president of our time???

    I think you're referring to GW.

    As far as spending goes, I suggest you Google Obama’s and Bush’s effects on the deficit in one graph, you'll be surprised at the results.

    And as far as your "Marxist, Community Agitator" comment, that is simply overblown rhetoric. Do you even know what a Marxist is? Go talk to a socialist, any socialist. They'll tell you Obama is no Marxist.

    I'll say it again, Obama policies have not failed. He is not a Marxist, and not an agitator. He is a constitutional scholar who saved the country from collapse, while being pounded on by republicans who only care about expanding the gap between haves and have nots.

    The fools being played are those who take the lies of fox news as fact.

    Obama has done a great job despite strong efforts to destroy him. He is saving the country not trying to destroy it. How foolish to think a man who benefitted from the country and dedicated his life to the study of its laws would want to destroy it. It is just lunacy to think that Obama is evil.

    do you have even one shred of real evidence that would support your claim that Obama is a Muslim and a Communist? I'll help you. THERE IS NONE!

    If you have ever lived in a foreign country there are many things there that you take note of and like. Just because Obama liked the sound of the Muezzin at dawn proves nothing, other than the fact that he liked that sound. How does that Prove he is a Muslim. Your "evidence" would be quickly thrown out of any court in this country, it does not boast of fact, merely of interpretation and opinion and both of those things are never held up in any court of law. Obama is NOT a Muslim.

    ME, Obama is neither stupid nor lying about the Healthcare Mandate. How easily the bigoted right forgets that there were at least five judges who deemed "Obamacare" Constitutional
    Obviously you people on deem ti "Unconstitutional" because you don't like it.

    I think at the point, its pretty clear that racism is rampant in the GOP. And I think it always was. It just took a Black man becoming president to bring it back to the surface. Here's the proof


    is anything but a Socialist. He stands to the Right of Eisenhower and is trying very hard to save American Capitalism from its own stupidity. the racist right call Obama a marxist, a socialist, a Communist, a muslim because they can’t call him a Ni@@er! That’s what they mean! They can’t stand having a black in office. that this the cold hard truth!


  2. And so goes the argument of a fool. You, Madam, are part of the problem. Obama is not a liberal Democrat nor is he a centrist, unless, there is such a thing as a centrist, no borders, one world, anti-colonialist administrator.

    I have no idea why you argue that "Obama is not a Muslim." I have never made this a charge against. What I do know is this: he is not a Christian.

    I was no fan of Eisenhower, but then, I was only a 10 year kid. I do know that Eisenhower almost hated the conservative Right of his day and I will leave it at that. Your claim that Obama is to the right of Eisenhower is laughable, however.

    As far as the arguments against ObamaCare. Apparently you didn't listen to the governments point man before the Supreme Court. His efforts were condemned by analysts on both sides of the aisle. How come you do not know this?
